Buy Nothing in September Challenge!!!

My SO just brought me a Pibbs. I came home yesterday and there it was lying on the bed :grin: It was a gift, so does that mean I failed the challenge?
I just made a basket worth $55 at organic creations

It makes me feel better

Shea Butter Unrefined, Wildcrafted - 3 Pounds
Avocado Oil - 16oz.
Rhassoul Clay, 1 Pound
Honey Powder, 4oz.

It's mine on October 1st
How ya'll doing?? Those weekends can be hard..... I'll be out shopping for other household stuff and somehow ALWAYS end up in the haircare aisle. :nono: Like I'm going to see the Holy Grail of a product sitting on the shelf that I just HAVE to get right. nowh. :lol:

I'm creating a WICKED list, though. That's another thing I like about the BNC - it gives me room to do my research (and price comparisons) before I go all loopy. ;)
I'm embaressed to say, I fell off the wagon.:spank: I bought some Amla oil at an Indian store after reading a few posts. Then after I bought it, I didn't like what it did to my hair because it contained mineral oil.:wallbash:
How stupid of me and what a waste. I'll do better next time.
Seeeeeeeeee!!! :( *pours a little con out for our sister who has fallen off the path*

I might run another one in November. *twitch* I can't do it back to back anymore! :lachen:
That Hairveda sale almost got me. I saw the post on here, then saw the email. I clicked the link then went to bed so I wouldn't order.
:bump: :bump:

How'd the weekend go, ladies? I'm steady adding to the list of stuff I 'need'. :lol:
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I think I may fail. I really want to order some mega tek. I just took out my micros because I was worried about my hairline and :ohwell:.

IDK what possessed me to get micros in the first place, so I will not be rebraiding. But I want to buy a bottle of MT to get my hairline in shape hopefully. I'm trying to wait but I want to start asap!
Uh-oh!!! :( Sorry that the hairline suffered - hold out! Be strong! Though it is mad tempting - the latest thing added to my list has been the expensive behind OCT - *sigh* - I've gotta try this stuff out. :lol:
I swear THIS was the week I was supposed to join this challege. Why did I just buy a big ol bottle of Ovation last night (first time user)?? This is what happens when I get bored, lol!
I am still holding on, but I'm steadily compiling a list of things to buy for October. Which got me to thinking why am I torturing myself by not buying anything in September when I'm just going to buy it in October? Ultimately I didn't save any money. I need help, nothing can reform this PJ :ohwell:
Maybe you'll decide/figure out/realize you don't reallly NEED it all? :lol: Besides, I've found that making one BIG purchase at the end really highlights JUST how much money I'm spending, and then I'll start to whittle down the selections... :lol:
:bump: :bump:

How'd the weekend go, ladies? I'm steady adding to the list of stuff I 'need'. :lol:

It was haaaaaard to keep my will power to not buy anything this weekend! Everytime I started thinking about Hairveda and shescentit products I had to remember this thread, lol. Only two and a half weeks left, I think I'll be able to keep my word for this challenge. But I've been making a long list of stuff to buy next month too! :lol:
This was a reeeaaaallllyyyy tough weekend...I went to Whole Foods and had to leave without buying half the stuff on my list because I kept coming back to the hair care aisle and the temptation was too damn much. :wallbash: So, my list is getting exponentially greater...I want to order the Qhemet sampler pack to try out before the winter; I need to try out some stuff from the Jane Carter line, some Karen Body Beautiful stuff, etc, etc, etc. Still trying to figure out if I need OCT. Oh! And I found out that a hair salon a few blocks down carries Miss Jessies. I got the Sampler Pack at the beginning of the month, and I just used the Baby Buttercreme for twists this weekend. I have to admit that they are the best set of twists I have ever done. They are good enough to be debuted to the public, but I have the front ones out, and the rest are underneath a half-wig today, lol. I don't know what I am going to do with myself!!!

** adding VS Very Sexy condish and Pink Sugar hair perfume to list
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I plan to buy pretty much the entire Hairveda and Shescentit lines before all the lhcf junkies take it all! :lol: All that talk of Vatika frosting and what not has me wanting hair products and cake icing at the same time, lol. I also want to get the burdock root creme from qhemet, oyin burnt sugar pomade, some Myhoneychild products and Dudley DRC-28. Then there's the ayurvedic products. I have a lot of research to do about the different powders before buying.
Ahhh, okay. That's a nice lil list of stuff. I haven't gotten pulled into the Hairveda/Shescentit hype just yet - thankfully, I'm usually not all that hype on product lines unless they have some stellar ingredients. :lol:
The worst part is that I just read that the Hairveda products smell really good too, I'm a sucker for good smelling products, except for my beloved Humecto, lol. Let me get out of here before I influence somebody to fall off the wagon! :lol:
I'm mad late but I'm in anyway! :look: I haven't bought anything this month and don't plan to. I'm trying not to make any purchases (make up or nail polish either) until the end of this month!! :perplexed
I'm mad late but I'm in anyway! :look: I haven't bought anything this month and don't plan to. I'm trying not to make any purchases (make up or nail polish either) until the end of this month!! :perplexed

Welcome welcome!! I see you, easing in with a two week challenge... ;)
Don't kill me JK but I bought a wave nouveau moisturizer. I have beeen looking everywhere for that thing for months and couldn't find any here in the Bahamas so I'm browsing in the bss just looking you know:grin:, and guess what I see...? You guessed it, three 8 oz bottles of wave nouveau moisturizers hiding in a shelf almost to the back as if someone had been there to hide them, Well I was like, I ain't leavin' without this stuff:nono: cause I been lookin' for it tooooooo long.

I picked up all three of them to take to the counter, looked at them long and hard (saw JustKiya's face at the corner of my mind) and reluctantly dragged myself back to the shelf where I found them and put not 1 but 2 of them back on the shelf:wallbash: - pushing them far behind some other products that were on the shelf...devious, yes I know:yep: but hey, a girl's gatta do what a girl's gatta do. I have been back to see if they were still there and :yep: they were. I just hope they stay there until this challenge is over though:ohwell:.
:lol: I dunno Aggie, I would think that might slide into the once-in-a-lifetime - you being in the Bahamas and not having seen them before, and there only being three bottles, and all....
:lol: I dunno Aggie, I would think that might slide into the once-in-a-lifetime - you being in the Bahamas and not having seen them before, and there only being three bottles, and all....

:kissing4:, awwwww, thank you so much JK. In that store, I was like, what da heck do I do here? I felt like I was between a rock and a hard place, hence the 1 bottle purchased, ya know?