Bye Bye Coconut Oil. Hello BABASSU Oil! -- Whose tried it?

I love that stuff, it's the first ingredient in my shea butter and oil mix, I use it to seal my ends and my hair loves it. Funnily enough coconut oil is the last ingredient on the list.
Ok I got me some babassu oil last May when this thread was first posted. It is cold pressed, REFINED...solid at room temp. Not much of a smell to me. I still love coconut oil, but babassu oil is a nice softening, silkening addition to my regimen and expanding oil stash. :) Def. a keeper!
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Ok I got me some babassu oil last May when this thread was first posted. It is cold pressed, unrefined...solid at room temp. Not much of a smell to me. I still love coconut oil, but babassu oil is a nice softening, silkening addition to my regimen and expanding oil stash. :) Def. a keeper!

Do you remember where you purchased it from?
Do you remember where you purchased it from?


Yep, I got mine from Ebay. Dont remember which seller, but do a search and you're sure to find it! I buy ALL my oils from Ebay. There are great deals from sellers who make soaps and candles...the oils are cheap for the quantity offered, as you arent paying for the name brand or getting ripped by a large company. Shipping is often free or very modest in cost. I like to patronize small, independent businesses.
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I wonder if the "many breasted tree" has any health benefits for actual breast health. Don't remember the term but you know how carrots are good for eyes, grapes and good for heart, bananas are good for men:grin:. I wonder the same for.. "boob-basa" nut?
Jewell what does this part of your hair stats mean? N.iii Tia


N=normal strands, iii=thick in density--i is thin, ii is medium, iii is thick. Just part of a hair typing system I learned long ago (there are several out there). My friend Sahira on Hairlista also has the same type of hair as me and uses the 3c/4a,n,iii symbols to describe it. See her profile if u look her up. She names the hair typing system it comes from though I forget off top...i think Andre Oprah's stylist created one of them.
^^I don't see unrefined on ebay.


Maybe the seller is not listing it anymore or has stopped selling it. But mine is definitely REFINED since it does not have the popcorn scent virgin (unrefined) babassu oil has. I bought it May 2012, so it may not be avail anymore. I have to sit my bottle in super hot (just done boiling) water to get it to liquify. It is solid and white like Crisco at room temp. I will go see if I saved that seller and see if I can help u find some.

ETA--I thought mine was unrefined at first, then I noticed the scent is absent. I purchased mine from "shopgirl926," who has 99.9% positive feedback and is located in florida. She sells a good 20-30 other oils too. I have also purchased from "creamselling", located in Chicago with 99.7% feedback. Both of these sellers have babassu oil, and others, and I highly recommend them. HTH you ladies! Both have free shippping too! :)
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I did just get this one in the mail from Canada. It's definitely unrefined, has a brownish tinge (instead of pure white like the others I was looking at online) and has a scent which I'm not sure how to describe. Not stinky, but I would say it smells nice. It's a light scent. Can't wait try it out. I plan to use it a a daily dressing where I take a dab and apply to my hair as after refreshing my WNG in the AM.
I'd like to try it. Most sheas are too waxy and cocoa butter and coconut oil are very greasy.

thanks for that info on Babassu oil. that is my favorite oil of all time.
i really love this oil for hair and my skin(especially since my skin is drier than
a desert).

I did just get this one in the mail from Canada. It's definitely unrefined, has a brownish tinge (instead of pure white like the others I was looking at online) and has a scent which I'm not sure how to describe. Not stinky, but I would say it smells nice. It's a light scent. Can't wait try it out. I plan to use it a a daily dressing where I take a dab and apply to my hair as after refreshing my WNG in the AM.

Its extremely light and not greasy at all to the point it doesn't really even add shine. I rubbed some on the back of my hand and its like it absorbs immediately. So far love the texture and the fact that it seems like it soaks in rather than just sit on top of hair or skin and just coat it.

I will change my last comment on the scent, the smell is kinda stinky now that I'm using it.

I did just get this one in the mail from Canada. It's definitely unrefined, has a brownish tinge (instead of pure white like the others I was looking at online) and has a scent which I'm not sure how to describe. Not stinky, but I would say it smells nice. It's a light scent. Can't wait try it out. I plan to use it a a daily dressing where I take a dab and apply to my hair as after refreshing my WNG in the AM.

I guess I'm just going to pay the $18 + shipping for this stuff :lol:

It's good to know that it absorbs quickly. Thanks for the review (other post) so1913
Its extremely light and not greasy at all to the point it doesn't really even add shine. I rubbed some on the back of my hand and its like it absorbs immediately. So far love the texture and the fact that it seems like it soaks in rather than just sit on top of hair or skin and just coat it. I will change my last comment on the scent, the smell is kinda stinky now that I'm using it.

Thanks for the review. I bought some Babassu oil, Camilla oil, Safflower oil, and Rice Bran oil from the site.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF please excuse typos
So another update with the unrefined babassu oil. While this oil feels amazing and u love how non greasy it is, the smell is more offensive than I thought lol. I had JUST finished applying and my bf was like "What the h*ll is that smell!?!?!" Lol. I told him and he said I smelled like stinky socks lol. I had used it a few times since I got it and he hadn't commented before, so I'm assuming this scent does fade, but upon initial application it's strong enough for some one to smell. He has me a little self conscious because he said folks are going to be talking about me behind my back today lol.

I don't want to risk going around offending people or smelling like "stinky socks. I'm not sure if mixing essential oils will do the trick or not or just make it worse. He told me to experiment on the weekends lol.
So another update with the unrefined babassu oil. While this oil feels amazing and u love how non greasy it is, the smell is more offensive than I thought lol. I had JUST finished applying and my bf was like "What the h*ll is that smell!?!?!" Lol. I told him and he said I smelled like stinky socks lol. I had used it a few times since I got it and he hadn't commented before, so I'm assuming this scent does fade, but upon initial application it's strong enough for some one to smell. He has me a little self conscious because he said folks are going to be talking about me behind my back today lol. I don't want to risk going around offending people or smelling like "stinky socks. I'm not sure if mixing essential oils will do the trick or not or just make it worse. He told me to experiment on the weekends lol.
Oh no I'm not getting that for sure lol. Coconut oil smells bad enough to me.
This thread came up during my Google research. I use the refined version, yet still as effective. The way to know you are getting the real thing is that when it touches the scalp, it gives off a cool sensation. I only get that on the top of my head. I only use it on damp or dry hair. Only a small amount is needed to do the job. I have moderately severe allergies, but I have no problem with this oil, although that cooling sensation can last a day on me.

this oil is also a great detangler.
I second this for dry finger-detangling.