Can a girl with uber thick, coarse type 4 hair ever go natural?

There are a lot of us on here, me included.

And I just have to jump on another's question, are you sure you are thick and coarse? I WISH my hair would have laid as flat as yours with a FRESH relaxer, forget about x amount of days post.

Don't regret giving up the relaxer though.
You mean like my sister?




She told US she was going natural when she was 11 or 12....and we didn't have a choice in the matter. :lachen: She just hit two years natural last month. These pictures are from January 2010.
Are you sure your hair is coarse? Just wondering b/c many women think they automatically have coarse hair, when it's actually fine, just very dense.

And yes, I have broken MANY a comb (wide teeth, small teeth, on blow dryers...) even when I had a relaxer and I was FOREVER trying to layer my hair to thin it out. Then I realized that my hair was not meant to be little or quiet, just like me. I used to love wearing hats because I knew it would flatten my hair a bit when I took it off - now I don't dare try to cover Izzy with a hat (it probably wouldn't fit anyway).


I want to name my hair too!!!

Anyway my hair is also similar. Do not let a Dark and Lovely relaxer fool you into thinking it can't be a bush!!! My hair is extremely thick but it will take heat and relaxers verywell because of the thin to medium strands.
You mean like my sister?




She told US she was going natural when she was 11 or 12....and we didn't have a choice in the matter. :lachen: She just hit two years natural last month. These pictures are from January 2010.
She has beautiful hair! It sounds like she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it. I learned something from a 12 year old today!
Can a girl with uber thick, coarse type 4 hair ever go natural?

Yes :look:

There was a time I wondered if I could go natural and when you think about it REALLY Think about it- it doesn't make sense. Ask yourself why couldn't you go natural? What are your reasons for believing that you couldnt go natural? Is it texture? Is it thickness?

You were born natural so you can certainly go back to it. What people need to understand is going natural is changing your mindset about your hair. Yes your hair can be natural but you have to accept it and learn what products/techniques are best for it.
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My hair is really thick and it was easier to deal with as a natural. If I had a bad hair day, just wash n go or do a puff. My relaxed hair is not easy to deal with because it is too short for a pony tail. I'm using more heat on my relaxed hair.:rolleyes:
I'm seriously contemplating transitioning since I'm 3 and 1/2 months post anyway. The only thing that worries me is how unruly my hair is right now. How will I manage it when I'm natural. Oh the detangling sessions! :eek: I mean I have extremely thick, coarse hair! I've never seen anybody else outside my family with hair that thick. That's the only thing that stopped me from going natural before. I don't wanna let fear rule any aspects of my life anymore. Anybody else feel the same way?

PROBABLY already said... but Mwdezi << that can be right:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: has some beautiful beautiful thick hair
I have super thick hair and I'm natural. Their are a lot of us on here. Check out some Fotki's.

check out Nikkimae2003 on Youtube she has beautiful thick 4 hair
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I went natural girl and I got sum unruly nappy nappy hair!! Lol!! Nawh... but if I did it, you can too. Just takes patience and a lot of tlc. It was grow and love you back for it!
My first thought ---- Why couldn't you?!

LOL, but seriously. God never puts more on us than we can handle (lol) He gave you that hair so rock it! It'll be beautiful.
I read your post and I knew exactly what you meant. I knew you understood that you could very well go natural, like you could just cut off your relaxed ends and start over.

But I knew that you were asking if going natural was plausible or worth it when you're going to be spending so much time trying to do your hair. That's exactly how I feel. I'm not quite sure of my hair type right now but I believe that it's 4 something. I want to go natural just because I hate relaxers and I would love to never have to get one again. However, while I've had some issues with relaxers, they've also been pretty good to me. I was natural for 17 years of my life and all I remember from those days is my hair constantly reverting and rarely looking decent. Granted I was a kid and didn't have the arsenal of knowledge on caring for natural hair that I have now.

I am hoping that the wealth of information that I am learning from these boards will help make the transition and the final move to au naturale much easier. That's all I can do at this point. Good luck on your transition.
sure. i don't know if i have the same texture as you have but my hair is type 4 and very thick and coarse. i'm natural and have no regrets. :)
U re kidding right ? Thick hair is the best hair u can have .I wish mine was thicker ! Once u ll be fully natuRal u ll have an incredibly thick full fro !
When I was relaxed I was complimented often about my THICK, COURSE hair! Of course when I transitioned and had thick NG I was scared cause it was so thick....but by the time I bc'd it to a TWA I rolled my eyes and realized nobody knew what they were talking about!

My hair is type a soft 3C in the back, and type 4AB in the front (which is not AS soft, but beautiful, wavy when brushed down, and thick!)....BUT.....its very very fine....but because its dense (meaning every square mm of my head is covered with hair) hair APPEARS thick.....I said all that to say that its a mentality thing.....I was convinced to STAY natural when I saw a type 4AB with natural hair (not straightened) all the way to her BUTT! (Sera252---google her)...I learned later its called WL....she is probably Tail Bone length when straightened....and that was in 2008...!

Do your research...go to YT, and search this site...there are plenty of type 4 naturals with BSL, MBL, WL and beyond hair who use little to NO heat! My hair isn't too shabby....I went from TWA to BSB in less than 2 years without trying too hard, other than keeping to a simple regimen....Best of luck....the ladies here are a great resource!
yeah I did the brillo pad thing before and never again. :nono: My hair looks thinner in my avi because it's right after a fresh relaxer and flatiron from the salon.

I've decided to transition! I wanted to BC right away but I'll do it when I'm 1 year post (if i can stand the 2 textures).

One I became natural after cutting off the relaxed ends...I realized I still had 2 textures:)