Can You DC while in Braids and How long do you keep yours in?!


New Member
I'm Protective styling to grow my hair back from a setback and I chose to do so with braids. I haven't had them in years so this is like trying to ride a bike after a long time of driving a car LOL

I want to know how do you DC your hair while in braids?!
Also How Long should I keep them in?

Mine are in medium sized braids, they are long and with synthetic hair (itchy!)
I made sure she did not do them tight my hairline is not tight, not a single braid is now actually and I did them Friday morning and today is Sunday. The first day lawd I could NOT SLEEP my head was so soreee. They werent tight when she did them but that night I was in pain. Today is the first night I can actually say I can lay on my head and not winch! There are no bumps no flaking and all braids look neat. I plan on getting S-cirl tomorrow

I been moisturizing it 3x's a day with Braid Spray and I started MT-ing again last night. I lost the chord to my camera so I just orderd a new one so when that comes I want to take pic's of how much my hair has grown.
You sure can!! The times when I do get braids for any amount of time I make sure to wash and condition. Any conditioner is fine, I usually swithch between protein and moisturizing, the key is working the conditioner well into the roots as well as the braid where it will saturate into your own hair and thouroughly rinse. Whether synethetic or human hair it works, I have done it with both types. You shouldn't be worried about braids slipping out, if they are braided in tight, you should be good. This is how you know you are really taking care of your hair while it is "resting". Also keep it moisturized which is seems you have been doing already.

Good luck and healthy hair to you.
As for how long to keep them, my advice if you don't do the braids yourself or are new to wearing braids is to follow the C&G braid regimen. You can't go wrong with that:

To DC, I just smooth conditioner on a few braids at a time starting from about an inch away from my scalp to the ends of my hair (not the braids). Then I squeeze to allow the conditioner to penetrate the braids (mine are small so penetration is no problem). Then I wear a cap letting the braids hang down and go under a dryer. Or I might just apply conditioner on dry hair and leave on for some time then shampoo out.

Someone asked about frizz, that's inevitable if you're washing your hair often which is why I always encourage folks to learn how to braid their own hair coz you can redo the ones that unravel and start to look unsightly.
Absolutely OP! I don't use extensions, but I have my own hair braided small, and I DC at least 1ce a week, usually more. I moisturise daily and keep my braids in for up to 5 weeks. Its super important to continue nourishing your strands whilst in braids or it can become destructive styling rather than protective when you come to takedown and your hair is breaking from neglect. Good luck, sounds like you are on the right track.
yup, you can DC in braids. i'm just too lazy to, but because of that i'm strict with making sure to spray on the braid spray daily.

i usually end up having them in for 7 weeks, making sure to rebraid the perimeter every 2weeks to save the hairline.
Yup, I DC in braids all the time amongst alot of other stuff. You can check out my you tube channel. Rarely I have a problem with them becoming frizzy. I make sure to either braid them up in 4 big braids after a wash to dry or do a bun and tie them up. I keep them in for 4 months. I dont have a problem with slippage because the girl I go to is good and I make sure not to do alot of tugging and styling to them. Scurl is a great choice. Its a miracle for my braids. It always gives me that moisture boost.

ETA: YouTube Channel
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I too am protective styling using braids right now and this is my second round of braids i got like 2 days ago.

YES you can dc...I would wash my scalp and roots then put the conditioner on my roots and the shaft of the braids to where I could see my hair end and mixed it with water....put a baggie on my head and went to sleep. Id rinse in the morning and wear a towel around my head for a few hours or go to the beach
I DC while in braids (I don't use extensions, see middle siggy pic). While in the braids, I DC at least once a week and apply the DC in sections so all the braids are coated in DC. I leave it in for the usual amount of time.
Yes, you can DC with braids in. It's a really good idea to do so. I do a modified version of my regimen when I'm in braids so I still wash and condition but not as frequently. Of course, the braids get fuzzier quicker but I'd rather that than an itchy scalp and dry hair that is breakage prone come take-down day.

I typically just re-do the hairline, first row of the nape and temples since those areas get the most build-up and it helps the style look neater for longer. The average lifespan of my braids is about 2.5 months.
I DC twice a week, EVERY week! I also add oil (olive oil\mixture of other oils) prior to my DC. I DC on dry hair\using a heating cap. I even wash my hair with Dr. Bronner diluted soap on various days (if I believe I am getting a build-up). On the other days, I co-wash my hair.

I have individual pencil size braids, and I do them myself. I must forwarn anyone, DCing this much will loosen your braids. I am particular about my braids pulling from my roots and not my hair, so I make sure that I DC the second time in a week on a weekend day, so that I have time to perform "rebraiding" action if needed.

This is pretty much considered the Crown~n~Glory method, and I love it! I wish I had known about doing this in my younger years, especially when my hair was APL.

Nevetheless~ I must ask. Is there anyone out there who is like me that gets a rush of washing their hair over the summer months? *whew* I love this! I live in Houston, TX and it gets extremely hot here! When April\May begins to hit and that humidity rises, all I can think of is "get braids~get braids~wash* I kid you not! I will braid my hair on a Friday night, and wash it Saturday morning after my gym workout!

When I was younger, I would wear braid and take them down every 6 weeks with no maintenance in between. Now, heck I can go up to 3+ months wearing and washing braids before I take them down, and rebraid my entire head all over again.

Anyway, HTH...sorry about the rambling *ahhh I'm thinking of it water*
Lol ^

Okay ill DC tonight then yay I'm happý !

I don't know how to braid with extenstions so if this starts looking a HAM ill have to take them down. I don't mind tho, I HATE the itchiness on my neck but I loveee being able to do a high bun and have enough hair so it looks super cute :).

SO likes it too but I told him he can't pull hard, just a light grip:) :lachen:

Thank all of you ladies who responded !!