Buying the Cow....


Deep Thinker
Can a relationship work by going backwards? In other words, can you go from live-in girlfriend to living apart girlfriend?

A friend (she's not a close friend but we talk every now and then) told me she recently moved out of her apartment she shared with her live-in boyfriend (of 2 yrs). She didn't give me the WHOLE story of why she moved out but it's something about him complaining of her going out drinking with her friends and other irreconcileable (sp) differences. He asked her to leave because it wasn't working out anymore.

The word on the street is that he wanted his freedom and is now seeing other women. My other girlfriend also saw him with his ex. Another story I heard on the streets is that he physicallly abused her and that's the real reason she moved out. Of course she didn't tell me that part so we'll never know the truth. She did tell me he shoved her before. :nono:

She's now living with her parents. Here is the thing. She tells me she still goes over his place and cleans and cooks his meals for the week and of course sexes him up. Of course, she thinks they're still together but just living apart and she thinks he'll appreciate her doing these things for him and want her back. My take on this is that he's got the best of both worlds and he's using her.

Oh yeah, she told me she lost her job which was coincidentally right before he asked her to leave. A mutual friend told me he said he broke up with her because he didn't see a future with her anymore and said she was a drunk. (She has been known to drink a lot)

She has an excuse for everything when I give my opinions on her leaving her home and still keeping up his place. Of course he'll want her there to sex him up and cook and clean. Then the next day he probably has another chick there. Luckily I don't talk to her often so it's not hard trying to mind my business.

I tell you, I really hate being single but after hearing all this I have to say it's not so bad LOL.

Just wanted to share. Feel free to give your opinions on this.
My father has a saying, "Don't be glad to be had." Your friend is just content with whatever piece of a man she can claim. It's ridiculous.
Makes no sense. I remember I was watching Love and Hip Hop ATL with my homegirl and it was the episode when Scrappy was moving out. I said it's clear that he's trying to do him; why would you move out when you live with your girl and your kid. She didn't agree and was like he is trying to make his family stronger... I just kinda gave her the side eye.

Idk, Maybe she will get lucky like Erica and get a ring later down the line, lol.
Makes no sense. I remember I was watching Love and Hip Hop ATL with my homegirl and it was the episode when Scrappy was moving out. I said it's clear that he's trying to do him; why would you move out when you live with your girl and your kid. She didn't agree and was like he is trying to make his family stronger... I just kinda gave her the side eye.

Idk, Maybe she will get lucky like Erica and get a ring later down the line, lol.

Oh goodness, it is kinda like Erica and Scrappy LOL. I didn't even realize that. So maybe that's where she's getting her ray of hope LOL.

But wait a minute, didn't they just show Erica on a date with some other dude recently????
She needs to get some self esteem and self respect. Nothing in that so called relationship is beneficial to her. She GETS NOTHING but some sex and that is not much of a relationship if you ask me.

I hate to say this, but your friend is dumb as a box of rocks. Dude has it going on.
Oh goodness, it is kinda like Erica and Scrappy LOL. I didn't even realize that. So maybe that's where she's getting her ray of hope LOL.

But wait a minute, didn't they just show Erica on a date with some other dude recently????

Say what now? I gotta look into that, lol. But yea, she's holding on to someone that is already gone.
I know a girl like this! Hes living with another girl and she moved back home but she swears they are still engaged... she told me that she called the girl he is living with and told her that they were still engaged. Lmao!! She even paid him to move in with her and her parents but he wouldn't. She told me hes just using the girl and he will be back. . Smh
I know a girl like this! Hes living with another girl and she moved back home but she swears they are still engaged... she told me that she called the girl he is living with and told her that they were still engaged. Lmao!! She even paid him to move in with her and her parents but he wouldn't. She told me hes just using the girl and he will be back. . Smh

Whaaaaat ... that needs its own thread. Back to OP, can I find a man like your friend? :look: