calling all Tall ladies......our hair


Active Member
I'm, 5ft 9 and i have a looong neck. It seems like my hair is shorter than what it is beacuse of this. I think we tall women endure a longer wait to reach our goals, for instance it is taking me forever to hit most of my brastraps (i have already hit some).
In addition, i dont like to wear my hair in updo's (but since im on a protective styling regime i have to). I feel soo much more attractive with my hair down. I think i look awkward when i wear buns b/c of the length of my neck.
My lil sis is 5'5, has almost no neck, her hair is shorter than mine, but hits below her brastraps!!!! can any of you ladies relate??? Has our height finally cursed us (lol)??? [BTW i personally LOVE being tall, but sometimes its a pain b/c of clothes]
I feel your pain, and it took forever to get pass shoulder length, but I have a short torso and hoping that it works in my favor, my height is in the legs.
I am tall too! Don't be discouraged. Atleast the longer we do this the healthier our hair is getting. I am 5'8" and my hair is 24 inches long but does not reach my bra strap! (yet) Look on the bright side--weight gain is not so apparent in us tall folk. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I think I look more attractive with my hair down also. I think we should wear it down every once in a while to give it a break from the updos. Really. Our hairline gets stressed with the updos. I did buy myself a pony tail the other day. It was long and curly, but I cut it to a much shorter length. When I wear it, it's exactly how my hair would look roller set and pulled up into a cutsie pony tail. It's a very pretty look for me. My hair underneath is worn in a bun with a scrunchie, plastic baggie and cut off stocking (credit Adrienne)
Hi guys! I am also tall....5'7" and have always felt that it takes taller people longer generally for hair to look "long" on them. I have bra strap legth hair and it is 25" long from hairline to back. I am aiming for about 28"-30" over all which will take me to just about waist length (a little higher). after I get there...hopefully by Dec 2003 I will be happy and stop and mainatin there. If things go well I might get there by next year August...but if not I have the 4 extra months to re-group and reach my goal. Been growing out from above the shoulders since June 2000.

I am 5'9" too. I know what you're talking about. It took me forever to get to b/s. Also I prefer wearing my hair down, but I can't, it's bad for your hair to do that constantly. But don't worry it all evens up in the end.
I feel your pain I'm 5'11 and 125 pounds (in my dreams) /images/graemlins/blush.gif.

Really, I'm not that tall, I'm close to 5'7 but I have never really noticed what you are speaking of. It is very interesting and has me thinking.
Luvable, I love your little green -haired lady. It looks like she is zipping her boot and something else. What else is she doing?

Henrilou, I'm trying to see your picture but it goes to the album and after I click the folder it says not responding. I'd love to see it.
Hey SuperGirl: I think she (the greenie) is waving at us. Yeah the pic site is busy, but it IS working. So try again later if you want
Thanks Supergirl,

It looks like she’s being sassy by reaching down to her boot, waves her hand then kicks her leg while turning her head, there is also a lot of eye batting going on throughout the entire process. Now that I described it, it sounds like this little green haired girl is flirting. /images/graemlins/blush.gif

I have to add that her blue eyeshadow doesn't go with the green hair and orange ear rings. I guess the black boots are to tone the entire outfit down /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I'm relatively tall: 5'7" and I have a long neck too. Beana, although it may not seem like it now, that long neck of yours is an asset. /images/graemlins/smile.gif In the modeling world, many of the models have long necks - it is Iman's trademark, and she is a legend in the business. Today's black supermodels (white ones too) have long necks. Even Gwyneth Paltrow, who is not a model, constantly receives breathy reviews by the fashion industry, which refer to her long neck - it's perceived as graceful and elegant.

I feel you on the frustrating progress issue, where the hair looks shorter than it actually measures. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif At 12" (roots to ends), my hair brushed the tops of my shoulders. It took 14" to bypass them. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
<font color="blue"> Geez, this isn't terribly encouraging! I'm 5'9", and my hair is at my neck now. I guess it will take me forever to reach bra strap length. </font color>
<font color="blue"> Hi beana!
I can relate to you completely. I'm 5'8 with a long neck. Like you I hate wearing my hair up....I feel soooo unattractive *shrug* Its been only 2 weeks since I've started "protective styling" and stoped using heat so its a struggle. But when I see all the great pics people are posting it gives me hope that I'll get past shoulder length.
To me, all you ladies are short! I'm 5'10'' and I agree it takes much longer to reach hair growth goals then someone else shorter than me. But ladies, atleast you aren't 5'10'' like me!
Hey I am close to 5'8", I was scraping my brastrap until I had to get those 2inches taken off. /images/graemlins/mad.gif I will be waistlength around Dec 2003 if eveything goes well. aaaahhh we'll see. I seem to get better growth in the winter for some reason, summer wreaks havoc on it as I have learned. I also got on the New Moon cycle of clipping my ends. I used to used it a while ago and got really good growth, especially in the winter, but when I slopped up on it, that is when it seemed to take forever to grow. Hmmmmmmm..... /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Miss Hada
I'm a tall chica too. I've got about 5-6 inches before I get to bra strap and from bra-waist is about 10 inches /images/graemlins/mad.gif

The length I'm at now seems to be taking forever to budge even though it's growing I know otherwise I wouldn't be getting re-touches.
I'm really feeling this topic. I'm 5'9 with a long neck and it actually does take longer for us to reach our goal length. 20in on me maybe be brastrap for someone else. Don't worry ladies, we all have our crosses to bear. Besides, I love being tall, it has many advantages (spotted easily at the club /images/graemlins/grin.gif). There's good and bad in everything.
Caramela your hair is absolutely gorgeous. Looking at you and BrownRelaxed makes me want to relax....Only because then I could workout with out my hair reverting and I wouldn't have to RUN when it rains...

OMG, you're 5'10? Looking at your pictures, why are you not out super modeling somewhere with all the height and beauty.
Armyqt I here you,

I admit I do play on it too. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif I love to wear 4 inch heels when I am feeling really sensual. And since I workout, I am becoming more statuesque (sp?) with long lines. I have long a torso, long legs and arms , broad shoulders (would not need shoulder pads one bit) and some what long neck.

So I am just imagining and can't wait when I get waist length hair, it will be alot of hair and I feel it will add to my sensuality.

Miss Hada
I feel your pain, I'm 5'8" and my hair is a smudge passed my shoulders and I'm thinking by the time I reach bra-strap length it will be two years from now /images/graemlins/frown.gif. I have a question what type of vitamin regimen do you tall ladies have? Out of everything you take I was just curious to know what really promoted growth being that all of you ladies have bra-strap length or longer.
I feel the same way. I am 5'7" and I hate wearing my hair up-like today. It has been raining a lot where I live, so even though I have a visit to the salon every Saturday, I have to wear my hair up because it's wet outside. I definitely get noticed more with my hair down, even though wearing my hair up can be very pretty too. I just feel more feminine with it down. But look on the bright side-at least it is protective styling and helping to keep hair healthy.
I can relate Caramela. Ia m also 5'10 and my hair never seems to quite make it to my bra strap. I envy my shorter friends who just get a tinge of growth and it looks really really long when it is not even longer than mine. But oh well. As long as I get healthy hair I am sure the length will come in time.

I also hate wearing the updos...m,akes me feel like a lollipop.

I also undersatnmd the weight thing I am 5'10 and since I had my baby I am now 174 lbs but everyone (especially the men) say it lokks really good how I am now in comparison to before my baby when I was 150...well I am gonna lose the weight and get super long hair. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
i've used vitamins on and off for the past year, but i'm definetely sticking with my current regime!!!
Country Life's Maxi Hair
Source Natural's MSM
Natrol's Silica
i'm also thinking of adding additional biotin and EPO in the nextb month.

I really dont think it was the vitamins that gave my hair its length. I used to treat my hair horrible and it was always shoulder length or a bit below. But with the vitamins i'm definetely seeing a positive increase in hair health (which is my current goal as opposed to gaining length).
BTW my hair never looks like it grows to me.... i mean it has b/c i see new growth, but i dont see how long it strecthes ever. Wearing protective styles does help w/this feeling though, when i finally let my ahir down in late november i know im going to be pleased with the new length.
and i always feel sexy when hair graces my neck or my face, its like it brings out soo much more. I'm not the "beauty queen" type so growing my hair out is the way i pamper myself.
Ok, now I'm depressed and feeling really, really, really short (5'2"; 5'3" on a good day). /images/graemlins/frown.gif **feeling like a midget and waving up at the very tall ladies on this board** /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
I am 5'10 and I have a very long "goose" neck. It's funny because I was thinking recently because of this long neck it has taken forever for my hair to reach shoulder length. On top of that, my hairline above my ears is kinda high due to me having ears the size of a newborn baby(no joke). I must admit they're cute, but only on a baby I'm a grown woman!
Hi Legs71. I guess the grass is always greener...I have heard many refer to long necks as graceful and swan-like (goose neck is a new one for me /images/graemlins/smile.gif ). Yes, it takes longer for us long-neck people to reach shoulder-length. Interestingly, I noticed that once my hair grew to shoulder-length, my neck didn't look as long when I wore my hair down. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Tea, YOU feel short? I am barely 5 feet!!! I also have a long neck though so it isn't always a tall thing. Though 22 inches is midback for me, reaching shoulder length was quite a feat.
Hello all,

I feel your pain. I am 5'7" and when my hair was 23" last year my hair just was a smidgen above brastrap length. I needed 25.5" to reach my goal. And my bangs and side hair was chin length, so in all my pictures unless I have my hair in a way so you can see length it looks as if all my hair is chin length (which I hated) it wasn't until I chopped off my hair that I realized I had a lot of hair even though I was taller.

The good thing is I think I have a 3-4 year growing length. So I'm just going to let it grow until I can't anymore.