Calling All Self Relaxing...


Well-Known Member
Calling All Self Relaxers...

Share Your Tips With the Rest of Us....

When I was younger, I used to self relax all the time. It did cause breakage but I also didnt know anything about moisturizing, minimal heat, protein, and all the other wonderful things that keep your hair strong. I started going to a stylist to get my relaxers and that have instructed me to "NEVER RELAX YOUR OWN HAIR". I dont want to be a slave to the salon and have to spend $75 dollars on the chance they may or may not do a good job and cut all my hair off. I do know this, "The longer I stay away from the salon, the longer my hair grows."


I want to be a self-relaxer. I want to do the best job I can do. Suggestions and advice is welcomed.

The last relaxer I did, August 9, 07', I did myself and my hair is still doing well. Along with the other things I have learned from the board, shedding is normal and breakage is real low.
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The following is a thread that compiles all threads/fotkis/articles pertaining to Self Relaxing. It is VERY helpful. I suggest that you subscribe to that thread because it is the perfect reference guide. It will take awhile to get through but is worth it. My self relaxing skills and technique have improved 100% thanks to this forum. Good luck!
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Thanks Nixx! I just subscribed.

The following is a thread that compiles all threads/fotkis/articles pertaining to Self Relaxing. It is VERY helpful. I suggest that you subscribe to that thread because it is the perfect reference guide. It will take awhile to get through but is worth it. My self relaxing skills and technique have improved 100% thanks to this forum. Good luck!
Share Your Tips With the Rest of Us....

When I was younger, I used to self relax all the time. It did cause breakage but I also didnt know anything about moisturizing, minimal heat, protein, and all the other wonderful things that keep your hair strong. I started going to a stylist to get my relaxers and that have instructed me to "NEVER RELAX YOUR OWN HAIR". I dont want to be a slave to the salon and have to spend $75 dollars on the chance they may or may not do a good job and cut all my hair off. I do know this, "The longer I stay away from the salon, the longer my hair grows."


I want to be a self-relaxer. I want to do the best job I can do. Suggestions and advice is welcomed.

The last relaxer I did, August 9, 07', I did myself and my hair is still doing well. Along with the other things I have learned from the board, shedding is normal and breakage is real low.

I hear ya on the bolded part. I personally plan to never set foot in a salon again. Sounds like you already have a good idea of what you're doing, so I think with practice you will get better with it. I've been self-relaxing for years, and my best tips would be:

1) Use a protein reconstructor, for 5 minutes, after thoroughly rinsing the relaxer from the hair, but before the neutralizing step. For me, this prevents the "hair stuck to my head" look that can come with a fresh touchup.

2) Apply oil or conditioner to previously-relaxed ends before applying the relaxer to new growth. Before rinsing out the relaxer, re-apply oil or conditioner to ends for additional protection. This step prevents the relaxer from processing previously-relaxed ends as it is rinsed out.

Hope this helps!
The following is a thread that compiles all threads/fotkis/articles pertaining to Self Relaxing. It is VERY helpful. I suggest that you subscribe to that thread because it is the perfect reference guide. It will take awhile to get through but is worth it. My self relaxing skills and technique have improved 100% thanks to this forum. Good luck!

Hey, Nixx, thanks from me, too. I'm about 85% decided to take care of my hair totally, as well. This thread will probably help me commit the other 15%, and be all the way in!!! I just want to make sure I include some henna treatments BEFORE I get started self-relaxing. Long, thick and free.......HERE I COME!!!
You have inspired me to cancel the relaxer appointment I made. If you can self relax and be full bra strp then I am confident I can too. I believe I can do a good job. I'll be taking your advice, thank you.

I hear ya on the bolded part. I personally plan to never set foot in a salon again. Sounds like you already have a good idea of what you're doing, so I think with practice you will get better with it. I've been self-relaxing for years, and my best tips would be:

1) Use a protein reconstructor, for 5 minutes, after thoroughly rinsing the relaxer from the hair, but before the neutralizing step. For me, this prevents the "hair stuck to my head" look that can come with a fresh touchup.

2) Apply oil or conditioner to previously-relaxed ends before applying the relaxer to new growth. Before rinsing out the relaxer, re-apply oil or conditioner to ends for additional protection. This step prevents the relaxer from processing previously-relaxed ends as it is rinsed out.

Hope this helps!
You are ALL SET with the thread written by Lady Esquire it is very comprehensive. I think my 2 biggest tips are: make sure you apply enough relaxer, I have had less than desirable results when I did not use enough. The last touch up I did which came out very good I used a plastic pastry bag w/ a plastic tip and I was a able to squeeze out a good amount to get the job done. (Don't worry I practiced with conditioner a few times before D-ay,lol) It was my best touch up ever.

My other tip, is to make sure you clarify 3-5 days before, the less gunk the better the relaxer is able to take to the new growth. I used to be of the mind set the dirtier the better until I read Sistaslick article suggest a clarifying poo. Those 2 steps gave me the best relaxer ever, I was on the fence, I had underprocessed a few times last year, and then went to a salon in august and really was not pleased with the results at all. So I told myself I would try one more time, and the last time was the charm. I now no longer have to step foot in the salon again, only if I want to.

Good luck!