Can shampoo go bad, or do I just need to find a new shampoo???


New Member
I've been using Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo since I started transitioning back in 2009. I continued using it after going natural. The last 3 or 4 times I've used it, my hair has become extremely tangling & stripped feeling. It's taken my hair a few days to recover after the last few times I used it. This is the same bottle I've had from 2009 too. (It's kinda large & I don't shampoo often b/c of co-washing). Is it possible that the shampoo has "spoiled"??? I'm seriously considering abandoning Elasta QP altogether and finding a new shampoo. I don't even want to buy a new bottle after the way my hair reacted this last time.

Does anyone have an suggestions for a good shampoo that won't leave my hair feeling like straw?

Thanks in advance.
I've been using Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo since I started transitioning back in 2009. I continued using it after going natural. The last 3 or 4 times I've used it, my hair has become extremely tangling & stripped feeling. It's taken my hair a few days to recover after the last few times I used it. This is the same bottle I've had from 2009 too. (It's kinda large & I don't shampoo often b/c of co-washing). Is it possible that the shampoo has "spoiled"??? I'm seriously considering abandoning Elasta QP altogether and finding a new shampoo. I don't even want to buy a new bottle after the way my hair reacted this last time.

Does anyone have an suggestions for a good shampoo that won't leave my hair feeling like straw?

Thanks in advance.

That's funny I just went out and bought Elasta QP shampoo today because there were a lot of good reviews on it on this board.

But as far as shampoo going bad, I don't think so. I have had my current shampoos for at least 3 (Pantene) to 5 (Motions) years.

Perhaps you can dilute it and add some oil and aloe vera to it to make it softer on your hair.
I have had shampoo go bad on me before. It was Isoplus, I think it was called conditioning shampoo or moisturizing poo... something like that. I had let it sit for a long time and when I went to use it, it smelled like a chemical factory or something. I chucked it out.
Thank you ladies. Anyone have a suggestion for a diff shampoo I can try? I'm just paranoid at this point LOL