Can we or can we not advertise/publicize blogs/websites?


Well-Known Member
I am confused by this because there was a thread a while back where a girl posted that she had created a blog and wanted to share, and in it, was told that she was not allowed to use the forum to advertise for her blog. However, there are people who start threads that, in eseence, do the same thing by posting links to blog entries they have written, and no one seems to oppose this. Is there some sort of explicit, written rule about this? Not attacking anyone, but it just seems like a double standard thing.
The rules are simple:

You cannot advertise on this site and cannot post links etc. to gain profit from it. An example of an advertisement would be a 'get rich website' link in one's signature.

We do not want to remove all the outside linking to other sites. This will remove a lot of the value in the content that this community has to offer. So:

You CAN link to a blog you own in your signature so long as the said blog DOES NOT have any form of advertising (ads, affiliate links etc.) If it does then you will be banned. Simple as that. An example is your blog in your signature. It is your own corner where you discuss items you want to discuss and does not have any ads.

Clicking the report post button or sending us a PM or opening a ticket in the support area would greatly help in reducing the instances that this happens.

So long as it is not for profit it is OK.

Online photo album is OK so long as it does not advertise anything, ebay store - no since the ultimate goal is profit. Another hair site is a grey area because the rule can be interpreted in many ways.

To the last comment I would say use your better judgement. If your goal is to share information, by all means please share it. This is the core of this community - information sharing. But if the target site is a link farm or the goal is to give them more traffic, then that is not allowed.
So if I am an xyz affilliate and use an affiliate link in any of my blog posts, or if I have google ads in my side bar and then come here and put my blog in my siggy, then I can be banned from here forever? What about a YT partnership? Any links there are profitable as well is that grounds for banishment? I just don't want to get banned is the reason I am seeking clarification.

You are correct about your blog. If you have any form of advertisement on it, then you are not allowed to put it in any part of your profile inclusive of the signature. What you do with your personal blog is your own prerogative of course, but you cannot use this forum to drive traffic to your blog for profit.

If however you decide to become a Seller member (by paying the relevant subscription fee) then you can have your blog/business in your signature. The rules for the Seller accounts and more information are in stickies in the Admin news forum.

The same thing applies to YouTube, Fotki etc.

I hope the above helps.
Hmmm helps a lot! Thanks for the info. I would really hate to get kicked off here for not paying attention KWIM? LOL