Can Shark Cartilage help grow hair?(LONG)


Well-Known Member
What does it do? Cartilage, derived from shark and bovine (cow) sources, is a type of
connective tissue comprised of mucopolysaccharides, protein substances, calcium, sulfur,
and collagen................

What is Shark Cartilage?

Shark cartilage is made up of the following components:

Collagen and Amino Acids: Shark cartilage contains over 40% pure collagen protein,
plus essential and non essential amino acids. These components are necessary for
elasticity of the tissues, healing of cracked skin, torn ligaments and tendons
and growth and rejuvenation of skin and connective tissues.

Minerals: including Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc,
Iron and Chromium, Manganese and Silica. These components are essential
for the maintenance and normal function of cells, muscles, bones and joints.

Glycosaminoglycans: attract and retain moisture to resist compression and
deliver nutrients to cells that need it. Important building blocks for
joint cartilage components, shock absorbing properties and replenishment
of joint fluid lubricant.

Scientific research in America, Belgium, Czechoslovakia and other countries
have provided dramatic results in treating various degenerative diseases.
Safe and effective treatment has been also been provided for osteo arthritis
and rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema and many other diseases.'

Shark cartilage is a mucopolysaccharide complex, containing protein substances,
denatured collagen, non-protein substances, glycosaminoglycans, including chondroitin
sulphate A, B and C. Each one of these substances plays a major role in terms of
either initiating a healing response, or protecting the body from degenerative disease.
Mucopolysacchorides, which in effect help keep us glued together, link with collagen and
elastic to maintain the normal functions, and structural integrity of tissues and organs.
They are a vital structural component of cell walls, mucous membranes and the connective
tissues of bones, teeth, tendons and cartilage. Mucopolysaccarides help provide elasticity
to the skin, as well as contribute to immune system functions.

Looks like this shark cartilage has all the stuff needed to grow long, healthy shiny hair, protein, collagen, silica, sulfur, mucopolysaccharides(isn't this the stuff in surge making people's hair grow like crazy). I may give this a try and see what results I get, I'll check back in, in a month.

CAUTION:I've only copied and pasted small excerpts from those websites, there are warnings such as pregnant or trying to get pregnant women should not take this and serious bodybuilders shouldn't take it. If you're considering taking it, please go to the websites for the full articles.
I don't know Kandyland you may be on to something here. I seems to have alot of the ingredients to promote hair growth. I used to go to college with a girl who swore by shark cartilage she was bi-racial and had beautiful hair. I have never tried myself. I would love to find out if anyone is using it.
I used to take it years ago in an attempt to shrink fibroid tumors. I didnt really stick with it since I decide to remove them surgically, but it seems as if it would promote hair growth...I still have some in my cabinet....
Shark cartilage is said to be dangerous for women who are of child bearing age and for older adults. The cartilage causes the reduction of white blood-cell reproduction.
I wouldn't recommend taking this simpy for hair growth...
no problem luna light. I have to admit, I considered taking the supplement myself. That until I noticed the warning and realized that somethings are better left alone. I'm glad you stopped taking it