Can a Person Be a Christian and Not go to Church?

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
I thought this was a great article I found ( for those who choose to read it).

Christianity is true, verifiable, and provable; so it makes sense to find a great church to learn more about God, Jesus, and the Bible. Still, most people who have not been to church in awhile need the answers to two questions:
  • Can a person be a Christian and not attend church?
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]How do I go about finding a good church? [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]We explore both of these issues on this page.

Can a person be a Christian and not attend church?

This is a valid question, since going to church does not save people. They are saved (and get to go to heaven) by getting right with God. Still, getting right with God is only the start of being a Christian, as a birth is only the start of having a life.

We understand that some people may find themselves in a position where they do not attend church for a short time. (Perhaps they just moved to a new city and have not found a church, or are in the hospital and can not physically go to church.) That is not what we are referring to in this section. This section is about people who can not be bothered with going to church and purposefully and consistently stay away from church. We believe that such people can not remain Christians for at least three reasons:
  1. [FONT=arial, helvetica]The Bible has no examples of anyone who was right with God but also stood alone and did not spend time with other believers. Hebrews 10:23-25 tells us clearly that we should gather together and encourage and spur one another on toward love and good deeds. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT=arial, helvetica]In Ephesians 5:21-33, Paul tells us how husbands and wives ought to relate to one another. There, he teaches that Christ relates to the church as if it were His "bride." He always wants the best for her and loves the church so much that He gave himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25). If you told someone, "I love you and I want to have a close relationship with you, but I can't stand being around your spouse at all," you might get a punch in the nose! In the same way, people who say "I love Jesus, but I do not want to have anything to do with the church," are putting up a wall between themselves and Jesus.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=arial, helvetica]Using figures of speech, Ephesians 5:23 and Colossians 1:18 refer to Christ as the "head" and the church as the "body." 1 Corinthians chapter 12 further explains how the church (the body) is made up of individuals who work together, pooling their talents, skills, and strengths-all for the purpose of helping as many people as possible get right with God and grow closer to Him. To refuse to be a part of the body is to say that we do not want to follow God's plan. In a sense, such people believe that by acting on their own that they have a better plan than God does. There is a lot of arrogance in such thinking.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]A Special Comment

Church can be a gathering of thousands in a "mega-church." It could also be a few people getting together for breakfast at a restaurant and helping each other "grow in Christ," since Jesus says, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20).

"Growth in Christ" happens when we meet to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds" (Hebrews 10:24) or "sharpen" each other (Proverbs 27:17). It does not have to be in a church building on Sunday morning. It is possible that some of us may live where there are no churches close by, or those that are available do not follow the Bible. We still have a responsibility to do all we can to locate other believers and get together with them. We may need to start something on our own and do our best to help people around us get right with God, so we can grow from there.

How do I go about finding a good church?

Unfortunately, the only exposure many of us have had to a church is seeing someone on TV (who also happened to be a little strange).

Others might make a plunge and go to a church because someone invited them. However, you can still have one or more of the following reactions:
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]"What they had to say had nothing to do with the real world." [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]"They used weird talk, lots of words I never heard before." [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]"They didn't really use the Bible, and I didn't learn anything new." [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]"They seemed more interested in my money than anything else." [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]"The music was pretty bad." [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]"They asked the new folks to stand up and introduce themselves." [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]"Frankly, the people I met there seemed a little odd. They also seemed to have their own personal opinion of everything." [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]The obvious result: few new people return for more.

Actually, church should be:
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]Practical and relevant to today's world. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]Use normal language. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]Follow the Bible, using it as their only source of God's truth, and their final authority. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]Let the visitors know that they are not expected to give any money. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]Have good music. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]Allow people to visit the church without putting them "under a spotlight" or have them do something they would not normally do in public. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial, helvetica]Teach the truth, not existentialism. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]"Existentialism" probably needs some clarification. The formal definition is "each person exists as an individual in a purposeless universe, who must oppose the hostile environment through the exercise of their free will."

Put simply, this says that since we are "on our own" in the universe, we can believe anything that seems right to us. But does believing something make it true? For example, if someone told you to use the brake on your car instead of the accelerator because it "made sense to them," how far would you get? Obviously, you need to be told the truth, so you can use the accelerator to make your car move.

The same thing is true of Christianity. Since it is true, verifiable, and provable; we need to know the truth-not some person's opinion or interpretation. It just makes sense-if God is really God, He should know exactly what we need and how to tell us using the Bible.
Great article. :yep:

Adding this article to it:

Acts 2:42 could be considered a purpose statement for the church, “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” So, according to this Scripture, the purposes / activities of the church should be: (1) teaching Biblical doctrine, (2) providing a place of fellowship for believers, (3) observing the Lord’s supper, and (4) praying.

The church is to teach Biblical doctrine so we can be grounded in our faith. Ephesians 4:14 tells us, “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” The church is to be a place of fellowship, where Christians can be devoted to one another and honor one another (Romans 12:10), instruct one another (Romans 15:14), be kind and compassionate to one another (Ephesians 4:32), encourage one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and most importantly love one another (1 John 3:11).

The church is to be a place where believers can observe the Lord’s supper, remembering Christ’s death and shed blood on our behalf (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). The concept of “breaking bread” (Acts 2:42) also carries the idea of having meals together. This is another example of the church promoting fellowship. The final purpose of the church according to Acts 2:42 is prayer. The church is to be a place that promotes prayer, teaches prayer, and practices prayer. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Another “commission” given to the church is proclaiming the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). The church is called to be faithful in sharing the Gospel through word and deed. The church is to be a “lighthouse” in the community – pointing people towards our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The church is to both promote the Gospel and prepare its members to proclaim the Gospel (1 Peter 3:15).

Some final purposes of the church are given in James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” The church is to be about the business of ministering to those who are in need. This includes not only sharing the Gospel, but also providing for physical needs (food, clothing, shelter) as necessary and appropriate. The church is also to equip believers in Christ with the tools they need to overcome sin and remain free from the pollution of the world. This is done by the principles given above – Biblical teaching and Christian fellowship.

So, with all that said, what is the purpose of the church? I like the illustration in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. The church is God’s “body” – we are His hands, mouth, and feet in this world. We are to be doing the things that Jesus Christ would do if He were here physically on the earth. The church is to be “Christian” – “Christ-like” and Christ-following.
I'm a christian and I do not have a church home. I do believe people should be careful who they submit themselves to and allow over their lives.

Most churches are not what they should be and not even close.
I'm a christian and I do not have a church home. I do believe people should be careful who they submit themselves to and allow over their lives.

Most churches are not what they should be and not even close.

I can totally agree with you. We can have church in our home. The church can be made up 2 or 3 people (more of course) to glorify God and edify one another...encouraging each other in love.

So I say...have church at home:yep:
Great article. :yep:

Adding this article to it:

Acts 2:42 could be considered a purpose statement for the church, “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” So, according to this Scripture, the purposes / activities of the church should be: (1) teaching Biblical doctrine, (2) providing a place of fellowship for believers, (3) observing the Lord’s supper, and (4) praying.

The church is to teach Biblical doctrine so we can be grounded in our faith. Ephesians 4:14 tells us, “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” The church is to be a place of fellowship, where Christians can be devoted to one another and honor one another (Romans 12:10), instruct one another (Romans 15:14), be kind and compassionate to one another (Ephesians 4:32), encourage one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and most importantly love one another (1 John 3:11).

The church is to be a place where believers can observe the Lord’s supper, remembering Christ’s death and shed blood on our behalf (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). The concept of “breaking bread” (Acts 2:42) also carries the idea of having meals together. This is another example of the church promoting fellowship. The final purpose of the church according to Acts 2:42 is prayer. The church is to be a place that promotes prayer, teaches prayer, and practices prayer. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Another “commission” given to the church is proclaiming the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). The church is called to be faithful in sharing the Gospel through word and deed. The church is to be a “lighthouse” in the community – pointing people towards our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The church is to both promote the Gospel and prepare its members to proclaim the Gospel (1 Peter 3:15).

Some final purposes of the church are given in James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” The church is to be about the business of ministering to those who are in need. This includes not only sharing the Gospel, but also providing for physical needs (food, clothing, shelter) as necessary and appropriate. The church is also to equip believers in Christ with the tools they need to overcome sin and remain free from the pollution of the world. This is done by the principles given above – Biblical teaching and Christian fellowship.

So, with all that said, what is the purpose of the church? I like the illustration in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. The church is God’s “body” – we are His hands, mouth, and feet in this world. We are to be doing the things that Jesus Christ would do if He were here physically on the earth. The church is to be “Christian” – “Christ-like” and Christ-following.

Thank you for the added info, adequate!
I'm a Christian and not in a church home at the moment.

I still fellowship with other believers.:yep: I'm learning more about God and the Bible now than I did when I was in church, to be honest. If God leads me to a building to fellowship, I'll go. Until then, I will seek Him and let the Holy Spirit lead me.
I can totally agree with you. We can have church in our home. The church can be made up 2 or 3 people (more of course) to glorify God and edify one another...encouraging each other in love.

So I say...have church at home:yep:

funny. I do this often but if someone asked me if I have a church home I always say no? I'm going to revise that answer! :yep:
I can totally agree with you. We can have church in our home. The church can be made up 2 or 3 people (more of course) to glorify God and edify one another...encouraging each other in love.

So I say...have church at home:yep:

I'm glad you said that. I have DH's family that try to make me feel bad about it. They're the ones in the church sleeping my someones husband, cussing in the church building, teaching bible school but talking about the church members over sunday diner. That ain't christian like to me.:nono:
I'm a Christian and not in a church home at the moment.

I still fellowship with other believers.:yep: I'm learning more about God and the Bible now than I did when I was in church, to be honest. If God leads me to a building to fellowship, I'll go. Until then, I will seek Him and let the Holy Spirit lead me.

Happy New Year, lauren!

I'm glad you read the article. As I stated to dlewis, if you feel that you don't want to go to a "building" to meet with other members of the Body of Christ, then have church at home.

We still have to remember that the church is the Lord's...its not "our" church, but His....He calls the church His "Bride". He has required for us to meet together...for edification and exortation. Regardless as to how we may feel about others (pastors, etc.) who may not be teaching what God has ordained them too, we are still obligated to do what He has said for us to do.

ETA: Speaking to one another in songs, singing and making music in our hearts to God, giving thanks to God through Jesus, and submitting to one another to honor Christ are things that we can do and know that God uses to fill us with his Spirit (Eph. 5:15-21).
funny. I do this often but if someone asked me if I have a church home I always say no? I'm going to revise that answer! :yep:

I want you all to understand something. I'm not saying that because you don't go to a church building, you should just have a time at home alone. What I'm saying is this:

"If you don't like what's happening out there, then do something at home. Bring the people and have church in your home. Ask God to send someone who can teach His word with authority and with a heart of worship and a heart for the do what He has called them too. It may be you or your dh or your neighbor...just have church people!"

It's easy to do something at home with your children, dh...but I'm talking about Kingdom business here....leading others to Christ who don't know Him, to the foot of the cross! That's our mandate as Christians!
I want you all to understand something. I'm not saying that because you don't go to a church building, you should just have a time at home alone. What I'm saying is this:

"If you don't like what's happening out there, then do something at home. Bring the people and have church in your home. Ask God to send someone who can teach His word with authority and with a heart of worship and a heart for the do what He has called them too. It may be you or your dh or your neighbor...just have church people!"

It's easy to do something at home with your children, dh...but I'm talking about Kingdom business here....leading others to Christ who don't know Him, to the foot of the cross! That's our mandate as Christians!

Hey, hope you don't mind and I'm not trying to take away from your thread but I started another, "have you been burned by the church" thread because I realize there are a lot of people who feel the church does wrong or has done them wrong and they want no part of it. I had a father that felt this way. Please check in if you get a moment. I posted it in regular off topic so more folks would see it.

I think there are a few issues working here:

1. There are those that are Christians who don't go because they just don't want to go.
2. Those that don't go because they feel they can get the same caliber of worship and understanding at home.
3. Those who have been hurt by a church in the past or seen evil deeds done in the church in the name of God.

The last issue, is a serious one as we have a lot of people in church hurting and hostile towards one another. It's an issue that should be addressed separately from just is it okay to have church at home and not at church. I hope that makes sense.
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I'm glad you said that. I have DH's family that try to make me feel bad about it. They're the ones in the church sleeping my someones husband, cussing in the church building, teaching bible school but talking about the church members over sunday diner. That ain't christian like to me.:nono:

Romans 8:1 says this:

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"

Listen, hurt people, hurt people. This has been happening for thousands of years and we are seeing it still today.

There are no "perfect people", especially in the church because the people who get saved and are now going to church came from the world!
Hey, hope you don't mind and I'm not trying to take away from your thread but I started another, "have you been burned by the church" thread because I realize there are a lot of people who feel the church does wrong or has done them wrong and they want no part of it. I had a father that felt this way. Please check in if you get a moment. I posted it in regular off topic so more folks would see it.

I think there are a few issues working here:

1. There are those that are Christians who don't go because they just don't want to go.
2. Those that don't go because they feel they can get the same caliber of worship and understanding at home.
3. Those who have been hurt by a church in the past or seen evil deeds done in the church in the name of God.

The last issue, is a serious one as we have a lot of people in church hurting and hostile towards one another. It's an issue that should be addressed separately from just is it okay to have church at home and not at church. I hope that makes sense.

Where is the thread, adequate?

I don't feel you are taking away from the thread, at all. I do know that the Lord had me to start this thread, however, because its something that is needed at this time.

I don't want to jump to to many topics at once though, because its important to do things one at a time, as to not confuse those who are dealing with certain issues.

ETA: First, I found the thread.

Secondly, I personally think that any topic about Christianity should be kept in the CF. I have made a vow not to answer anything else in the OT forum about the things of God. Trust me, those that are usually in the OT forum, read things here in the CF. They may not answer, but they do read it and if they choose to answer, then we can then take it from there.

Just my humble, loving opinion.

Blessings, sis!
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Where is the thread, adequate?

I don't feel you are taking away from the thread, at all. I do know that the Lord had me to start this thread, however, because its something that is needed at this time.

I don't want to jump to to many topics at once though, because its important to do things one at a time, as to not confuse those who are dealing with certain issues.

It is in what you quoted above. By all means, you can respond whenever you have the time. No rush at all!
Please see what i added to the post above this one, adequate.


Ok, that makes sense. I don't know how everyone searches the forum for what they will read but I'll take your word for it. ;)

I'm fine with whatever the mods decide to do.

So you won't contribute to that discussion until it's moved?
Ok, that makes sense. I don't know how everyone searches the forum for what they will read but I'll take your word for it. ;)

I'm fine with whatever the mods decide to do.

So you won't contribute to that discussion until it's moved?

No, I choose not to discuss anything in the OT forum anymore about the things of God.

2008 is the year of New Beginnings. I thank God we have a CF so, I have decided to stay here.

I have gotten pm's from some folks who don't come over here to participate, but do have questions about what they have read and it's been really, really good. If people don't like something that is said, or if they have questions and really want to know more about a certain thread, they will doubt about it.

I feel that if we stay here more, it will be on and poppin! We must remain in a place of togetherness, and although I can understand your point why you wanted your thread in the OT forum, it will be a place of bashing Christianity, no matter how many disclaimers you put in there.

Keeping it in the CF is wise, because there is prayer going forth for all of us here and we know that where there is strife and contention, there will be confusion and every evil work. We must keep the bonds of Peace and we an do that here in the CF.

I thank God for Beverly to give us a place where we can come to and exhort, edify, encourage and teach and learn. We are a blessed people and I look forward to what God has instore for us here in this CF.

I want you all to understand something. I'm not saying that because you don't go to a church building, you should just have a time at home alone. What I'm saying is this:

"If you don't like what's happening out there, then do something at home. Bring the people and have church in your home. Ask God to send someone who can teach His word with authority and with a heart of worship and a heart for the do what He has called them too. It may be you or your dh or your neighbor...just have church people!"

It's easy to do something at home with your children, dh...but I'm talking about Kingdom business here....leading others to Christ who don't know Him, to the foot of the cross! That's our mandate as Christians!

Thanks for the clarification. I live alone so I it really isn't as simple as saying, "yelp I'm at home and the family has the bible so that counts!" :)

But even so I don't think that when 2 or more are gathered that any one must be annointed? I'm not sure about that but I think I understand what you are saying about being taught the word of God.

But I responded to your previous comment because I started thinking about the many times I've been in the company of "church folk" (my moms DH is a bishop) and my good friend is a paster... another friend is a greeter.. and so on... and we pray (about specific things and issues) and worship cry laugh together and generally encourage each other on many occassions.

I don't know if that counts but that is what I am refering to. I do not have the heart of an evangelist, however, I just try to let the way I live my life serve as an example to others and I'm not perfect.

This has been an unresolved issue (church going) in my entire christian life but I think I am getting close to the truth about fellowship.

thanks for this thread.
No, I choose not to discuss anything in the OT forum anymore about the things of God.

2008 is the year of New Beginnings. I thank God we have a CF so, I have decided to stay here.

I have gotten pm's from some folks who don't come over here to participate, but do have questions about what they have read and it's been really, really good. If people don't like something that is said, or if they have questions and really want to know more about a certain thread, they will doubt about it.

I feel that if we stay here more, it will be on and poppin! We must remain in a place of togetherness, and although I can understand your point why you wanted your thread in the OT forum, it will be a place of bashing Christianity, no matter how many disclaimers you put in there.

Keeping it in the CF is wise, because there is prayer going forth for all of us here and we know that where there is strife and contention, there will be confusion and every evil work. We must keep the bonds of Peace and we an do that here in the CF.

I thank God for Beverly to give us a place where we can come to and exhort, edify, encourage and teach and learn. We are a blessed people and I look forward to what God has instore for us here in this CF.


So are you limiting OT altogether. This is very interesting! Thanks for positng your thoughts.
So are you limiting OT altogether. This is very interesting! Thanks for positng your thoughts.

No, of course not. However, if it has anything to do with Christianity, then I won't be participating over in the OT.

I choose which threads I go into in the OT forum. :yep:
Thanks for the clarification. I live alone so I it really isn't as simple as saying, "yelp I'm at home and the family has the bible so that counts!" :)

But even so I don't think that when 2 or more are gathered that any one must be annointed? I'm not sure about that but I think I understand what you are saying about being taught the word of God.
But I responded to your previous comment because I started thinking about the many times I've been in the company of "church folk" (my moms DH is a bishop) and my good friend is a paster... another friend is a greeter.. and so on... and we pray (about specific things and issues) and worship cry laugh together and generally encourage each other on many occassions.

I don't know if that counts but that is what I am refering to. I do not have the heart of an evangelist, however, I just try to let the way I live my life serve as an example to others and I'm not perfect.

This has been an unresolved issue (church going) in my entire christian life but I think I am getting close to the truth about fellowship.

thanks for this thread.

I never said that anyone must be annointed. What I said was that to pray and ask God to send someone who has a heart of worship, etc.

When the first church started, there were those that were appointed to start those churches. Remember, God appoints (ordains) people to do His work, so it should be someone who has been called or appointed to do this in the church.

However, you have the right to what you feel is right for you.

I can totally agree with you. We can have church in our home. The church can be made up 2 or 3 people (more of course) to glorify God and edify one another...encouraging each other in love.

So I say...have church at home:yep:

I agree. I think that it can be very hard finding the right church home, so having church in your own home or a friends home is just as good if not better sometimes
I never said that anyone must be annointed. What I said was that to pray and ask God to send someone who has a heart of worship, etc.

When the first church started, there were those that were appointed to start those churches. Remember, God appoints (ordains) people to do His work, so it should be someone who has been called or appointed to do this in the church.

However, you have the right to what you feel is right for you.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. I put a question mark after that particular sentence only to get your thoughts on the matter. It was meant as a question - not a response to anything you said.

I appreciate your point of view that is why I asked.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. I put a question mark after that particular sentence only to get your thoughts on the matter. It was meant as a question - not a response to anything you said.

I appreciate your point of view that is why I asked.


No problem, sis. I appreciate you coming to this thread with your thoughts and your heart.

Thank you....!
Isn’t it sadly funny how some of our jokes remind us of a sad truth?

A man was stranded on a deserted Pacific island for years. Finally one day a boat comes sailing into view, and the man frantically waves and draws the skipper’s attention. The boat comes near the island and the sailor gets out and greets the stranded man.

After a while the sailor asks, “What are those three huts you have here?”

“Well, that’s my house there.”

“What’s that next hut?” asks the sailor.

“I built that hut to be my church.”

“What about the other hut?”

“Oh, that’s where I used to go to church.”

(There is a lesson to be learned about this little story)

There are some legitimate reasons for “changing churches,” but there are also some people who change congregations every couple of years simply because they have trouble getting along with other folks. Someone at church said something that made them mad or one of the songleaders doesn’t pick out songs they like or the elders decided to change the time of services, etc. etc. The reasons go on and on. You can just about mark on the calendar when they’ll leave to go to the next church. It makes you wonder if they would be happy in a church by themselves; perhaps, like the man in the story above, they would move somewhere else after a while just out of habit.

Each of the New Testament letters is filled with instructions on how to get along with others in the church. There are a couple of reasons for that. It is important and it is difficult for all of us at times. But, it’s also what makes us Christians — this learning to get along with others by living with the character of Christ. Don’t just take my word for it, listen to what the Holy Spirit says to us through the apostle Paul:

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another... Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion... If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. (Romans 12:9-10,15-16,18)
Yes, you can be a Christian and not go to Church but the question will be how strong of Christian will you be. In unity there is strength and of course the bible talks about not forsaking yourself together. In addtion, God places people together to do his work in the community. Your family is your ministry but there may be other places God can use you. God ordianed pastors and leaders to help people find their spiritual identity in Jesus.

If someone house burn down the first place they go is the Church. The Church is now a considered a entity that revives people and help the empowered the community becasue of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Lastly, becoming a Christian is confession and repentance to God with emersion of the water just like Jesus did. But what you do after that will determine your success as a Christian. Having success and power in Jesus takes home, Church, community, friends and a divine initmate relationship with Christ.
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How do you ladies think this scripture applies to the life of the modern Christian?

1 John 2:27

27But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

There are other scriptures about the Holy Spirit teaching us all things...I guess my question is...did God really intend for church to be the way it is now, with one man giving a message and the members accepting this as truth? (I'm not saying it's like this in every church). In many churches, there is no questioning the man of God. If you submit to his authority as pastor, then you accept what he teaches.

What do you ladies think?
How do you ladies think this scripture applies to the life of the modern Christian?

1 John 2:27

27But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

There are other scriptures about the Holy Spirit teaching us all things...I guess my question is...did God really intend for church to be the way it is now, with one man giving a message and the members accepting this as truth? (I'm not saying it's like this in every church). In many churches, there is no questioning the man of God. If you submit to his authority as pastor, then you accept what he teaches.

What do you ladies think?

I question everything. If what he says does not line up with the Bible it's a no no is by book. Every church I know of around here is like that, you don't question the minister. It's almost is like man puts him up there with GD.:sad:
Yes, you can be a Christian and not go to Church but the question will be how strong of Christian will you be. In unity there is strength and of course the bible talks about not forsaking yourself together. In addtion, God places people together to do his work in the community. Your family is your ministry but there may be other places God can use you. God ordianed pastors and leaders to help people find their spiritual identity in Jesus.

If someone house burn down the first place the go is the Church. The Church is now a considered a entity that revives people and help the empowered the community becasue of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Lastly, becoming a Christian is confession and repentance to God with emersion of the water just like Jesus did. But what you do after that will determine your success as a Christian. Having success and power in Jesus takes home, Church, community, friends and a divine initmate relationship with Christ.

Thanks, star!
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God Is!!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Posts: 3,149

Re: Can a Person Be a Christian and Not go to Church?
Yes, you can be a Christian and not go to Church but the question will be how strong of Christian will you be. In unity there is strength and of course the bible talks about not forsaking yourself together. In addtion, God places people together to do his work in the community. Your family is your ministry but there may be other places God can use you. God ordianed pastors and leaders to help people find their spiritual identity in Jesus.

If someone house burn down the first place the go is the Church. The Church is now a considered a entity that revives people and help the empowered the community becasue of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Lastly, becoming a Christian is confession and repentance to God with emersion of the water just like Jesus did. But what you do after that will determine your success as a Christian. Having success and power in Jesus takes home, Church, community, friends and a divine initmate relationship with Christ.

Amen, Sister!! My thoughts exactly. Along with attending a church and being under spiritual leadership, is the accountability to the Body of Christ. It is a lot easier for people to backslide when they are not in a church and don't have responsibility. One of the first visible signs of backsliding is when people stop coming to church.

I do agree with many of the statements that have been made, as we are all aware that the early churches began in people's homes. However, spiritually everyone has been assigned to a leader, and it may be by not attending a church you are not receiving (or are missing out on) the word that God has for you through the shephard he has placed over you. I can't imagine how spiritually immature I would be if I didn't attend church.

In the mean while, I pray you all find a wonderful church home that you can receive the pure unadulterated word of God!! There is strength when we come together as a body.