Can natural 4ab hair look like 3a...


New Member
hair when cut really short? (Halle Berry short)

Well this is what Robin Woods told me. She says that she has made up her own system...which we know nothing about.

Robin Woods Quote:
Take another look.
Ok maybe not 4ab if not a tad bit, but,
If you cut 4a hair really short------ Look at Andre's 4a 4b photos) what do you think you'll get? a type of 3a. hair from the short 4a. Sorry to confuse you.
But a lot of 4a 4b is more 3a when cut really short. Isn't that what he tried to say in the first place?

I consider myself to be a 3b and I won't even say that my hair cut really short will look like a 3a. My hair will still look like a 3b.

She uses Andre's number system, but according to her she is doing it her own way.

Also, she said that she saw Halle's hair in the 80's and it looked a lot like hers. Like I said in my other post "you can't always go by what you see, especially if that person is relaxed."

She totally missed my point. It's not just about "Halle." My point was Halle's hair stylists typed her hair and she(Robin Woods) said that he's wrong, because she saw Halle's hair in the 80's and it looked a lot like hers.



Type 3A, hair that is very loosely curled like Julia Robert's or Susan Sarandon's is usually very shiny with big curls. The shorter the hair, the straighter it gets. The longer the hair the more defined the curl.
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I'm guessing it can with the right products and manipulation. I want to hear these answers as well. I'm really thinking about going natural especially since seeing some great coily curls in the mall today...*waits patiently**
tru_mind said:
hair when cut really short?

Answers PLEASE


How short?

A 3a would probably look straight if short...depending on how short.
A 3b would have defined curls.

Depending on the products and how short you're referring to, it may be possible. I think with the kinky-curly products, a 4a might resemble a 3b in curl definition more so than a 4a without any products applied.
CurlyCrly said:
How short?

A 3a would probably look straight if short...depending on how short.
A 3b would have defined curls.

Depending on the products and how short you're referring to, it may be possible. I think with the kinky-curly products, a 4a might resemble a 3b in curl definition more so than a 4a without any products applied.

Naturally no manipulation.
I didn't say manipulation. I said "products". Even those who are natural use products. If you mean no products, then my answer would be "no". It is what it is.
CurlyCrly said:
I didn't say manipulation. I said "products". Even those who are natural use products. If you mean no products, then my answer would be "no". It is what it is.
IMHO, applying products is a form of manipulation. :look:
harigeek said:
I think it's possible with a chemical process!!
It's possible to tell the hair type of hair that's chemically processed IF you have A WHOLE LOT of new growth! Otherwise, chemically straighten hair is basically Type 1 (because relaxers alter your curl pattern, right?).
CurlyCrly said:
How short?

A 3a would probably look straight if short...depending on how short.
A 3b would have defined curls.

Depending on the products and how short you're referring to, it may be possible. I think with the kinky-curly products, a 4a might resemble a 3b in curl definition more so than a 4a without any products applied.

Sorry I missed your first question.

Halle Berry short.
i think it depends on how short...b/c curly hair grows in looking straighter than it does when its if its super short, it might be possible

im thinking robin isnt saying what she really means...i dont think its very much possible without some bit of brushing the hair back
not quite on topic but i think that the line between a 3c and a 4a is really fine indeed. especially since there so much mixture and uniqueness in everyone's hair. Short or long manipulate and products can make a huge difference in curl size/definition.
I think cutting the hair shorter is counter-intuitive- usually longer hair weighs down the curls and makes them more elongated. Not sure if this is true for 4as- I'll just have to grow my hair out to find out.

totally ot- i think the typing thing is hokey but i still love robin.
To answer the question of the thread - no. Type 3A looks straight when short and grows out into huge curls when long. An example Andre Walker gives is Susan Sarandon (and Julia Roberts, I believe). So unless your hair looks like theirs, naturally straight when short, there is no way Type 4 hair, no matter how short the cut, will ever look naturally straight w/o heat or chemical assistance.

The problem I've seen with some of the threads, and with one online vendor actually, is that they've broken the Types into degrees of kinky-ness or tightly-curliness, and that's not what Andre Walker was doing. He was going from
  • naturally poker-straight, stereotypical Asian (e.g., Chinese) and Caucasian hair (Type 1) to
  • naturally *straight* hair with a bit of body, like Jennifer Aniston's (Type 2),
  • to big curls (Susan Sarandon) Type 3A and corkscrew curls (e.g., Halle Berry) Type 3B,
  • to tightly-curled, stereotypical African hair (Type 4A)
  • or tightly-waved, z-formation hair (the kind that makes the huge, magnificent afros you see from the 70's, like the Jackson 5's).
It's much easier just to peep Andre Walker's book and see the accompanying photos, all natural heads, for each Type. You will see there's no chance of a natural Type 4 anything looking like a natural Type 3A, regardless of length.


ETA: Pix of Susan Sarandon & Brook Shields (Type 3As)


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Thanks for you comments ladies I also don't think that it's possible. I e-mailed Robin Woods and that was part of her reply. IMO, she is totally off.

I found her to be very defensive, rude and too personal. Also, she can't handle criticism. :Lol: I even decided to block her e-mails. I was waiting for a response from her, but I feel that it's not worth it.

So, maybe if you guys e-mail her she might re-consider and truly think about what she is saying. ***Warning*** she is very defensive. She says that she doesn't care what anybody thinks.
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Nyambura said:
To answer the question of the thread - no. Type 3A looks straight when short and grows out into huge curls when long. An example Andre Walker gives is Susan Sarandon (and Julia Roberts, I believe). So unless your hair looks like theirs, naturally straight when short, there is no way Type 4 hair, no matter how short the cut, will ever look naturally straight w/o heat or chemical assistance.

The problem I've seen with some of the threads, and with one online vendor actually, is that they've broken the Types into degrees of kinky-ness or tightly-curliness, and that's not what Andre Walker was doing. He was going from
  • naturally poker-straight, stereotypical Asian (e.g., Chinese) and Caucasian hair (Type 1) to
  • naturally *straight* hair with a bit of body, like Jennifer Aniston's (Type 2),
  • to big curls (Susan Sarandon) Type 3A and corkscrew curls (e.g., Halle Berry) Type 3B,
  • to tightly-curled, stereotypical African hair (Type 4A)
  • or tightly-waved, z-formation hair (the kind that makes the huge, magnificent afros you see from the 70's, like the Jackson 5's).
It's much easier just to peep Andre Walker's book and see the accompanying photos, all natural heads, for each Type. You will see there's no chance of a natural Type 4 anything looking like a natural Type 3A, regardless of length.


ETA: Pix of Susan Sarandon & Brook Shields (Type 3As)



Thanks Nyambura!

Please exlain this to Robin Woods. I've tried my best.

This is exactly what I've learned from reading Andre's book and other websites including LHCF. However, Robin doesn't agree with Andre that what she said... and "he respects that." I even asked why was she using his number system. And OH BOY!

Then she tells me that she has her own system, and she could do what she want to do and that Andre only styles hair and she grows it. How rude! I was not expecting this from her. I did apologize to her if I sounded angry...I'm just frustrated. But, she still got too defensive and too personal.
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lsubabiedee said:
i think it depends on how short...b/c curly hair grows in looking straighter than it does when its if its super short, it might be possible

im thinking robin isnt saying what she really means...i dont think its very much possible without some bit of brushing the hair back

Halle Berry short.

Robin says that Halle has type 4ab, 3c her. I e-mailed her telling her how confusing that is to the people that I e-mail her site to, because of what Andre said in his book. Also, because I told her that should change it. She went off and said that she interviewed and touched Halle's hair in the 80's and it looked a lot like her hair which is 4ab, 3c. The 80's??? Most AA women hair in the 80's LOOKED the same in the 80's anyway(frizzy, bushy, teased, etc.). :lol: Caucasian women too.

I e-mailed her site to family and friends and I get the same reponse over and over they don't agree with her typing.
I did agree with her when she said that Andre should have more categories for type 3 and 4, everything :nono:

Robin said that each category(3 & 4) should have 5 types of hair. I can see that:yep:...but she failed to explain, and everything got too defensive and personal.
Also, ladies Robin said that she was asked to be on Oprah to discuss hair and that Andre will be there...BUT WILL HE BE ON STAGE? She also said, that he respects her view.
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tru_mind said:
Thanks Nyambura!

Please exlain this to Robin Woods. I've tried my best.

This is exactly what I've learned from reading Andre's book and other websites including LHCF. However, Robin doesn't agree with Andre that what she said... and "he respects that." I even asked why was she using his number system. And OH BOY!

Then she tells me that she has her own system, and she could do what she want to do and that Andre only styles hair and she grows it. How rude! I was not expecting this from her. I did apologize to her if I sounded angry...I'm just frustrated. But, she still got too defensive and too personal.

I'm sorry you experienced that, Tru. :nono: That doesn't seem like an effective way to conduct business if a person has a product/service (s)he wants people to buy. If she has her own system, why borrow Andre's? Why not establish an entirely separate, distinct set of categories?

As for touching Halle Berry's hair in the '80s (I saw your later posts), I believe Berry had damaged, *relaxed* hair in the '80s...which caused Andre to cut it all off when she started going to him, and he showed her that her "Type 3" hair could easily be straightened without chemicals just by using a blow-dryer. In fact, Halle used to have a picture up on her own website, Hallewood, that showed her w/her hair natural, and it was in cute corkscrews. I have never seen Type 4 hair, which seems to curl in watch-spring coils, grow, unmanipulated, out of the scalp like that (although I do think Andre fell far short of capturing the diversity of Type 4 and 3 hair).
Nyambura said:
I'm sorry you experienced that, Tru. :nono: That doesn't seem like an effective way to conduct business if a person has a product/service (s)he wants people to buy. If she has her own system, why borrow Andre's? Why not establish an entirely separate, distinct set of categories?

As for touching Halle Berry's hair in the '80s (I saw your later posts), I believe Berry had damaged, *relaxed* hair in the '80s...which caused Andre to cut it all off when she started going to him, and he showed her that her "Type 3" hair could easily be straightened without chemicals just by using a blow-dryer. In fact, Halle used to have a picture up on her own website, Hallewood, that showed her w/her hair natural, and it was in cute corkscrews. I have never seen Type 4 hair, which seems to curl in watch-spring coils, grow, unmanipulated, out of the scalp like that (although I do think Andre fell far short of capturing the diversity of Type 4 and 3 hair).

Thank you...your making me feel better!:kiss: You said exactly what I told her and she went off. Actually, all I did was copy my comments from my previous thread I Don't Agree With Robin Woods! added an intro and ending and e-mailed it.

After her e-mail I wasn't feeling too good:confused: so I had to post in order to get you guys view on things.

And as far as Halle's hair hair being damaged in the 80's...gurl I couldn't even get to that point with her things got too personal. :lol: She even asked me why am I idolizing Andre? Idolizing???? And she asked me was I Halle Berry? Matter of fact I'm going to post her e-mails to me. I am soooo upset.

She really upset me when she said that she doesn't care what people think, because she's not charging...and her website is free. BUT ISN'T SHE TRYING TO HELP! Not caring and trying to help do not go together.

Yes, I agreed with her when she said Andre should have more categories for type 3 and 4. She just got to personnel so I left her alone.
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1st E-mail
Dear tru:
are you Halle Berry?

Also do you think I care what people think about all this free info on this site instead of charging a price for it?

Take another look.
Ok maybe not 4ab if not a tad bit, but,
If you cut 4a hair really short------ Look at Andre's 4a 4b photos) what do you think you'll get?

a type of 3a. hair from the short 4a. Sorry to confuse you.
But a lot of 4a 4b is more 3a when cut really short. Isn't that what he tried to say in the first place?

Also. I can make my own hair system, I am just giving his as an example.
Which I do see flaws in.

Halle is also Black not just white. are you?
Now you let halle grow here hair out natural to shoulder length and let her tell you wehter she has total 3a or 3b hair.

I have seen Halle's hair in Detrit back in the 80's My hair is a lot like hers.

I do hair as well I am a professional beautician as well as a hair chemist and nutritionst I just didn't go into all the details which I will put on the site soon...if I get too technicle people will shy away. It's about growing Black.

And so you can't utilize the info just because of a category you think is not right?

2nd E-mail
I have talked with Halle as well as a lot of celebrities. I was an Entertaiment reporter for many years here in Los Angeles. For a black newspaper and quite a few events. Our subject is usually hair.

You are right, I'm going by what I see. and what I touch.

I don't go bragging about who what I did unless asked. I'm into fulling the dream of Black hair reaching its full potential.

I was asked to go on Oprah's show about my hair technique--=-Andre will be there.

There is no one who has the absolute same hair that is why I and Andre categorizes.
He respects what I am doing just the same as I respect what he's doing. We won't be talking about who is right or wrong, but rather what comes close.

You got this right. No I am not going to be concerned about what someone thinks, I am trying to give free info to grow our hair since we have such a bad rap on our hair.
When someone calls or emails me with an attitude about information that people will try to get you to pay 100's of dallors for
(believe me I've been asked to put on $500.00 seminars which -----I will not because I know that the info should be free.

I will definately let you here me out.

And please don't think just because I said the Lord gave me this info etc--and I'm a fairly kind person---- That I'm suppose to be inferior or shut down or change my information.
I'm 40 years old with 2 adult sons and soon grand kids. I think you should show some type of respect. I am educated on hair, black hair. I've been to schools universties etc. for many years.

but Its not about me, Its about growing the hair

About you

Why are you so obsessed with hair textures
and why are you acting as a spokes person for Halle's Hair? Do you think she cares?
Why are you acting as though you have to idolize Andre Walker?

Andre walkers system need to be more categorized since there are 5 different 4a, 4b 3a 3cs etc. No ones hair is the same.

Maybe he does not know this. Every beautician is not the same. But a mature hairstylist would not try to discredit another especially if they are both trying to help.
He's styling hair ------I'm giving hope and I'm growing it.

I'm trying to make a hair system?
I'm making products that will make it easier to grow our hair. If a hair system comes out of it that will be good too. In other words I'm simply growing the hair.

I'm going to ask you not to smart mouth me again with your emails. You do not have to agree with my information but it is proven to work.

I have given you enough time to vent. Don't go their again. Learn what you can while you can, the info is free,

I am not an angry person!! After I saw that she was angry I apologized if my first e-mail sounded angry...I'm just frustrated. When she said "Are you Halle Berry?" I asked her "Did you do Halle's hair?" that's what she's calling being smart. I also told her to do her own typing system and not use Andre numbers because it's confusing if she has her own...and she not even saying what it is.

Obsessed with I am learning my hair for the first time in my life. I've been relaxed since I was about 7 1/2.

OMG...I don't even care about Halle's hair nor do I idolize Andre. I just took it upon myself to e-mail her and tell her what we think(my family and friends).

IMO, she doesn't take criticism well. She acts as if I am telling her the shut her site down...I'm not. I viewed her site on a daily basis before I came to LHCF...and I told her that. She totally missed my point. I guess we can't find nothing wrong with her site and tell her about it, because it's "free info."

It seems like I'm not the first to question her...which is why she went off so quickly.

Also, I do agree with her info.:yep: I don't understand why she totally took it way off point. Some people can be sooo sensitive.
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mkstar826 said:
wowsers @ her e-mails to you...geez...

anyway, i don't think "4ab" hair can look like anything but what it is.

Hi Mkstar!

I didn't believe that is was her responding like that I thought that someone was responding for her. I had to re-read her 1st mail at least 3 times before I replied.

My reply was that it is rude for her to say that she don't care what anyone thinks. I mean isn't she trying to help? I also told her that she she should drop Andre's number system and create her own, because we don't know what she's doing.

IMO, Robin don't won't anyone to tell her about anything that they think is wrong on her site, because it "free info."

And you're right my 3b hair won't even look like 3a when it's cut short either. I'm just using what I've learned.

Like someone told me she sounds full of herself. Why did she have to mention her age, sons, how much people want to pay, etc? That was too personal for me...I did not need to know all that. She took it way off point.
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Whoa. I'm sure you only asked some simple questions. It's like she's trying to explain herself and belittle you at the same time. Don't let her upset you. Feel better! :kiss:
Taij said:
just one simple question:

Any 3 a's b's or c's that would like to be 4 a, b or c?

didn't think so
Actually, I know a lady who has type 3 hair, that wishes she had type 4, because she thinks its more versatile and beautiful.