Calling all "tail" growers!


New Member
For the first time ever, my hair has developed a tail.:ohwell: You can see it at the end of my ponytail in my signature. It is making me self conscious but I am on a no cutting challenge until decemeber... I will only dust for splits every few weeks.

*****If you have had a tail, how long did it take for your hair to even out? Did you end up cutting it away?

*****For those of you who currently have tails, what are you gonna do about it? Does it make you self conscious?
I get my tails in cycles and I understand them to be how my hair grows. I usually get two at a time, one on each side in the back and I love them! I'll never cut my tails and no, they don't make me feel self-conscious at all.
It seems to take a month or two for the rest of my hair to catch up.
I have tails too..My beautician use to cut my every six weeks which demenished my length, I didn't like wearing my hair done because of it.. But now I don't care, I figure eventually it wil all catch up.
I have several tails and the only challenge they present is when I roller set my hair. :ohwell: The rest of my hair never really catches up, but I do not mind that my ends appear uneven as long as they are healthy. It drives my sister crazy, though, that one small section of my hair is 3 inches longer than the rest.:lol: I refuse to cut it!:p
Just feel foutunate that your tail grows in the middle, lol, cuz mine grows on my right side:mad: . It does make me self concious. Sometimes it even grows longer on my right andleft side, leaving the middle noticibly shorter. I've been struggling to get it evened up but I think I give up.:ohwell:
whew! i thought i was the only one! i just noticed a tail in the back, middle of my hair. its bBSL. the rest of my hair is anywhere from 3 inches above BSL to BSL. my tail has always been longer and everyone and every stylists wants to even it up. i say no! i've also got a tail on the left side of my hair. i can't WAIT until the rest of my hair catches up to the "tails." i hope its soon.

how long is it taking most of you other tail growers to catch up?
*****If you have had a tail, how long did it take for your hair to even out? Did you end up cutting it away?
I ended up cutting my tail off. It was the thinnest broken off part of my hair.

*****For those of you who currently have tails, what are you gonna do about it? Does it make you self conscious?
As I already stated I cut it off. But if it does grow back thicker I will not be cutting it off again. I liked my tail
I am sooo jealous of the ladies who grow a tail in the back middle. I always want my hair to be naturally longer in the back. Unfortunately for me, I grow 2 longer sections. Just above both of my ears...i trim them after every relaxer, i only trim the back/rest maybe 2-3x a year...
Pokahontas said:
Just feel foutunate that your tail grows in the middle, lol, cuz mine grows on my right side:mad: . It does make me self concious. Sometimes it even grows longer on my right andleft side, leaving the middle noticibly shorter. I've been struggling to get it evened up but I think I give up.:ohwell:

OKAY! I'm tired of this. I really must be beating up the middle section of my hair because this keeps happening. I can't seem to figure it out. I gave myself a much needed trim so I hope I can nurse that section.
I just noticed a couple of months ago I have a tail and I hate it! It's dead center at the nape of my neck and about 2 inches longer than the rest of my hair. When I wear my hair straightened and in a ponytail it bothers me most because it looks like I have thin ends at the last couple of inches. I cut it off to even it up a couple of months ago and thought that was the end but I just noticed it's back again! I'll probably keep cutting it.
As is evident in my siggy, I have a tail.

It's not split or damaged, just longer than the rest.

I want to cut it off, but I'd be depressed to lose the length.

But it's sort of like false length, since the rest of my hair is shorter.

I trimmed it recently and will do slight trims until my October one-year anniversary. Then I'll likely cut most of it off, leaving a slightly longer middle.

I feel that the tail is stressed, being all down there by itself. Because it looks like it gets thinner and thinner as months go by (is it my imagination?). I feel if I had a more even cut the ends would be stronger (although I'm not seeing noticeable breakage).
OneInAMillion said:
OKAY! I'm tired of this. I really must be beating up the middle section of my hair because this keeps happening. I can't seem to figure it out. I gave myself a much needed trim so I hope I can nurse that section.

I think I'm doing the same thing. *sigh* I wish I had a tail.