Calling all weekly rollersetters, have you noticed more split ends?


For those that roller set at least once a week, have you noticed that combing wet hair has caused your hair to break and split? I had a major trim back in March, and now my ends literally look like my puppy has chewed on them. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I thought the purpose of roller setting was so that you don't use direct heat allowing you to need less trims. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm thinking about going back to airdrying and flat ironing once a week.
Nope. No split ends here since I stopped using heat, which for me was the culprit. I rollerset twice each week.
Ladylynn said:
For those that roller set at least once a week, have you noticed that combing wet hair has caused your hair to break and split? I had a major trim back in March, and now my ends literally look like my puppy has chewed on them. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I thought the purpose of roller setting was so that you don't use direct heat allowing you to need less trims. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm thinking about going back to airdrying and flat ironing once a week.

Maybe it's time you got a trim perhaps? If you last had a trim last March... that's a looooong time to go without a trim.:ohwell: For me, anyway. I don't go more than 10 weeks without a trim.
brownhaired_bonanza said:
Maybe it's time you got a trim perhaps? If you last had a trim last March... that's a looooong time to go without a trim.:ohwell: For me, anyway. I don't go more than 10 weeks without a trim.
i agree. that is a long time to go w/o a trim. it's probably just time for a trim, nothing to do with the rollerset.
Ladylynn said:
For those that roller set at least once a week, have you noticed that combing wet hair has caused your hair to break and split? .
I want to add that I find combing dry hair makes hair more likely to break. I only comb on wet hair on wash days.
I do admit, I haven't been trimming like I should have been and certainly not on schedule. This week I'm going to start the year off with a fresh trim. This may mean cutting off as much as 3 inches. :cry: So much for progress. I'm also going to pay close attention to my ends this time around. When I used to flat iron, it was so much easier to pay attention to the ends of the hair because I would flat iron in small sections. When I got down to the ends, I would just snip them. I'll do better this year. I still love how my hair comes out with rollersets. More moisturized and full of body. I would hate to have to give that up.
I never get split ends since I only rollerset and never use direct heat on the ends. Your hair looks really healthy.
Thanks ladies. My roller sets are pretty simple. I use a watery detangler (currently Baby love), olive oil, and B&B hair grease only on the ends. That's it.