Calling all ladies in the APL challenge. Midway checkin!

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
So ladies, how is it going?? Right now I am about 3 inches away from APL!! With no setbacks I should be there at the end of the year :) How is everyone else doing?
I think I will wait until it fills in and my layers even out before I offically claim APL. I took a picture today (avatar) after my rollerset and saran wrap treatment last night, so you can see where I am right now! Gettin' there...
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Being natural and having not straighten my hair in 2 years it is so HARD to tell! Somedays my hair seems to strech and other days it wants to stay close to my scalp. I've said it before and I'll say it again - SHRINKAGE is a *****!

I can tell it is growing because my cornrows get looser very quicky (thanks to MN) and I protect my ends constantly, so all should be good.

I "think" I'm only 2 inches away! :drunk:
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I'm still at collarbone, but it's filling out. I think my hair is waiting for the rest of my strands to reach collarbone before it gets any longer :lachen:.
I believe I am at APL... the very tip atleast. :grin: I'm not planning on straightening it to see anytime soon. I'll take a pic one day. It feels good though.

ETA: don't knock my claim to APL Bre... I'm gonna claim my 3 strands if I can :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
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So ladies, how is it going?? Right now I am about 3 inches away from APL!! With no setbacks I should be there at the end of the year :) How is everyone else doing?

I'm about 3 inches away, maybe 3.5 but I know I won't be there by the end of the year. I don't even want to play myself. :lol:

But I'll definitely be in early '08. :)

I'll check in then, k?
I'm staying hopeful and doing what I can. I trimmed in July because my ends were looking a bit crazy to me, so I will see where I am in December. :look::spinning: I hope I'm really close. :drunk:
I still say shoulder to armpit, but after my relaxer in December it hopefully will be past without having to pull or stretch lol. I cant wait.
I am trying to make it in Kinky twist and braids. So far it seems promising but I have been concentrating on thickness. I dont wanna get to APL and have like three strands. :look: But here's a picture of a strand I took out the other day. It's at four inches but looking at my shirt my lines are slanted.:nono: so I am guessing that I may be 3 inches away:ohwell:. For a growth aid, I am using the scented version of BT and for thickness I am using JBCO and as a moisturizer I use surge. Good luck ladies!
ETA: New Growth Shot:
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My back is creeping their, I trimmed in July and a couple of weeks ago , I want to arrive at APL, in style, I have about 1+ 1/2 to be done with the overprocessed hair,in the mean time, I am enjoying my new friend Henna:kisses:
I haven't had any set backs but since my touch-up in August I have been enjoying wearing my hair down and my ends started to get dry from rubbing against my shirt! So yesterday I put my hair back in a ponytail bun.. I will not allow all my hard work go in vain....
I hope to be full APL by December.
I have only straightened my hair once this year and that was in May so Im not really sure. From stretching my hair, it looks like I am about 2 inches away. I havent had any setbacks so I am hoping that I will be there by mid-December. I know it will be a few months after that before I am full APL though. Slow and steady wins the race!! :grin:
I'm not sure if I'll be APL by the end of the year. I haven't had any setbacks. It just seems like my hair is growing verry slowly. I'm not sure how many inches I need either. Probably from the looks of the picture from my last touchup..3.5 inches maybe? We'll see. It's taking foreverrr. :perplexed Sorry if I dampened the spirits in the thread. I just feel very discouraged.
After my next wash I will know how far along I am. I haven't had any set backs. I have been wearing falls and buns. So next time I get my hair flat ironed I will see where we are.

To all the ladies here good luck and I KNOW we will all make it set backs and all!
My hair is in kinky twist right now and for the next 3 weeks. I'll probably go a couple of weeks past my 12 week strecth and update then, sometime in mid-October. I fell like my hair is growing and hopefully I'll be able to see it too:crossfingers:. Although Dec 31st in still ify about being full APL.:spinning:
I did some update pics two weekends ago in my album. I think I will make it by December. I am also coming up on the next touch up.
Hello everyone,

I think I have about two inches to go in the front before I claim it. But hopefully I'll be there by the New Year!!
I don't know if I joined this challenge but I will post my updates in June 2008 and I pray I will be APL. I will have no trims until then since I am wearing braids it is no use too since my ends won't be out.
I'm hoping for the best. I'm keeping my hair braided/ in cornrows under a wig so it's hard to tell. I finally got my hands on some MTG and it seems to be working. I'm only applying it to the sides of my head so that they can catch up with the back.

I'm afraid for the reveal though cause I shed large amounts of hair at each two week wash. I don't know what to make of it cause I haven't noticed any thinning or patches yet (thank goodness), but I wonder if I'm retaining length at all.
:sad: I don't think I'll be there by Dec. I trimmed about 1/2 inch last month (my ends were soooo raggedy). I'm trying to hold on to the dream of having APL the end of the year, but I'm a lil' doubtful right now. I'm getting a weave within the next couple of weeks...hopefully that'll help.