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After I did an all-Indian ritual - from pooing to leave-in, my hair came out dark & luscious. My SO kept staring at my hair. He also couldnt keep his hands and nose out of my hair...:lachen:He asked me to help get his hair to look like mine. I told him about my indian shampoo in the bath tub and my rituals. Before I could finish explaining the process, he jumped in the shower and started shampooing with my Henna Conditioning Shampoo. :lachen: :lachen::lachen:

So I ask you ladies: Did I lead this poor man astray? CAN OUR MEN USE OUR PRODUCTS? AND THE SAME WAY WE DO? ----pooing, DCing, conditioning, & leave-in?
I think so yes. My dh uses the same products I do. One day, he complained about the cost of "all that junk you use on your hair," so a few days later, I gave him a treat - I did his hair for him with al of my phyto products. He was in heaven and LOVED his hair. He doesn't complain about cost any longer. :grin: I think the Indian products would be really good for men.
I know. And the most amazing thing happened. His hair instantly transformed. I mean, I use these products & know they work but it's another thing to actually see the products work on someone's hair.

HE even noticed the immediate difference. His hair came out darker, softer & wavy. I massaged a drop of coconut oil in his hair & WOW! He's dragging to me to the Indian store right after Church tomorrow. :lachen: I love this! I feel like I just proved to him why I'm always in the :grin:
Men are so funny. Mine talked about me and all the "hair junk" and the time, but after his hair was done, it's all good. Take advantage of his wanting to shop and maybe try a new thing so two.
After I did an all-Indian ritual - from pooing to leave-in, my hair came out dark & luscious. My SO kept staring at my hair. He also couldnt keep his hands and nose out of my hair...:lachen:He asked me to help get his hair to look like mine. I told him about my indian shampoo in the bath tub and my rituals. Before I could finish explaining the process, he jumped in the shower and started shampooing with my Henna Conditioning Shampoo. :lachen: :lachen::lachen:

So I ask you ladies: Did I lead this poor man astray? CAN OUR MEN USE OUR PRODUCTS? AND THE SAME WAY WE DO? ----pooing, DCing, conditioning, & leave-in?

I don't see why not. I just want to warn you... If his hair starts looking better than yours you better not hate. You gave him you secret to hair success :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Okaaaay! Now, he's like "Baby, what about the part where you have the cap over your head and you're sitting under that thing [my dryer]" I was like uh uh...let's take things one step at a time.
The other day, my SO was laying in my lap and I was feeling his hair. (I love to feel his cottony hair when he is in desperate need to a haircut) I was like, dang...your hair is so soft....WTH? You been in my stuff?

He says, "Yes, I used that stuff in the brown bottle(Pantene R&N)," haha! I told him, good it's ok to keep using it:grin:
Hi Lady, I would like to know your indian routine please:yep:

I would too!! Or more what products...

This is so funny because my boyfriend just started to grow his hair out and he's been asking my a million and one questions about my hair and my products. What does this do? and how do you use this? Lol

But to answer your question I think so he's been using ALL my stuff and it seems to be serving him well.. I think we are about the same hair type anyway so I can't see why not :grin:
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They sure can.... I know mine loves to go through a whole bottle of aveda shampoo and he don't even have hair

My friend Trey has a head full of 3c/4a hair and he always coats it in conditioner before washing. He has done this since high school way before I was on the hair wagon..Maybe I should have been following his lead.
Heck no! My stuff cost too much. My DH better stick to Suave or whatever's 99 cent at the grocery store. :lachen::armyhat:
Absolutely! Some of the stuff I buy for my hair winds up working way better on my DH. (I'm really hating on how much better his hair responds to Miss Jessie's than mine :lol:) I also began looking at men's hair products and realized that some of them are full of more crap and bad ingredients than ours. Why shouldn't our guys benefit from good hair care as well?

Downside...then you won't be able to keep them out of your stash:ohwell:
Unfortunately yes.

On my DC day I get this "Did you make enough for me?":rolleyes:

I have had bottles of shampoo mysteriously empty themselves at a much faster rate, and lordy don't let me hide the good stuff so he don't think I have anymore.

After I got tired of him using up all the Sap Moss shampoo I hid it. He went out and bought the big bottle because according to him "I saw you didnt have anymore so I bought you some.":rolleyes::rolleyes:

Sareca: I completely feel you. My SO's now eyeing my dominican products as well. I'm scared he'll empty out all my products with those GIGANTIC hands of his. His dime-size is double my quarter-size. :perplexed

Soun: I basically made Coconut oil my end-all! I moisturize with it, pre-poo, scritch (but here I also add Shikakai oil), and do oil rinses with it. I also went out on a limb & purchased the Goddess Oil from VS, which has Henna extracts, Coconut oil, Avocado oil, Alma oil, etc. I've been loving that for my oil rinses. Basically here's what I do:
- Everyday (I work out everyday) I do oil rinses using either my Goddess Oil or Coconut oil.
--- As my leave-in, I use RT's Jojoba Conditioner w/ Chamomile & Tea Tree Oil. Then seal with coconut oil.
- At least Twice a week, when I don't oil rinse, I shampoo with Henna Conditioning Shampoo. Use RT's Conditioner & Seal with coconut oil.

I've been doing this for just a week, and the difference is AMAZING! Darker, softer, luscious hair. My curls from my NG are more pronounced. Love it! :yep:
Sareca: I completely feel you. My SO's now eyeing my dominican products as well. I'm scared he'll empty out all my products with those GIGANTIC hands of his. His dime-size is double my quarter-size. :perplexed

Soun: I basically made Coconut oil my end-all! I moisturize with it, pre-poo, scritch (but here I also add Shikakai oil), and do oil rinses with it. I also went out on a limb & purchased the Goddess Oil from VS, which has Henna extracts, Coconut oil, Avocado oil, Alma oil, etc. I've been loving that for my oil rinses. Basically here's what I do:
- Everyday (I work out everyday) I do oil rinses using either my Goddess Oil or Coconut oil.
--- As my leave-in, I use RT's Jojoba Conditioner w/ Chamomile & Tea Tree Oil. Then seal with coconut oil.
- At least Twice a week, when I don't oil rinse, I shampoo with Henna Conditioning Shampoo. Use RT's Conditioner & Seal with coconut oil.

I've been doing this for just a week, and the difference is AMAZING! Darker, softer, luscious hair. My curls from my NG are more pronounced. Love it! :yep:

Thanks Lady:yep:
Sure they can...if it don't work for me:grin:! Other than that I can't have SO using up my good ish that I pay loads of money for. He benefits anyways because I whenever I need to clear up closet space I give everything to him or his sister.