can pony tails do more damage than good?


although pony tails are a protective style can't actually damage your hair? someone told me that if you wear a pony tail in the middle of your head too much parts of your hair wouldn't grow because it is being pulled upward, which is the opposite direction or growth....

i personally am not sure what to make of that statement eventhough i have worn a pony tail for YEARS-i told this person that my new found hair health had nothing to do w/a pony tail style but product and health changes. but upon closer examination i guess wearing a pony tail high on your head so that your curls(if you curl the ends) can be seen is a common hair do but i don't know if it is bad or not because i have seen people w/ all types of lengths wear pony tails regularly like i do....

so what do you think? they style has nothing to do w/ it but overall hair health and pulling hair too tight does?
i think ponytails damage the edges acuses your puting stress on the hairline so i think you should ponytails at least two day out of the weak so that your hairline has a break
I've worn ponytails all my life (just about everyday, ie 5-6X a week) and I've suffered no ill effects from it. My hairline is as full as it's ever been and it's not thinning in the place where I wear my ponytail. However, I take care to make sure that my ponytail holder isn't too tight and I don't use rubber bands.
I hardly ever wear my hair out too and my hair actually grows in thicker where the ponytail is. And my hair is like an inch from my waist. I think if I were continuing to relax my hair, it would be to my waist right now, but the newgrowth has caused some shrinkage.

I'd say that you know your hair better than anyone else and if you haven't had any hair problems from wearing ponytails frequently, then that's fine for you. However, not all people have that luxury. So to answer your question, i think that overall hair health is what's most important. Because if your hair is healthy, no matter how you style it, your hair will be sure to bounce back from it.

Just my .02
If you've worn ponytails for years without any negative side effects, then go ahead and keep on doing it. For some it might cause breakage on the hair where the ponytail is tied. My advice would be to 1)make sure that it's not too tight 2) use ponytail holders that don't have that metal clasp 3) maybe switch up the position every now and then so it's not on the same exact spot 4)never under any circumstance use rubber bands (my sister does this sometimes and I'm like, noooo lol)
Quick question, I wear my hair in a bun about 3 weeks out of the month. For that last week, I wear my hair out. My problem is that on the right side of my head (temple/edge area), it hurts. And by hurts (not painfully, just an uncomfortable kind of hurt) I mean like my hair is too heavy and it's pulling on my edge because once I lift my hair, it doesn't hurt anymore. Has anyone else experienced that? Should I be somewhat concerned? And this just started this year... coincidentally around the time I joined my first hair board
i know we beat this hair subject like a dead horse but since the pic is in the thread. does it look like a weave or hair piece--look at how the back hair is compared to the parted front-the lighting or my computer monitor may hgave caused it to look like its 2 different colors but the style seems like its hding some tracks under ther:
