Can hair be too non-porous? Help!!


New Member
I ask this question because, I remember way back the test for porosity was putting a strand in the water and if it sinks immediately it is too porous and needs to be treated, I think protein (I may be wrong). Howeever, I did the water thing and my hair refused to sink I had to push it down into the water and it kept floating up. Is this good? Does this mean I need less protein and more moisture. Help!!!
Bumping for replies. I know someone knows the answer to this. Does Non-porous mean too much protein?
Non-porous hair just means that your cuticle layers are strong and are intact. It's a good thing! :yep:
It means your cuticle layers have not been exposed to much trauma or damage. Your hair should hold on to internal moisture much more easily, than someone with porous hair. Non-porous hair also has a hard time accepting chemical treatments like relaxers and colors because the cuticle is so compact/closed. So if you were wanting to relax or color your hair, that's the only time you'd really run into problems with non-porous hair.

Now, porous hair, on the other hand, is usually damaged hair. The cuticles aren't in good shape and they are either lifted, chipped, or worn. Porous hair doesn't hold onto internal moisture very well, and feels chronically swollen/puffy/dry. Protein helps correct this by reinforcing the cuticle layers temporarily. This fills in the cracks, helps lay down the cuticle scales, helps keep in moisture, and improves porosity along the cuticle. Porous hair EASILY accepts chemical treatments and tends to process very fast because of this.

Our hair is usually more porous as you travel down the length toward the ends. HTH. Be happy for your non-porous hair girl! The porous club isn't fun at all. :lachen:
Thank you, I was hoping you would reply. My hair I guess can be considered resistant and does not relax very quickly, I always thought it was just coarse. My strands are also thick. The other problem I have however which made me wonder about the over protein is that I do not think my hair stretches, there is no elasticity. If I relax straight should my hair still have elasticity. Thanks for your answers.

Your non-porous hair probably does feel a little coarse. :yep: I think the rigid structure of your cuticle layers is making you feel like your hair is lacking elasticity. But really, that stiffness is a blessing! If it is bothering you, you can try deep conditioning your hair with somehting super moisturizing and that should help increase your moisture levels and soften your hair some. Protein will only make the problem worse because it'll reinforce your already strong cuticle layers. Relaxing, by it's very nature, will increase the porosity of your hair-- but you really don't want to do one just for that reason. Regular deep conditioning is the best way to restore moisture and elasticity. If the rigidness isn't causing you breakage, then you really shouldn't worry too much about it girl!
Thanks so much Sista, I am relaxed already but my hair is still not very porous, not sure why. I do not get much if any breakage, and the usually shedding. My issue was that my hair did not feel at all soft. I conditioned wah last night left on motions moisture for about 2 hours and after rinsing it felt great but once dry, again not soft. I will stop stressing over it. Can you please answer the question on relaxing straight affecting elasticity but still have healthy hair? Forget it I will start a thread on that since it is a different question. Thanks
