Calling all coconut milk users!!


Active Member
Hi ladies,

I'm all for using natural ingredients that encourage moisture retention and softness and I've been reading a lot about people using coconut milk in various ways. Please post here: how do YOU use your coconut milk?? As a pre-poo treatment?? Mixed into your conditioner? As a deep conditioner?? As a leave-in ??
Ok maybe I didn't understand your question the first time...sorry! But maybe those links will still help you. I hope they do at least.
Thanks Camille! I bumped one of the threads, but you already had it on lock!!

@Sweettrini: in one of the threads camille provided, you'll see that I use it as a pre-treat, poo, conditioning rinse and deep conditioner. I use it w/and w/o conditioner, just depends on what I feel my hair needs or on what brand I use. If it's runny, I try to control it w/conditioner, but the Coconut Milk dominates the blend. I always use a humectant or moisturizing conditioner in those cases, so that the moisture is sealed in my hair by the oil in the milk.

Coconut Milk is also a mainstay in my leave-in bottle. One of the threads describes the concoction. Don't make too much at a time b/c it'll start to have that sour milk smell. I use it anyway, but I love it best when it's fresh. And my hair is uber soft every single time!