
New Member

***CORRECTION: NOT TL YET....that's my long-term goaL.. just inching towards it...slowly BUT surely:yep: ***

Hey ladies, just wanted to share my recent experience with adding a calcium supplement to my regimen.

I am 22 years of age and got braces 4 months ago. I've always been self-conscious about my teeth but was never in a position to afford them until now. My ortho recommended that I take a calcium supplement to strengthen my teeth during treatment so I started taking 600mg nightly along with Vitamin D.

I guess my hair grows at a moderate pace, and I was ecstatic to reach WL a few months back. I don't do length checks as much as I did in the beginning of my HHJ but I noticed some surprising progress when I straightened my hair last week. My hair grows in a natural V, which I don't mind, so the middle of my hair is usually my longest point. I'm really satisfied with the condition and health of my hair right now, and I am almost CERTAIN that the boost in calcium in my system lead to my boost in GROWTH :yep:

I found this information from an online dermatology journal from the Center for clinical and experimental pharmacology.

Substances regulating the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorous may also be involved in control of hair growth. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related peptide inhibit hair growth and epidermal cell proliferation.[20] 1,25 - dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25/OH/D3) in low concentration (1-10nM) stimulates, and in high concentration (100nM) and after longer contact inhibits hair and hair follicle growth.[21] These actions of PTH and 1,25/OH/D3 require direct contact with hair follicles.

Now on to what you all have been waiting for..... Where are the pics?!?
Here they are. :)

Here's where I STARTED in 2008: (not included for comparison, just for reference)




NOVEMBER 4, 2011

**In closing, I know everything doesn't work for everybody but I just wanted to share what is working for me....Happy Hair Growing, Ladies! :yep: ****
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So much gorgeous hair today! Thanks for sharing your experience. I already take vitamin D and I'll definitely be adding calcium especially since I'm lactose intolerant. :look:

Congrats on your incredible progress and beautiful hair!

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you ponytail is 100% thicker. I might just add calcium yo my vitamin intake. These super fine strands of mine could do with some thickening!

It would be nice to see a picture of you standing up with your hair combed straight back....i'm not sure if i'm seeing TL more looks like heading to HL
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All the long haired ladies are coming out today! Thanks for sharing your progress with us. The difference in your ponytails is striking.
Inspiring progress. Love the highlights.

ETA: And thanks for sharing the information on calcium and vitamin d.
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