Can Any Marriage Or Relationship Be Perfect?


Well-Known Member
I had a friend tell me recently that my marriage was picture perfect. I explained to her, that IMO, my marriage isn't perfect. Although, it's as close as we can expect to get and we have to work on it to be that way.

I know that "perfect" is subjective. However, it made me question if perhaps I'm wrong. I told her that I don't feel that a "perfect" relationship is anyones reality. What do you all think?
No. Human nature is deeply flawed, and therefore anything that humans create (like marriage) will also be imperfect.
No. If you come into any relationship think that it's perfect, your setting yourself up for disappointment. Just find a way to work with each other and ride the bumps out. There will always be issues and problems. Conflict will come too. Just accept that bad things happen, and you'll have a happy marriage rather than a perfect one.
Many marriages may look perfect from those on the outside. However I am not quite sure perfection can be achieved.
Only if you are perfect and are married to a perfect person. As long as y'all are both human, that ain't gonna happen. :look:
Nope, I don't believe it.
I understand that she would say it, even if it sounds suspect, maybe she doesn't want people in her business.
she said picture perfect, to me that sounds like she's saying it looks perfect, not that it is..

I figured that at first, but that wasn't the way she meant it in the text of the conversation. I revealed an issue that my husband and I had and she was shocked at the idea that we could possibly have any. So, I explained that all relationships do, even the ones that on the outside look "picture perfect". You just have to work them out.
No offense, but your friend sounds very naive. Does she have romanticized beliefs about love and marriage (e.g. and they lived happily ever after)?