Calling All Facebook Naturals!


New Member
Hey All
Let's support fellow naturals on facebook by "liking" each others pages. I know there are many women on facebook who would like to be naturalistas but don't know where to start. By creating a natural group on facebook we will be able to share ideas, triumphs and disastors.:perplexed This is just one further tool to help us all in our journey and will make us all visible. As the recent debacle on Tyra's website demonstrates we still have a long way to go! You can reply by adding your own page. Please don't have me coming on here begging for "likes" lol! Unity is strength. I will start with mine. Have a good sunday guys and very many thanks in advance!
yeah!!! Thanks SherlysTresses. Doing the happy dance. We are going to take over the world!!! Ok, bit of an exaggeration but you know what I mean thanks much.
Thanks Girl 626. Its the collective work of my identical twin and I. We are busy professionals but it really helps when two people have control over updating and content. If you follow our updates you should be able to discern the differences in writing style. You may even be able to tell who is the lawyer and who is the doctor lol! We are obsessed with natural hair and wanted to find a way to share our knowledge and passion. The idea is to stay true to the spirit of what natural hair is about, which is self acceptance. Also, it doesn't hurt to keep it sexy, current and fresh. Please comment and tell your friends. We really do believe that we owe it to our children, our mothers and our friends to change the keep the dialogue about the wonders of natural hair dynamic. We are the generation that will make it possible. I am sorry to preach but so much about one's self esteem is tied up in our percetion of our hair and I'm fed up of the mainstream media telling me that my hair is not good enough. So we create our own media and can only hope that as our voice grows louder the world will take notice.
@goingbrown thanks a million. Do feel free to comment, make suggestions, and interact. We try to include content that speaks to our sensibilities and to send as many positive messages as we can. There's enough negativity out there as it is and we simply want to redress the balance a little bit.
StephElise, aquajoyice, Sunshine One, Ltown, Lady Macgiver, Infor Junkie, thanks so much for liking. We really hope you truly like our page and look forward to receiving your comments. Big smile and big hug. (still haven't figured out these emoticons lol!). You guys are really great, honestly. I now understand why LHCF is such a big family we really do support each other.
Hey guys!
I just wanted to let you all know that we are very grateful for your likes. It really means alot to us. My latest post on moisture was fun to write. What I wanted to know from you guys is what is the difference between a leave-in and a moisturiser? In my view all moisturisers are leave-in but not all leave-in's are moisturisers. Any views? thought? Excellent words of wisdom?

Remember to "like". Big hug!

Very many thanks in advance.
Thanks ladies. I've been getting alot of positive feedback, which is great! Have just updated so there is some nice content to read and look at. Although I know that we LHCF members are pretty much veterans at hair care and you would have seen some of this stuff already there's nothing wrong with a reminder right? lol! Plus we need to spread the word so we encourage others to embrace becoming natural and supporting newly naturals.