
New Member
I'm sitting here at work, when I should be working looking for a Boundless Tresses fix, **hands on hips** why have there been no updates in the last 30 minutes???? :mad:

But seriously, how is everybody coming along? And are you still using BT consistently. I surely am. I want another 2 inches by mid August before I relax!
I haven't been as consistent because:

1. I'm lazy

2. I use too much and it drips down my neck.

3. When it drips down my neck, the sulfur makes me break out.

I'm hoping she will come out with her thicker "hair grease" type formula.
tmichelle said:
I haven't been as consistent because:

1. I'm lazy

2. I use too much and it drips down my neck.

3. When it drips down my neck, the sulfur makes me break out.

I'm hoping she will come out with her thicker "hair grease" type formula.

Just a tip for ya, squeeze a lil then rub right in. Always use a damp soapy flannel on the neck straight after.
LondonDiva said:
I'm sitting here at work, when I should be working looking for a Boundless Tresses fix, **hands on hips** why have there been no updates in the last 30 minutes???? :mad:

But seriously, how is everybody coming along? And are you still using BT consistently. I surely am. I want another 2 inches by mid August before I relax!


have i missed THAt much?
I've been relaxing for about 5 years now. I know it doesn't look it, but I don't relax bone straight. Never liked the look.
LondonDiva said:
I've been relaxing for about 5 years now. I know it doesn't look it, but I don't relax bone straight. Never liked the look.

shame on me, i was thinking, arr london diva has such a nice hair texture she doesnt need to relax, *shame*

9'm the same, i dont relax bone straight either, more natural-laxed lol, i'm out b4 i mess up your thread with my babbling xxx
I've consistently (every other day) used it since April with the exception of one week before my relaxer last Saturday. I don't feel that I gained more length than I would have without it though:ohwell:

I'll keep using it though since I have 2 unopened bottles:sekret:
I think i got just over an inch in about 5 weeks, i alternate it with my vatika sulphur mix though (which was giving good results already); got a cute TWA but want to put in pony tail by August (cross fingers)
My rooots appear to be thicker and I think and I am sure I got more growth off it than I would normally have. I have 50% shrinkage, so its hard to tell, but just pulling on a strand its reaching further.
I've slacked off BIG time, I've probably used it, if at all once or twice since my touch-up 4/21. I missed wearing my silver, it's not cheap silver stuff either, they're cute unique pieces that I started feeling naked without. BUT for the 4 weeks I did use it consistently when it was in braids I believe it did make a difference. I had 1 and half inch of growth after 7 weeks in braids, I'd usually half of that amount in that time sooo..I'm going to have to allot a time to sacrifice wearing my jewelry maybe another 4 week interval before I touch up again.
My husband came into the bathroom about 20 days after I got my kinky twists and said "Didn't you just get those?" with a frown. I couldn't even get mad they looked tow-up. :ohwell:
I was using it off and on since January...........Since I BC'd I've been using every day (a little over a month). My TWA is coming along nicely!

I will take pics in another month.
nicki6 said:
I've consistently (every other day) used it since April with the exception of one week before my relaxer last Saturday. I don't feel that I gained more length than I would have without it though:ohwell:

I'll keep using it though since I have 2 unopened bottles:sekret:


I have two unopened bottle my hair seems to be thicker and healthier but that could be for a number of reasons. If I don't see something amazing from the 2 and a half bottles that I have, I will probably remove this from my daily regimen.
I've been using it every other day for about a month & a half now. I can't tell how much growth I got from it, but I already had some NG when I started using it. I've stopped using it for the past week in anticipation of relaxing tomorrow.

I should be able to tell how much growth I have after my touch-up. I really like the way BT makes my scalp and NG feel.:)
I have an almost full bottle at home. I have been using sulfur 8 instead of my BT. I don't know why really. The BT is okay, but I can't use it everyday. I had dry scalp this week and I used some sulfur 8 to help with the problem.

I guess since I didn't notice immediate results with the BT I gave up. My hair seems to be growing well on it's own. I'm at a little below collarbone length and my hair has never been this healthy or this long before thanks to LHCF.
I've been using consistently since late april about every other day. I got my relaxer on 5/17 and since last week I've notice New Growth. Normally I would not see signs of NG for at least a month after a relaxer. I have been using Carrot Juice and biotin, but I think its the BT that is the accelerate because when I did use Shapley's MTG my hair responded. It grew faster but was dry and of course stinky:lol: :lol: . I think BT will work for me therefore it is working for me:D :D LOA:lol: :lol: . Don't even ask me to post pictures I've been a member for awhile now and I don't post pic's because I'm old and this technology is too much for me:eek: I don't even think Leticha could help me:lachen: :lachen:
I've been using it consistently for about 6 weeks and am proud to say that I believe I've gained about an inch and a half. I'm getting relaxed today and I have a lot of new growth. I also have a lot of shrinkage so I'm predicting that I'll be about three inches from waist length once the relaxer is rinsed out.

I'm going to keep using the BT along with MN because these two have really contributed to my hair growing as fast as it has!

Still growing in nicely and I'm still using it every other day. I love BT....always will.

Just for those who are looking for "immediate" results:

Have patience and continue to use according to the directions. It will work for's a great product and helps with not only extra growth every month, but thickness too (if you are looking for that).
For the naturals and transitioners how do you guys track your growth? I can't tell - maybe I am being impatient but I don't see any results so I've started slacking. I mixed the oil with my sulpher 8 to use on my scalp. Unfortunately it's not helping with the thin spot that I have on the left side.:(
imstush said:
For the naturals and transitioners how do you guys track your growth? I can't tell - maybe I am being impatient but I don't see any results so I've started slacking. I mixed the oil with my sulpher 8 to use on my scalp. Unfortunately it's not helping with the thin spot that I have on the left side.:(
It is very hard.

What I do is take a general section of my hair and just pull it taut. I test this same area to see if there are results.
My roots are also bunching up at the scalp in a way which has never happened before.
I've been trying to be consistent, but it's hard. I have been using it on average about every other day. But sometimes I'll forget all week. I'm back on the bandwagon now though.
after i noticed my tiffany's bracelet turned dark i have not been using it that much so i don't notice any difference in my hair
kinchen said:
after i noticed my tiffany's bracelet turned dark i have not been using it that much so i don't notice any difference in my hair

This exactly my ONLY problem with using it. I didn't pay for my $200 necklace to turn dark or not to be able to wear it (well I actually didn't pay for it, my SO did but still..) And I'm a silver type of girl, I just love it more than other metals, BT is great though, I believe it did give me a spurt during the time I've used it. I have one full bottle left, I'll sacrifice wearing my jewelry at least 4 weeks in between relaxers which means I'll probably have two more usage periods out of it. By that time I hope to be at my goal and not feel the need for topical aides any longer.
OT: Guys... just use Silver Lightening. I bought mine off of ebay. It's a tray that you put your jewelry on, a medium amount of baking soda, and add boiling hot water. VOILA! Clean silver! I've been doing this and it works great! Almost all of my jewelry is silver. I have some really nice pieces that were saved by this method of cleaning. It only takes a minute. ;) :) :D (yay!)

I've been using BT (not as consistently because I've been straight up catching it lately) but the new growth on these cornrows is serious! :lol: I hope to order more soon.
The only downside is my hoops turning dark. I just use sliver cleaner and a cloth each time. MTG turned my tiffany necklace black as well it goes right back to bright silver. For an inch a month IMHO an extra bit of jewelry cleaning isn't a biggie for me.