Can you FEEL your hair growing?


New Member
This might sound weird but I think I can. After I take my vitamins especially. It could all be in my mind but I know that I feel something happening on my scalp. How about you? Do you ever feel your scalp reacting? I think this tells me that something is working. I oiled my scalp with Sulfer 8 (this happens a couple hours after I oil my scalp with S8 too) last night and at work today and right NOW I JUST FELT IT AGAIN but this time it was closer to my crown. Today at work I felt it on the back left side and then 20min later on the right.

I know im not goin crazy. I like feeling my hair growing. Literally. :grin:
I, and many others, experienced this when taking large quantities of biotin (I was taking 5mg a day). It was weird, like little insects were running on my scalp. I was forever scratching my head :lol:
Just a question but how do you know this is "feeling your hair grow" as opposed to scalp irritation or just in general scalp stimulation? I dont think I could ever believe I "feel" my hair growing. Maybe its just me...
carletta said:
same here! It feels like your scalp is crawing !

Yep, which leads me to itch like crazy. I've experienced this more since using MTG. Ooooooh gotta little itch right now as it goes........oooooooooooh
maybe it is stimulation cuz my hair does NOT itch after i feel it. so as i said i might sound crazy.....but i have never felt this before so maybe thats why i had to ask. anyhoo HHG
yeah i feel it too. the crawling thingy. umm i havent taken my vits in 2 weeks. dang, i just need to get up ajnd swllow those thingies so i can feel the crawling once again

I feel like my scalp starts inching out of no where

I feels like I can feel the hairs, in chuncks, literally moving out of my scalp

glad I'm not the only one :lachen:
That is the most silliest question I have ever heard. No, I cannot feel my hair growing whatsoever and my hair grows in fast. And when I feel like there are bugs crawling all over my scalp it means that its time to get my butt in the shower and wash my head, period.

Last relaxer touchup: July 5th, 2005
Next relaxer touchup: September 5th, 2005
Current hair style till touchup time: Cornrows (with no extentions),
MTG challenge for 6 weeks.
Hair type and texture: 4b thick and course
Ultimate hair goal for 2005: 5 inches past brastrap by December
Current hair length: 2 inches past brastrap (blown out and trimmed)

New pics of my cornrows!
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Diane71 said:
That is the most silliest question I have ever heard. No, I cannot feel my hair growing whatsoever and my hair grows in fast. And when I feel like there are bugs crawling all over my scalp it means that its time to get my butt in the shower and wash my head, period.


I think some ladies really are on these hair message boards wayyyyyy too long if they believe they can FEEL their hair grow!
there is no need for anyone to call the question silly or knock anyone down. SO WHAT we said we FEEL our hair growing. Thats what we feel. You dont? ok then. Move on. No need to post. Damn, cant someone get excited about their hair w/o someone else pullin them down? And no my hair is not dirty when I FEEL my hair "getting stimulated" *key word: feel* I did mention that I feel it the most after I take my vits.
The human body is an amazing! What affects one person does not necessarily affect everyone, if someone can feel their hair growing then they can feel their hair growing. I don't think that an itchy scalp is due to inadequate hygiene on average most members wash their hair between every 3 to 14 days, sometimes especially in the hot weather it can be due to growth spurts or ingredients in products stimulating the scalp.

Ladies we need to respect each other and our individual experiences, not knock each other. At the end of the day we all visit this forum to learn from each other.

MeechUK said:
The human body is an amazing! What affects one person does not necessarily affect everyone, if someone can feel their hair growing then they can feel their hair growing. I don't think that an itchy scalp is due to inadequate hygiene on average most members wash their hair between every 3 to 14 days, sometimes especially in the hot weather it can be due to growth spurts or ingredients in products stimulating the scalp.

Ladies we need to respect each other and our individual experiences, not knock each other. At the end of the day we all visit this forum to learn from each other.
MeechUK said:

I agree with this statement. I have never seen a member respond to someone in that tone before. :eek: Personally I can not say that I have ever felt my hair growing. That just has not been my experience. But, that is what makes this board so great, you know, all of the diffrent experiences that others have had. Otherwise what would be the point of coming here to Learn if everybody was a photocopy or responded reacted exactly the way I do to various products :yep:
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You're not going crazy, and I don't think that it was the "most silliest" question :lol: I remember the biotin craze that made me decide to try biotin. See this thread on PP biotin (it's really long, but you can just skim and see the general idea). A lot of people were feeling scalp action they hadn't felt with other supplements/products. Of course we don't know if it was literally the feeling of the hair emerging from the follicle :lol: but just like you said in your original post, something was going on :yep: HHG