Buttery Soft Hair vs Hard Water


Well-Known Member
I had a serious lightbulb moment today and I really would like to share.

If you don't know if you live in an area with hard water or not, you should DEFINITELY find out.

My whole life, I have lived in places with soft water, or only spent short amounts of time ( 1 month or less) in places with hard water. WELL I just moved to a country with hard water, and a city with the hardest water of all the land. :nono:

I'm surprised it took me this long before I could no longer handle it-- but the hard water wreaked HAVOC on my hair. I went from super soft, fun to touch, easy to comb, never tangles very smooth natural hair to dry feeling, rough, crunchy, frizzy as hell hair, :barf: It tangled VERY VERY easily and was a humongous pain in the @ss to comb through, the hairs just stuck together and tried to matt up, I had tons of shed hairs all over the place everytime a comb or brush came near it, with snap crackle and pop noises as i tried my best to GENTLY detangle: basically a low effort styler's worst nightmare. All the while, its getting worse and worse every day I am here!

Yesterday, at about a month and a half into my new environment, I hit a critical point. I realized I needed different products, or some other intervention or else my hair would be untouchable and rough until I move again :shocked: , i might go bald from all the hair i was losing while detangling, and my hair would become a living hell and my worst enemy :catfight:. It was humid out, and my hair felt ROUGH wiry and hellish, just 1 hour after coming out of the shower on the humid evening, when normally humidity will give me a bit of a frizz halo, but still very soft. That was definitely the last straw, I was not going to walk around looking like a hot mess :hair: , and suffering from breakage!

I usually no-poo to low poo, but today I went on a search for a chelating shampoo ( shampoos that pull the minerals out of the water, and therefore off of your hair) My hair is airdrying now, almost dry and it already feels SO MUCH BETTER. :love: Its not all the way back to normal but it feels like hair instead of wiry dried up plastic doll hair, and hopefully soon it will be soft and touchable again!

SO anyway the point is this:

If my hair behaved the way it was behaving the last few weeks my entire life, I would have declared my natural hair completely unmanageable :nono: . I was thinking, perhaps when people think their hair is unmanageable it is because they have always had hard water, and have no idea its just the way the mineral deposits are interacting with their hair. I never realized exactly HOW HORRIBLE hard water is, I always new it was a problem, but never realized the severity. I am definitely going to head to the store to buy a filter, and I am going to have to switch to a poo regimen ( with chelating poos) specifically to combat mineral buildup.

If your hair tangles easy and is always frizzy or rough and acts like a complete monster, it might actually be your water thats the problem, not your hair!!!

I am a natural btw, so that might affect how much of a nightmare the hard water causes, but definitely everyone needs to know if their water is hard or soft! It might make your hair journey and retention a million times easier! :)
Thanks for sharing, I know my area is hard water, and would love to have soft water to know what everybody is talking about.
Good tip on the chelating shampoo. Thanks. I never thought to do that when I lived in hard water areas so I would use a gallon of bottled spring water for a final rinse. This didn't turn my hair into something it was not but it did help.