Calling all TrackMasters! Weave DIYers, post your tips!


New Member
When sewing in your own weave, what tips have you learned that make it easier, faster, or just prettier? :reddancer:

Which braiding pattern gives you the best results? Anything you can share will help those of us who want to learn DIY weaving. :bookworm2:

With the economy in the state it's in, lots of girls are rethinking that salon trip for the sew-in. :scratchch:

I'll start:
Don't cut the tracks at all! At the end of the row, fold the track, pin it down with a few stitches, and then start sewing it in the other direction for the next row.

Chime in with your tips!
Check out my fotki.:grin: I have done some self sew ins, and I am getting better. I love doing them, even though, they are time consuming. I braid everything going back, I use a net, because my braids aren't the best. But, always make sure the foundation lays flat!
Well lets see I just started doing this self weaving last month. I used the net method. And it is super easy. I plan to make a tutorial with the next one. I could have done one that time but, I didn't make clear enough pictures.
Please show pics of the net procedure. I've never used that one.

I would say, if you can help it, don't try to do everything in one day, especially if you are a newbie.

Day one: Wash, cond, moisturize and braid hair in your chosen pattern.

You can wear a wig, scarf or hat to cover up your hair until it is time to sew.

I usually make sure I have no plans for the day I'm sewing.

Day two: Sew in hair and take your time.
Please show pics of the net procedure. I've never used that one.

I would say, if you can help it, don't try to do everything in one day, especially if you are a newbie.

Day one: Wash, cond, moisturize and braid hair in your chosen pattern.

You can wear a wig, scarf or hat to cover up your hair until it is time to sew.

I usually make sure I have no plans for the day I'm sewing.

Day two: Sew in hair and take your time.
I agree with this!:yep:
What is the net method? Can someone explain this...i'd like to try...

The store sales wig nets. And you lay it over your hair, securely place it over, and sew it around, then cut the extra off. Bang!, you have a base.:grin: The only pics I have are the ones in the hair magazine. Once you see it there, it makes alot of sense!
No tips on putting them in,but when you take it out..GET HELp :blush:...I tried to cut mine out once and cut of a nice chunk of hair.
When sewing in your own weave, what tips have you learned that make it easier, faster, or just prettier? :reddancer:

Which braiding pattern gives you the best results? Anything you can share will help those of us who want to learn DIY weaving. :bookworm2:

With the economy in the state it's in, lots of girls are rethinking that salon trip for the sew-in. :scratchch:

I'll start:
Don't cut the tracks at all! At the end of the row, fold the track, pin it down with a few stitches, and then start sewing it in the other direction for the next row.

Chime in with your tips!
I thought I was the only one who did it this way! I can only do this because I only wear curly haired weaves. I don't know how this would work with straight hair. This also makes take down so much easier!Great thread.
1. Give yourself a good deep conditioning/protein treatment before putting it in.
2. braid you hair w/ kankelon hair added- the smaller braids the better
3. sew a net over your braid- results in less hair damage and thicker hair growth coming in (to me)
4. take you time- it will result in a better finished product
5. still take care of your hair underneath the weave w/ the crown and glory method

That's all for now!!

A pic of one I did myself is in my fotki.
I thought I was the only one who did it this way! I can only do this because I only wear curly haired weaves. I don't know how this would work with straight hair. This also makes take down so much easier!Great thread.

I tried this but it didn't work for me, the edges didn't come out flat enough. If cutting the tracks is making your extension hair shed too much, try sealing the wefts before cutting them w/ Anna Lee's No Fray. It's to stop fraying and is in Micheals craft store. HTH
1. Give yourself a good deep conditioning/protein treatment before putting it in.
2. braid you hair w/ kankelon hair added- the smaller braids the better
3. sew a net over your braid- results in less hair damage and thicker hair growth coming in (to me)
4. take you time- it will result in a better finished product
5. still take care of your hair underneath the weave w/ the crown and glory method

That's all for now!!

A pic of one I did myself is in my fotki.

What's the crown and glory method??