can I transition from relaxed to texturize


New Member
I've been stretching out my relaxer, about 20 weeks post- I'm wondering if I can texturize my relaxed hair instead of relaxing again???
It is possible to transition from relaxed to texturised hair, but you can only process the new growth. I remember two members on here who have done this Dahomeyashoi and Hiza. I hope i've have this information correct HTH.
Thanks- I'll PM then- In the mean time, it would be helpful to get more info form others with a texturizer-
Like for exxample, can you do a rollerset while texturize??
I'm thinking of getting a texturizer and tehn rollerset it all the time- That way, It will be easier and my hair won't look odd with the differnt textures???
Is your relaxed hair really bone straight? Because even with the rollerset on lightly texturized hair, the texturized part may look a little thicker, but depending on your hair type, it may not make much of a difference.