Can we turn off the stars?

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
I am SICK of looking at the stars on this board. 5 stars, 1 star, WHATEVER, I just don't want to see them. PERIOD. Can one of the owners/mods, etc make it a profile option to enable/disable the ability to see the stars? I'm not asking you to remove them as I'm sure they are enjoyable for many, but i've had enough...
Maybe you could read the board by clicking on "New Posts" up above instead of going to each individual forum. You won't see stars next to the thread titles, only when you go into the thread, so it's less noticeable.

I don't mind the stars at all, though. They just have zero effect on me.
Maybe you could read the board by clicking on "New Posts" up above instead of going to each individual forum. You won't see stars next to the thread titles, only when you go into the thread, so it's less noticeable.

I don't mind the stars at all, though. They just have zero effect on me.

Thanks for the tip:)