Calling Only On 4Bs w/ Hair to Brastrap or Longer


New Member
I'm just curious as to how many of you who have been able to grow your hair to your brastraps or waist have coarse/4B hairtype. I am interested in your daily regimen, as well as how often you relax or give yourself special treatments (what are those treatments), and how do you care for your hair when you workout (styles during workout and aftercare). I know it's a lot, and I'm sure some of those with fine hair have great suggestions, but I really would like as much input as possible from ladies with coarse hair like mine. Thanks much.
I wash my hair once every 2 weeks with motions products. I do a pre-treatment with olive oil for about an hour before I wash. I steam my hair with motions conditioner for 15 minutes and I then rollerset my hair using motions leave in and IC Polisher. When its dry I do pin curls and spray my hair with ORS Olive Oil Sheen. This is my protective style for two weeks. Not manipulating my hair til wash day has helped my hair grow alot. I relax every 8 weeks, and give myself a treatment with motions cpr once a month. When I used to work out my hair would be in cainrows and I would leave my headscarf on.
i'm 4a/b and i wash my hair every week using products with good slip like elucence and relax every 3 months. i dont do anything special like hot oil treatment and rarely do protein treatments cause i'm lazy. lately i've been wearing my hair out and down or clipped up. nothing special.
Thanks to Lonei and Bree for their posts. Bree-- How do you manage to go 3 months w/ 4a/b new growth and no breakage?
Hi Three, Welcome to the boards! So nice to meet "you"

I am 4a/b (probably 4z @ the hairline
) I usually get a relaxer every three months and the last time I measured my hair from scalp to ends in February, it was 13 inches (about an inch and a half from brastrap). It may be at my bra strap by now (i am getting a relaxer tomorrow).

I think it is very important to have a good diet (with at least a multivitamin), to keep the scalp clean (I do this with daily conditioner washes), and to keep the hair moisturized. Since I am a PJ, I rather tell u my steps, rather than my products
. To prevent breakage on my relaxed hair, I do light protein treatments weekly. I also deep condition at least once a week. I wash my hair daily with conditioner (yes, I am very addicted to water) and only comb my hair while it is under running water. Before exercising, I throw conditioner in my hair and put it in a loose bun, then rinsing it out after my workout. hth.
Anky-- Thanks for the welcome. I'm still adding information to my "signature" and getting the hang of things. My ID being a number is a mistake that I am trying to correct with the board's webmaster, but I decided to go ahead and make use of the board while I'm waiting for someone to get back to me. It has been several days though. Oh well. Information by any other name is still information.
I am 4a/b and newly at bra strap when stretched. My hair is texturized which makes it easier to maintain as far as the two textures are concerned. I go 3 months between relaxers.
I wash every week to week and a half with any shampoo but I use elucence mb moisturizing conditioner and/or ao gbp.

As far as daily moisturizers I use s-curl. I also use surge at least once every three days and take silica and b-5. Silica actually loosened my hair texture, which used to be mostly 4b. Now I have very soft 4a in areas.
Dahomey-- It looks like we have much in common. My hair is relaxed, but not totally straight, so I guess it qualifies as texturized. I also use a curly perm product as a moisturizer. I'm hooked on Wave Nouveau Finishing Lotion. Thanks for the vitamin info. I'll give it a try. I'll try to stretch my relaxers to 3-4 months.
3844 said:
Thanks to Lonei and Bree for their posts. Bree-- How do you manage to go 3 months w/ 4a/b new growth and no breakage?

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sorry i didnt reply earlier, i forgot i posted on this thread. i think by using conditioners with good slip and detangling using wide tooth combs has helped alot.i dont manipulate my hair much.
Almost I still comment?

Well, My name is ElizaBlue and I'm addicted to daily washes. I wash my hair with CON in the morning, I wash my hair with conditioner in the night, sometimes I wash my hair just to wash my hair. The only draw back I've found is that my hair is always wet or damp. I think all the washing has led to accelerated growth. I tried conditioner rinses, but if you wear the baggie method, you cannot simply rinse vaseline out of your hair and if you put conditioner on it you can truly forget about it...unless you reach for the shampoo.

Okay that is not what you asked for. I basically do some type of washing or rinsing daily. Afterwards I put WGO, Surge and Profective Break free on hair. Do the baggie method. No brushing. Weekly Sustenstance and Olive Oil treatments.

There now...I feel so much better.
I just pressed out my new growth and I'm offically bra-strap. I'm so excitied. To answer your questions I'm a 3c/4a in my front and 4b in the back. I relax with regular strength Mizani every 2-3 months. I'm breaking that rule next weekend and relaxing @ 8 weeks cuz the new growth is too much. Hence, why I pressed it. Every other day I rinse and condition with Motions regular or oil. I only manipulate my hair in the shower, when water is running down. I find it makes the hair super easy to detangle. I then use a cream leave in, a touch of oil @ the ends and olive oil cream at the hair line. I brush JUST THE TOP OF MY HAIR into a pony tail. (Meaning I never brush all the way down to the ends). I wear a bun 99% of the time ( It actually is my fav style) and moisturize throughout the day with Kemi Oyl Shea Butter and a spritzs of Sea Plasma. Also, its important to sleep with the hair moisturized and wrapped up.I got lazy last week and noticed a bit of breakage. My hair NEVER breaks. Just sheds, so now I realize how important tying the hair up is. My regime has been working for about a year now. As far as special treatments go... I use a protein treatment when I notice my hair feeling "too soft" from all the moisture it has. You must balance between protein and moisture or the hair will break off. I work out at night so I just slather conditioner in my hair, work out, rinse it out and style as usual. Sorry its so long, and I hope I answered all your questions!
I am not bra atrap length, but while we are on the topic, how long it take for you girls to grow it to brastrap (from shoulder length)?
This upcoming retouch should put me at about bra strap and its taken me a little under a year to get there from shoulder length
GiGi55799 said:
This upcoming retouch should put me at about bra strap and its taken me a little under a year to get there from shoulder length

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