Can having hard water cause hair loss?


Well-Known Member

Like everyone here, I am trying to have great hair habits and as a result, long, healthy hair. I, too, would like to do my hair myself, but whenever I do, I seem to lose lots of hair in the shower. One, time, I was so perplexed, I actually tried to examine a few, and they 'seemed' alright, but when I roller set my self, and then comb daily I lose so much hair. When I go to the salon, as much as I hate getting combed out, I don't notice any hair loss when I style it daily after leaving the salon?

What could cause this? I really want to be in charge of my hair care, but at this point I must rely on my stylist, who is fantastic, by the way, but as my hair gets longer, I really don't want it combed out after being swirled around the shampoo bowl.

Comments/ personal experiences, please.
Whats your reggie? Do you clarify? Hard water can cause hair loss because it can cause build up on your hair and scalp. Build up can cause dryness leading to breakage.
I'm glad you asked this question because I've dealt with this issue for years. I've had hard water all of my life, and like you, I used to lose a ton of hair (literally three handfuls) every single time I washed. This is why I only washed every other week (on my own) and couldn't imagine co-washing daily or several days a week. My hair is thick and always remained that way despite this excessive shedding, so I thought it was normal. That is, until someone on LHCF asked about the amount of hair people lose.

My short answer to your question - while I think hard water can be a contributor to hair loss, I definitely think technique is the greater problem. I say this because you agree that you don't have this problem at the salon.

I recently switched my technique three weeks ago (I now wash weekly). The first week, I lost a see through, golf ball size amount of hair after washing. This is HUGE, HUGE, progress for me. Now after week three, and a few more tips from my stylist and Macherieamour's roller setting DVD, I'm down to less than 50 or so strands. This is nothing short of a miracle for me.

A quick summary of what has prevented the unnecesary hair loss:
  • The right wet hair care products - stick to one line
  • Washing/rinsing hair in the bathtub under the faucet (rather than in the shower)
  • NOT detangling while a conditioner or deep conditioner is on
  • Detangling hair in sections
  • Properly using a leave in conditioner and hair serum
I'm happy to share details, but I didn't want to bore you if this didn't interest you. Just let me know if you wan to know all of the specific steps.

Hope this helps!