calcium deficiency causes shedding?


Beauty and Fashion Junkie
I am still suffering from shedding like crazy and its also driving me crazy trying to figure out why i have been shedding and last nite as i was thinking before i went to sleep i made a discovery. The time my hair starting shedding is around the same time i cut out dairy products from my diet. I am lactose intolerant and i have ibs and i stopped eating dairy products such as cheese around october of last year when the shedding began. can this be causing my shedding? I think it is because I have always consumed way too much dairy since i was a child and i never had a problem with shedding until i cut it out of my diet so can this be a cause?
I am lactose intolerant and limit dairy and don't have a huge shedding problem. My doctor said shedding is only a concern if bald spots are created. An iron deficiency or thyroid problem and known causes of shedding. The only way to be sure is to consult a doctor.

As for calcium, as a woman, you need to take a calcium supplement.
i had a blood test done and the doc said i had low iron but not enemia (sp?) so maybe this is the culprit? I know my thyroid is fine so that cannot be it. I am developing small bald spots along my hair line though and i have always had extremely thick hair and now its not. I am getting worried but my doc hasnt said anything-- although i think she's an idiot (I have had problems with her not listening to my concerns in the past)
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luvhair said:
i had a blood test done and the doc said i had low iron but not enemia (sp?) so maybe this is the culprit? I know my thyroid is fine so that cannot be it. I am developing small bald spots along my hair line though and i have always had extremely thick hair and now its not. I am getting worried but my doc hasnt said anything-- although i think she's an idiot (I have had problems with her not listening to my concerns in the past)

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Yes, low iron can do it. I now take one iron tablet a day because I've always been subject to declining iron levels.
Oh! Also for the thyroid, I would recommend checking into the levels and finding out what your levels were when the doctor checked. Sometimes they'll tell you it's all right, but you might be awfully close to being hyper or hypo, but you'd need to get a copy of the test results to find out.

As for being lactose intolerant, I think there's tablets you can take to help your body digest lactose. I've even seen vitamins. There are also a lot of lactose free dairy products out there. Good luck!!!1
You can take Lactaid pills for lactose intolerance. They also have generic ones that work just as well. I don't like the Lactaid milk. It's kind of thick and sweet. I usually drink 1% milk without any problems and do not have to take a pill for that. If I drink whole milk, it would make me sick though.

I agree with the others about getting your thyroid checked and seeing the results...your number, so you know what's what.

As far as the iron-deficient anemia, that can cause massive shedding in some people. It really depends on your body. The only thing I wanted to add was that often when you are deficient in one mineral, you can be deficient in others. Did your doc do a CBC (complete blood count)? You should really ask about the others.

Don't assume that you are deficient in calcium. If you are eating a lot of leafy dark green veggies, it may be just fine.

Let us know how everything goes over the coming months. Also, be sure to check the anemia threads in the off topic section here.

yes i am calling my doctor on monday and demanding my score. She did a battery of tests on me-- even the technician was like WOW you are getting a lot of tests-- so i am gonna ask about that cbc test.

I also have sickle cell trait-- not the disease, but i am a carrier of it-- so another doctor told me that can add to my iron deficiency so i think i might look into taking an iron supplement.

As for the calcium-- i dont eat any leafy greens at all!! So maybe i should be getting worried that i dont have enough calcium. Lactaid doesnt work for me that well so i have just learned to cut dairy out of my diet. I do eat about 1 to 2 servings of bread daily though so maybe that is enough? Thanks for all of your help, i am gonna make an appointment with my doc.
I shed a lot and I do have a thyroid problem. Excessive shedding can be a sign of an internal imbalance, but I don't have any bald spots, so I don't worry. Is your hair thinning significantly?
I am developing small bald spots along my hair line though and i have always had extremely thick hair and now its not. I am getting worried but my doc hasnt said anything-- although i think she's an idiot (I have had problems with her not listening to my concerns in the past)
Some doctors are like mechanics, if it's not the engine (ie a MAJOR money illness) then they don't care. My doctor ordered all the tests I wanted and then sent me the results in the mail (I guess because they were good and she didn't see the need to further see me).

My friend goes to a doctor who actually listens to her concerns. You may have to find a doctor like that.
I agree that a lot of doctors aren't up to par; that's why I ask for a copy of all my test results, and I keep them in a folder. When I get home, I do my own research on the tests and results, so I know what's going on because with doctors you could be one point above normal (one point away from abnormal), and they'll say you're doing all right.
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Brownie said:
I agree that a lot of doctors aren't up to par; that's why I ask for a copy of all my test results, and I keep them in a folder. When I get home, I do my own research on the tests and results, so I know what's going on because with doctors you could be one point above normal (one point away from abnormal), and they'll say you're doing all right.

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I agree....I have no thyroid(surgically removed) so I am dependent upon accurate tests(numbers) and the right dosage of medication. When my thyroid levels are out of wack my hair sheds and I gain weight. I've learned to do my own research also...