It's definitely something you'll have to get used to. You'll learn to embrace your texture, whatever that will be, and love it. I know from my personal experience as someone who wore their hair exclusively straight for over 20 years, it took alot of de-conditioning my definition of what is beautiful to me and on me. I realized that I based alot of what I thought looked good on me on the reactions of others, ( which you'll learn to truly let go of.) To be honest, after I bc'd I had to really dig deep to find that confidence that long straight hair had given me.
Once I couldn't rely on that, I had to accept myself as God made me, flaws, kinks and all. I remember being so self conscious I didn't want my husband to introduce me to anyone. Extreme I know, but very real feelings I once had. I equated my beauty to my long, straight, silky, hair and it wasn't even real! I've been a weave-o-holic since high school! I had to stay on Youtube HARD to get me through those feelings of doubt and I thank this site and all the others like it that strengthen and encourage us to reclaim OUR beauty. Now I rock my fro or puff OR a wig and since going through this time of growth, I know that none of it defines me. I am not a rollerset or a silky weave or a twist out. I know that if I had to shave it all off and wear it bald I would still be beautiful inside and out. There definitely was a time period for me that I had to grow into my new image.