
New Member
Okay ladies, here's the deal:

I normally do not put any heat on my hair (aside from a monthly deep condition under my soft cap hair dryer) but I would like to press my hair every now and again just to see the length of my hair. That might sound shallow to some, but oh well...

Anyway, my stylist tells me that she is nervous about me pressing my hair because she thinks it will ruin my natural curl pattern. Like many of us, I have all kinds of strands in my head and my left front side in particular is straighter than the rest.

My question is: those of you naturals who press or flat iron, has it changed your curl pattern significantly? Are you no longer able to rock natural styles? I really want to hear others' experiences before I give in because if pressing won't allow me to fro' out from time to time, then I'll pass.

Thanks in advance ladies!
Heat straightening my hair 5-7 times a year has not changed my texture one bit. I blow dry on a medium-high setting and use my flatiron on the 400 degree setting. I've been doing this for over 2.5 years and no problem for me.
I straighten my hair no more than twice a year. I use heat protectant and a flat iron. It hasn't changed my curl pattern at all.
I used to flatiron my hair once a week and sometimes touch it up midweek (so bad I know), and my hair is still just as currrrrly as ever!
tastesosweet said:
My question is: those of you naturals who press or flat iron, has it changed your curl pattern significantly? Are you no longer able to rock natural styles? I really want to hear others' experiences before I give in because if pressing won't allow me to fro' out from time to time, then I'll pass.

Thanks in advance ladies!

I get my hair flat ironed at the salon and I haven't had any problems with my hair reverting. There's no burning smell when he does it. My stylist said that with the pressing comb, it's like its pulling your hair straight so that's why sometimes pieces of it don't revert. And that the flat iron is better because it's not pulling. However, I think that if either tool is used properly then it should be fine. The only way your hair will not revert is if it is burned straight. Which alters your texture and leads to damage. And that's not good.
there has been times where parts of my hair had no curl pattern left (luckily they were in sections of my hair where no one can see lol). I read that very hot heating tools, esp pressing combs can cause this kind of damage.

after reading up on this, i told my stylist to just use the flat iron on low heat...she was okay with that but tried to tell me that it wont be as flat, of course i was okay with that because i love volume anyway. my press came out beautiful! washed it out a week later and my curls were the damage done!

so i suggest low-medium heat...i'd def stay away from the pressing comb!

i hope this helps!
I get my hair blow dried, pressed and curled with the marcel irons about twice a year and haven't had a problem. But my hair is extremely strong it used to take a relaxer a long time to loosen my curl pattern. I think if your hair used to relax easily then heat might loosen your curl pattern.
I press my hair about every month or two and I have had no problems with it not reverting back to curly. The thought of it though does scare me so I try make sure I don't press too much. My hairdresser uses an old fashioned pressing comb and so far so good. Last time he did my hair I gave him my IC Fantasia Heat Protectant to use before he blowdryed just for my peace of mind :lol: .
I flat iron my hair no more than once a week, and so far, I haven't incurred any damage. I can still rock my natural curls whenever I feel like it.


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