I am utterly complexed...

I'm to the point where .. i don't care .... As long as my hair is healthy and growing it is all good...

And like some of the girls said .. i really think ... unless you are natural or used to be at one point ... .. you really don't know your hair type..
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You may have to be totally natural to be 100% sure of your hairtype, but when your ng comes in you know whether you're a 2 or a 4, for sure.
This is not aimed at anyone, but I can see confusing 3a with 3b, 4a with 4b, but how does one confuse straightish hair with kinky hair?

There are some members here who genuinely have 3a, possibly even 2b hair, but I see more people claiming anything BUT kinky hair and they can't tell me that they think their hair is not kinky. I'm not crazy and neither are they.
azul11 said:
5 years ago I never knew what hair typing was nor cared. Now all of sudden its such a big issue. Now you are looking at the albums and people are claiming this or that and you go back to the hair typing pictures and try to see if maybe everyone is seeing something different than I am. Then you get the post where people are saying oh I think my hair is a 1cd or a 2pac or something. Its like ummm okay I dont see it but maybe I am not too sure about this hair typing thing. Then you get those post where people say yeah my told me on her side of the family she has Jeep Cherokee and my dad's side is American Eagle or something odd like that. As if mentioning this means their hair isnt regular black hair its a new black hair. They are a part of New black city or something. I have seen all these posts. And it makes me wonder if maybe deep down we have been taught that the lower your number the better grade of hair you have. If maybe people dont want to admit that they are deeeeeepppp in the 4s and now where near the 2s or 3s.

I understand the confusion because the pictures arent as detailed and the descriptions can be misleading. Also the fact that many people may have several types on one head. So no two heads will always look alike. DAMN THAT HAIRTYPING SYSTEM!!!! God bless you all.

Oooooooooooh.....azul......I'M CRYIIIIIIIIIIIING OVA HERRRRRRRRRE!!!! :lachen:
azul11 said:
5 years ago I never knew what hair typing was nor cared. Now all of sudden its such a big issue. Now you are looking at the albums and people are claiming this or that and you go back to the hair typing pictures and try to see if maybe everyone is seeing something different than I am. Then you get the post where people are saying oh I think my hair is a 1cd or a 2pac or something. Its like ummm okay I dont see it but maybe I am not too sure about this hair typing thing. Then you get those post where people say yeah my told me on her side of the family she has Jeep Cherokee and my dad's side is American Eagle or something odd like that. As if mentioning this means their hair isnt regular black hair its a new black hair. They are a part of New black city or something. I have seen all these posts. And it makes me wonder if maybe deep down we have been taught that the lower your number the better grade of hair you have. If maybe people dont want to admit that they are deeeeeepppp in the 4s and now where near the 2s or 3s.

I understand the confusion because the pictures arent as detailed and the descriptions can be misleading. Also the fact that many people may have several types on one head. So no two heads will always look alike. DAMN THAT HAIRTYPING SYSTEM!!!! God bless you all.

This is toooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!!! :lol:
azul11 said:
Then you get those post where people say yeah my told me on her side of the family she has Jeep Cherokee and my dad's side is American Eagle or something odd like that.

And it makes me wonder if maybe deep down we have been taught that the lower your number the better grade of hair you have. If maybe people dont want to admit that they are deeeeeepppp in the 4s and now where near the 2s or 3s.

LOL @ Jeep Cherokee and American Eagle. :lachen:

I have seen maybe 3 or 4 instances on this board where the person has typed their hair in a lower number than it should be. One of them calls herself a 3b and you can clearly see her 4a/b edges and her wet pics also tell a different story. I think this is the same person who classified their mother as a 1 something.
I see some of you ladies mentioning that hair types change when products are added(I assuming air-dried hair). For example, a 4 looks like a 3 and a 3 looks like a 2. Really? I never saw it that way, because if I don't put a product in my hair and let my hair air-dry my curls will not from...it's more of a wave. When it wet it's only curly without product...but dry without products my curls do not form like it does with products. So, for me to show my hair type I have to put a product in. Like I told someone before my hair is weird. Curly hair is suppose to shrink to it's natural state when dry, but I need products to hold it there...or else.

Ok...is see...you can use gel(or something) to stretch curls. Yeah...Curve Salon...ok I forgot.:) See I never use gel like products(I hate them)...and Curly Pudding helps my curls to from, so I like it.

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Y'all are too funny!:lachen:
Please, I've always known I was a 4B! And if I forgot, my newgrowth always remind me where I came from!!
lol yall are funny as hell. Some people are delusional and some people honestly dont know. Before I did the BC I thought I would have 4b hair. Even as a natural, I heat styled all the time so my hair was permannently straightened, then right after giving up the pressing comb I relaxed my hair. So before coming to the hair boards I didnt know what my hair was capable of doing. Weird :nuts:
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I agree that some people are confused but that confusion should not last long at all. There is no confusing Ya-Ya's hair from say Eva's hair. There are so many albums to look at so you SHOULD know who's hair you truly resemble. Having a patch of one type of texture does not make you that hair type.
Crysdon said:
LOL @ Jeep Cherokee and American Eagle. :lachen:

I have seen maybe 3 or 4 instances on this board where the person has typed their hair in a lower number than it should be. One of them calls herself a 3b and you can clearly see her 4a/b edges and her wet pics also tell a different story. I think this is the same person who classified their mother as a 1 something.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:.... The bad thing is that although i've been on the board infrequently lately and even with the vast amount of members on this board I think I actually know exactly who you are referring to :lachen: :lol: :lachen: -- jainygirl
STOP HATIN :mad: Ya'll are just jealous because you got nappy hair! There ARE some of us that DO have GOOD hair ok?

Just because my hair LOOKS 4a when it's wet, dry, has no product, brushed, first thing in the morning, last thing at night and in some places has no curl definition that doesn't mean nothing. You don't know. You only see people's pictures. If you saw me in person you could EASILY tell that I have some 3a behind my left ear and 3b behind my right ear. Shoot might even be 2 something if I texturize it. And my kitchen is obviously 3a corkscrew curls, um yes bigger than a coffee stirrer OK? And I'm light skinded so um yes I'm probably mixed somewhere down the line so, WHATEVER!

Just do you Boos. OK? geesh.
Ya'll are crazy!!!:grin::grin:

sprungonhairboards said:
STOP HATIN :mad: Ya'll are just jealous because you got nappy hair! There ARE some of us that DO have GOOD hair ok?

Just because my hair LOOKS 4a when it's wet, dry, has no product, brushed, first thing in the morning, last thing at night and in some places has no curl definition that doesn't mean nothing. You don't know. You only see people's pictures. If you saw me in person you could EASILY tell that I have some 3a behind my left ear and 3b behind my right ear. Shoot might even be 2 something if I texturize it. And my kitchen is obviously 3a corkscrew curls, um yes bigger than a coffee stirrer OK? And I'm light skinded so um yes I'm probably mixed somewhere down the line so, WHATEVER!

Just do you Boos. OK? geesh.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: I'm too through!

sprungonhairboards said:
STOP HATIN :mad: Ya'll are just jealous because you got nappy hair! There ARE some of us that DO have GOOD hair ok?

Just because my hair LOOKS 4a when it's wet, dry, has no product, brushed, first thing in the morning, last thing at night and in some places has no curl definition that doesn't mean nothing. You don't know. You only see people's pictures. If you saw me in person you could EASILY tell that I have some 3a behind my left ear and 3b behind my right ear. Shoot might even be 2 something if I texturize it. And my kitchen is obviously 3a corkscrew curls, um yes bigger than a coffee stirrer OK? And I'm light skinded so um yes I'm probably mixed somewhere down the line so, WHATEVER!

Just do you Boos. OK? geesh.
sprungonhairboards said:
STOP HATIN :mad: Ya'll are just jealous because you got nappy hair! There ARE some of us that DO have GOOD hair ok?

Just because my hair LOOKS 4a when it's wet, dry, has no product, brushed, first thing in the morning, last thing at night and in some places has no curl definition that doesn't mean nothing. You don't know. You only see people's pictures. If you saw me in person you could EASILY tell that I have some 3a behind my left ear and 3b behind my right ear. Shoot might even be 2 something if I texturize it. And my kitchen is obviously 3a corkscrew curls, um yes bigger than a coffee stirrer OK? And I'm light skinded so um yes I'm probably mixed somewhere down the line so, WHATEVER!

Just do you Boos. OK? geesh.
:lachen: :lachen: Girl, I'm done :lachen:
too funny :lol: :lol: :lachen: :lachen:

sprungonhairboards said:
STOP HATIN :mad: Ya'll are just jealous because you got nappy hair! There ARE some of us that DO have GOOD hair ok?

Just because my hair LOOKS 4a when it's wet, dry, has no product, brushed, first thing in the morning, last thing at night and in some places has no curl definition that doesn't mean nothing. You don't know. You only see people's pictures. If you saw me in person you could EASILY tell that I have some 3a behind my left ear and 3b behind my right ear. Shoot might even be 2 something if I texturize it. And my kitchen is obviously 3a corkscrew curls, um yes bigger than a coffee stirrer OK? And I'm light skinded so um yes I'm probably mixed somewhere down the line so, WHATEVER!

Just do you Boos. OK? geesh.
sprungonhairboards said:
STOP HATIN :mad: Ya'll are just jealous because you got nappy hair! There ARE some of us that DO have GOOD hair ok?

Just because my hair LOOKS 4a when it's wet, dry, has no product, brushed, first thing in the morning, last thing at night and in some places has no curl definition that doesn't mean nothing. You don't know. You only see people's pictures. If you saw me in person you could EASILY tell that I have some 3a behind my left ear and 3b behind my right ear. Shoot might even be 2 something if I texturize it. And my kitchen is obviously 3a corkscrew curls, um yes bigger than a coffee stirrer OK? And I'm light skinded so um yes I'm probably mixed somewhere down the line so, WHATEVER!

Just do you Boos. OK? geesh.

Sttttooooooooooppppp...iiiiitttt...Stop it!!!! Nooooooooooooo...oh lawd...my side hurts...:lachen:
sprungonhairboards said:
STOP HATIN :mad: Ya'll are just jealous because you got nappy hair! There ARE some of us that DO have GOOD hair ok?

Just because my hair LOOKS 4a when it's wet, dry, has no product, brushed, first thing in the morning, last thing at night and in some places has no curl definition that doesn't mean nothing. You don't know. You only see people's pictures. If you saw me in person you could EASILY tell that I have some 3a behind my left ear and 3b behind my right ear. Shoot might even be 2 something if I texturize it. And my kitchen is obviously 3a corkscrew curls, um yes bigger than a coffee stirrer OK? And I'm light skinded so um yes I'm probably mixed somewhere down the line so, WHATEVER!

Just do you Boos. OK? geesh.

Gurl you are too funny...but that's how it sounds sometimes! :lachen:
beloved1 said:
This thread is funny, I'm 'complexed' too b/c I told my dh I never knew so many black women with "regular" black people hair were type 3. Unfortunately, try as we may, we struggle to escape the stigma, we are enlightened, but we are not impervious and so the stinge of the good hair/ bad hair rap still affects us. In other words, some people who aren't 100% sure would subconsciously claim 3-something and feel like they have "good" hair, than claim 4-something and feel like they have bad hair. Me- I'm a 4 baby, all the way, and my hair is very, very good.

*whoops out a church fan* AMEN SISTAH!!!!

I dunno. Not trying to be funny....I just really don't understand how people are confused? The definitions are clear to me. I think some of the problem comes in with people just looking at the pictures and saying, 'well...that does/doesn't look like my hair so I must/must not be _______' But if you focus more on the definitions and less on the pics, then it's pretty straightforward, IMO.

The other problem comes in with some folks just not wanting a 4 anything.

I'm a 4b...No curl nowhere. Ain't tryin' to fool myself!!!

Oh and I agree about the cyber beatdowns, too. I've seen a few threads about people asking their hair type....and getting argumentative when they didn't get the 'right' answer. It really burns my rectum when people ask a question and they already have a set answer in mind. Burns it, I say!!!!
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TigerLily said:
*whoops out a church fan* AMEN SISTAH!!!!

I dunno. Not trying to be funny....I just really don't understand how people are confused? The definitions are clear to me. I think some of the problem comes in with people just looking at the pictures and saying, 'well...that does/doesn't look like my hair so I must/must not be _______' But if you focus more on the definitions and less on the pics, then it's pretty straightforward, IMO.

The other problem comes in with some folks just not wanting a 4 anything.

I'm a 4b...No curl nowhere. Ain't tryin' to fool myself!!!

I agree...but the more I try to expain the more I become confused.:lol: I kept saying forget the pics and one pic is not enough...and focus on the definition. I see posts saying "My hair is nothing like any of those pictures or that picture...so I don't know what I am." OMG!!!

Then I do understand that it can be hard for relaxed heads to tell.

Now ladies are saying the 4's can look like 3's and 3's like 4's and 3's like 2's...shoot...I'm giving up too.:lol: It's not that important...and I'm not about to get all up in someone's head to figure out their hair type. It's something that they can do themselves...if they wanna...it's not that hard.

azul11 said:
5 years ago I never knew what hair typing was nor cared. Now all of sudden its such a big issue. Now you are looking at the albums and people are claiming this or that and you go back to the hair typing pictures and try to see if maybe everyone is seeing something different than I am. Then you get the post where people are saying oh I think my hair is a 1cd or a 2pac or something. Its like ummm okay I dont see it but maybe I am not too sure about this hair typing thing. Then you get those post where people say yeah my told me on her side of the family she has Jeep Cherokee and my dad's side is American Eagle or something odd like that. As if mentioning this means their hair isnt regular black hair its a new black hair. They are a part of New black city or something. I have seen all these posts. And it makes me wonder if maybe deep down we have been taught that the lower your number the better grade of hair you have. If maybe people dont want to admit that they are deeeeeepppp in the 4s and now where near the 2s or 3s.

I understand the confusion because the pictures arent as detailed and the descriptions can be misleading. Also the fact that many people may have several types on one head. So no two heads will always look alike. DAMN THAT HAIRTYPING SYSTEM!!!! God bless you all.

:lachen: :lachen:
I soooooooo wanted to rate this five stars....I'm glad someone did....but I feared that the angry ratings bandit would be tempted to lower it...

It deserves five stars...this ish was one of the most entertaining in a minute...just the title deserves the rating --

leave the rating ALONE!!!

If just somebody posting their pics now can merit five stars...leave this one be...

continue with the thread...:look: sorry, Web...lol...
This is just crazy. If my hairline is type 3a, my nape is type 2, and the rest is type 4b, are you saying I can't get an average type of 3b? :look:

When I come out with my own relaxer and hair care line, I'll put an end to all of this hair typing. The relaxer would be like the ice-cream container below, plain and simple. That way there's no confusion, and no one would know my secret. Okay?



  • neopolitan-2.GIF
    10.7 KB · Views: 28
Crysdon said:
I have seen maybe 3 or 4 instances on this board where the person has typed their hair in a lower number than it should be. One of them calls herself a 3b and you can clearly see her 4a/b edges and her wet pics also tell a different story. I think this is the same person who classified their mother as a 1 something.
Wow is this directed at me?? :confused: :confused: :confused: I think I said my aunt's hair was a type 1, no wave or curl in a previous thread? :confused:
ayanapooh said:
Wow is this directed at me?? :confused: :confused: :confused: I think I said my aunt's hair was a type 1, no wave or curl in a previous thread? :confused:

Oh no Ayana, I can bet all my lil money in the bank that this is not about you. Your hair isnt mis-typed at all. The person i'm 100% sure she is referring to is CLEARLY mistyping her hair , I just chalked that person up to being hair delusional months ago :lachen: .
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Hi Ladies

I think hair typing is about not just looking at the strands of hair in head.
You need to look at the people closest to you. YOUR FAMILY

I am full black, My Mother, My Father, Grandparents are also Full Black with lets say for arguement sake Typically 4a/4b hair. I have no mixed race, chinese, Indian, white in my immediate family

So obviously I too have inherited the same HAIR!!!!!!! I have always had soft mangeable 4a hair. But it reverts and behaves like any other 4a/4b hair.

I AINT GONNA KID MYSELF THAT ITS 3a/3b it is not. And just because is not doesnt mean I have BAD HAIR!!. My hair gets just as sleek, straight and moves just like another other 3a/3b.

So for those fronting then dont

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I would like for this thread to stay open, so if we can keep it keep in friendly in here.. However if anyone is called out directly or indirectly this thread will be closed.

You can have super NAPPY HAIR, and it still can be be a 2b or 3a hair type. Since Andre's system is based on curl size ONLY, not on hair texture.