Butt Length Hair Means Thin Ends

Edie said:
It took me three years to grow my hair to butt length. I started at shoulder. I usually grow 1 to 1.5 inches per month but some months especially lately I have been getting about 1.75 to 2 inches. I have started on a lot of powdered minerals, coral calcium, cod liver oil, etc. I have also been eating only organic meats (grass fed beef, grain feed chicken, organicly grown vegetables also). My husband pointed out to me that while I was taking a lot supplements, I was not eating right and not exercising the way I should. So I found a good supplier of some very good products (vitamins and minerals) and started eating more real food. There is a company called cocoon nutrition that sells all kinds of supplements for a well body. The owner of the company Stephen Hauer said that the food that we usually buy in the supermarket is not really food (in that it supplies you with all the nutrients that your body needs). The meat is so full of chemical, hormones and other things, that your body does not get the optimum amount of nutrients that it should. He also turned me onto raw milk. Raw milk is milk that is not pasteurized (it's safe though). Pasteurization takes a lot of the good nutrients out of milk that are passed on from the cows that give it. The raw milk is so creamy and good tasting. You will not believe it till you try it. I went to Whole Foods market to get my organic meats and vegetables and have to go to a dairy farm to get the raw milk (it is not legal to sell raw milk in some states). What you do is buy a share of a cow. That's right a share. The share is usually $75.00 per person. That gets you 5 gallons of raw milk a month, plus the jars that you bring it home in. You also have to pay a boarding fee of $14.00 a month for the cow. This one cow is divided up into 5 shares, I think, and four other people besides yourself get the milk from the cow and you each pay for the share and broading fees for the cow. They take care of the cow and make sure that all vet care is provided by them (at no cost to you). The cows are only grass fed.

Now if you go this route to eat more organic food and also to do the raw milk route, I have to warn you that your grocery bill will go up about $200 per month. You can do like I do and buy mostly the organic meats (that's the real killer of our health) from places like whole foods market and only buy organically grown vegetables for salads like carrots (these are fantastic), lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. from an open air market if you have them in your area. The vegetables there are a little less expensive that whole food market and they are always fresh.

Right now my vitamins and supplements that I get from Cocoon nutrion run about $150.00 per month, but they do exactly what they say they will do. They have a product called Coral Calcium that I absolutely love. It has gotten my body's PH level to normal levels. My energy and sense of well being is fantastic. Go to the web site: http://www.cocoonnutrition.org

Read the testimonial page. I tried some of the products that other people gave testimonies on and this is the first brand that does what it is suppose to do. You can even get a phone consultation by the owner for 20 dollars for ten minutes. Just state to him the health concerns you have and he will recommend products for you to use. And as I said they do work.

Thanks so much for this information. I try to buy as little as possible from Whole Food because the owner is apparently pretty right wing:eek: . It just doesn't sit well with me that the company presents itself as being for a healthy lifestyle and I know a lot of liberal almost hippy type people who shop there and the owner is becoming a multimillionaire off of this image, while he is a big right-winger. I dont feel like supporting his lifestyle with my pennies. He's entitled to his views, I'm entitled to take my money elsewhere.

That said, I do agree with you that a healthy lifestyle helps with a lot of things. It has been said that a lot of food at the supermarket contains products that are carcinogenic or otherwise harmful. I find it especially frightening that one of the things that a lot of infertile couples do to conceive is simply to stop eating regular supermarket food and go organic! Something's wrong with this picture.

However, do you have any suggestions for those of us who cannot afford to spend upwards of $400 a month on vitamins and food? I am trying to eat more veggies and fish -- even though a lot of seafood is tainted from poor fish farming methods or pollution :mad: -- in an effort to be healther, but it's not easy.

Also, what type hair are you and what products did you use? A lot of people say its not what they used but how they handled their hair as well. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated.
tryn2growmyhair said:
Thanks so much for this information. I try to buy as little as possible from Whole Food because the owner is apparently pretty right wing:eek: . It just doesn't sit well with me that the company presents itself as being for a healthy lifestyle and I know a lot of liberal almost hippy type people who shop there and the owner is becoming a multimillionaire off of this image, while he is a big right-winger. I dont feel like supporting his lifestyle with my pennies. He's entitled to his views, I'm entitled to take my money elsewhere.

That said, I do agree with you that a healthy lifestyle helps with a lot of things. It has been said that a lot of food at the supermarket contains products that are carcinogenic or otherwise harmful. I find it especially frightening that one of the things that a lot of infertile couples do to conceive is simply to stop eating regular supermarket food and go organic! Something's wrong with this picture.

However, do you have any suggestions for those of us who cannot afford to spend upwards of $400 a month on vitamins and food? I am trying to eat more veggies and fish -- even though a lot of seafood is tainted from poor fish farming methods or pollution :mad: -- in an effort to be healther, but it's not easy.

Also, what type hair are you and what products did you use? A lot of people say its not what they used but how they handled their hair as well. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated.

If you have an open air market in your area, get your vegetables from there. Most of the vegetables are from local farms and have not had chemicals sprayed on them to prolong their shelf life, like the ones that are transported to the big supermarkets. If you are near the seashore or even have a brother or someone that likes to fish, go along and do some fishing of your own. Remember all the meat, produce, fish, vegetables, etc that you buy in the store has been treated. If you have a dairy within your area, some of them will sometimes sell beef and vegetables also, so try that route also. See if you can find unheated honey to sweeten your foods with. Stay away from caffeine (I know this is gonna hurt some ladies), but at least taper off. First do a half caffeine/half decaf combo. Then gradually add less caffeine and more decaf. This is what I do and I really don't miss the caffeine. Instead of candy,eat dried cranberries or other fruit. But stay away from refined sugar as much as possible. That stuff tastes good I know, but it is poison.

As far as recommendations for vitamins there is really no comparison to the ionized minerals that I am taking. If you can swing it and only get one product from the website I gave you earlier, get the product called Mineral Magic. This products contains 70 minerals that your body needs and you only have to take one half teaspoon a day (I take one teaspoon divided between the AM and PM). This stuff is incredible. Also go the a health food store and ask that they recommend a good Coral Calcium product to you and a good green food. Also include cod liver oil in your daily vitamins. The cod liver oil actually helps the Coral Calcium be absorbed by your body. The coral calcium once absorbed produces oxygen which in turn produces energy for your body's cells.

As for my hair, it is 3b in the back and around the sides, 3c in the front, and 4a dead center (I have 3 different hair types on my head). And I use a number of different products that I rotate every couple of weeks. I have shared with the ladies in the past that your hair can acclimate itself to the products that you use and stop performing as well. So rotating them helps. I basically did a strengthening treatment one week then a strengthening/moisturizing conditioner treatment the next, emphasizing during the week with keeping my hair moisturized with various products like castor oil/olive oil combo, protectives creme hair products and mostly i left my hair alone. I wore a wig almost constantly the first year and a half, only leaving the wig off on weekends. Now I cannot fit my hair under a wig anyone without looking really strange (my head looks like its too big). So to avoid getting laughed at, I keep it braided and in a bun. I also do braid outs and ocassionally get my hair pressed.
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Edie said:
If you have an open air market in your area, get your vegetables from there. Most of the vegetables are from local farms and have not had chemicals sprayed on them to prolong their shelf life, like the ones that are transported to the big supermarkets. If you are near the seashore or even have a brother or someone that likes to fish, go along and do some fishing of your own. Remember all the meat, produce, fish, vegetables, etc that you buy in the store has been treated. If you have a dairy within your area, some of them will sometimes sell beef and vegetables also, so try that route also. See if you can find unheated honey to sweeten your foods with. Stay away from caffeine (I know this is gonna hurt some ladies), but at least taper off. First do a half caffeine/half decaf combo. Then gradually add less caffeine and more decaf. This is what I do and I really don't miss the caffeine. Instead of candy,eat dried cranberries or other fruit. But stay away from refined sugar as much as possible. That stuff tastes good I know, but it is poison.

As far as recommendations for vitamins there is really no comparison to the ionized minerals that I am taking. If you can swing it and only get one product from the website I gave you earlier, get the product called Mineral Magic. This products contains 70 minerals that your body needs and you only have to take one half teaspoon a day (I take one teaspoon divided between the AM and PM). This stuff is incredible. Also go the a health food store and ask that they recommend a good Coral Calcium product to you and a good green food. Also include cod liver oil in your daily vitamins. The cod liver oil actually helps the Coral Calcium be absorbed by your body. The coral calcium once absorbed produces oxygen which in turn produces energy for your body's cells.

As for my hair, it is 3b in the back and around the sides, 3c in the front, and 4a dead center (I have 3 different hair types on my head). And I use a number of different products that I rotate every couple of weeks. I have shared with the ladies in the past that your hair can acclimate itself to the products that you use and stop performing as well. So rotating them helps. I basically did a strengthening treatment one week then a strengthening/moisturizing conditioner treatment the next, emphasizing during the week with keeping my hair moisturized with various products like castor oil/olive oil combo, protectives creme hair products and mostly i left my hair alone. I wore a wig almost constantly the first year and a half, only leaving the wig off on weekends. Now I cannot fit my hair under a wig anyone without looking really strange (my head looks like its too big). So to avoid getting laughed at, I keep it braided and in a bun. I also do braid outs and ocassionally get my hair pressed.

Thanks so much for all these details, Edie. It is really generous of you to share. Question about the olive oil, castor oil combo, could you share the recipe with us? Also, the stuff that you are mentioning about rotating products sounds like it makes a lot of sense. Could you please let us know about the specific products that you rotate? Is your hair natural? It sounds like you do not relax. Also, what do you think about braids? As for the wig, I have been thinking about it, but I worry that I would get wig hair. How did you protect your hair from the wig? I have heard of people damaging their hair or going bald from wearing wigs. Thanks in advance for your response. :D
Well I am no where near waist length, heck armpit length, but I understand where you are coming from. I have a friend who is white and her hair was long, but when you look at the length of her hair, you will noticed that her ends tend to get thinner down the length. I guess since it is older hair, it's much more fragile. Just my $0.02.
tryn2growmyhair said:
However, do you have any suggestions for those of us who cannot afford to spend upwards of $400 a month on vitamins and food? I am trying to eat more veggies and fish -- even though a lot of seafood is tainted from poor fish farming methods or pollution :mad: -- in an effort to be healther, but it's not easy.
I agree with everything Edie said. I buy veggies from open markets and it's usually cheaper.

Also, you may consider growing your own veggies in your own yard, container gardens on your patio or renting a plot of land for gardening if you have no space. A friend of mine rented one in a major city for only $15/ year! She grew as much as possible of all her favorite fruits and vegetables and gave away the excess. There is a name for renting these plots for gardening and I can't remember at the moment.

I have a very small garden but I'll be adding more and doing container gardening with my favorites this year.
tryn2growmyhair said:
Thanks so much for all these details, Edie. It is really generous of you to share. Question about the olive oil, castor oil combo, could you share the recipe with us? Also, the stuff that you are mentioning about rotating products sounds like it makes a lot of sense. Could you please let us know about the specific products that you rotate? Is your hair natural? It sounds like you do not relax. Also, what do you think about braids? As for the wig, I have been thinking about it, but I worry that I would get wig hair. How did you protect your hair from the wig? I have heard of people damaging their hair or going bald from wearing wigs. Thanks in advance for your response. :D

The olive oil castor oil combo is simply half castor oil and half extra virgin oil oil. The shampoos that I use are Nexxus Therappe, Graham Webb and Curl Conscious. I do a conditioner mix using 2-3 of the following:

Humectress, Bed Hed Self Absorbed, Beauty without Cruelty (this is a staple), Graham Webb, and bumble and bumble leave in. All of these conditioners are about moisture. I just take 2 or 3 of them and mix. Sometimes I will mix a little of all of them.

For strength (protein treatments) I use Keraphix, emergencee and TIGI Chocolate Head (smells just like chocolate). I always put about 2 tablespoons of a moisturizing conditioner (above) mixed in with the protein treatments. I tend to do my protein treatments 3 times a month and I rotate each of these protein treatment also.

I buy the majority of my products on Ebay. I save a lot of money that way.

To product your hair while wearing a wig, simply cover your hair with a silk cap and then put a hair net on it. The silk cap will not tear at your hair line. Once you get home, take the wig off and massage around the perimeter of your head. The only part of the wig that is really close to your scalp is the very edge of the wig (this is to hold it in place). And let your hair out on the weekends and wear in a bun. I basically kept my hair braided and would only take it down to apply moisturiser throughout my hair. I would apply oil and protectives to braids concentrating on the ends every day.
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Edie said:
It took me three years to grow my hair to butt length. I started at shoulder. I usually grow 1 to 1.5 inches per month but some months especially lately I have been getting about 1.75 to 2 inches. I have started on a lot of powdered minerals, coral calcium, cod liver oil, etc. I have also been eating only organic meats (grass fed beef, grain feed chicken, organicly grown vegetables also). My husband pointed out to me that while I was taking a lot supplements, I was not eating right and not exercising the way I should. So I found a good supplier of some very good products (vitamins and minerals) and started eating more real food. There is a company called cocoon nutrition that sells all kinds of supplements for a well body. The owner of the company Stephen Hauer said that the food that we usually buy in the supermarket is not really food (in that it supplies you with all the nutrients that your body needs). The meat is so full of chemical, hormones and other things, that your body does not get the optimum amount of nutrients that it should. He also turned me onto raw milk. Raw milk is milk that is not pasteurized (it's safe though). Pasteurization takes a lot of the good nutrients out of milk that are passed on from the cows that give it. The raw milk is so creamy and good tasting. You will not believe it till you try it. I went to Whole Foods market to get my organic meats and vegetables and have to go to a dairy farm to get the raw milk (it is not legal to sell raw milk in some states). What you do is buy a share of a cow. That's right a share. The share is usually $75.00 per person. That gets you 5 gallons of raw milk a month, plus the jars that you bring it home in. You also have to pay a boarding fee of $14.00 a month for the cow. This one cow is divided up into 5 shares, I think, and four other people besides yourself get the milk from the cow and you each pay for the share and broading fees for the cow. They take care of the cow and make sure that all vet care is provided by them (at no cost to you). The cows are only grass fed.

Now if you go this route to eat more organic food and also to do the raw milk route, I have to warn you that your grocery bill will go up about $200 per month. You can do like I do and buy mostly the organic meats (that's the real killer of our health) from places like whole foods market and only buy organically grown vegetables for salads like carrots (these are fantastic), lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. from an open air market if you have them in your area. The vegetables there are a little less expensive that whole food market and they are always fresh.

Right now my vitamins and supplements that I get from Cocoon nutrion run about $150.00 per month, but they do exactly what they say they will do. They have a product called Coral Calcium that I absolutely love. It has gotten my body's PH level to normal levels. My energy and sense of well being is fantastic. Go to the web site: http://www.cocoonnutrition.org

Read the testimonial page. I tried some of the products that other people gave testimonies on and this is the first brand that does what it is suppose to do. You can even get a phone consultation by the owner for 20 dollars for ten minutes. Just state to him the health concerns you have and he will recommend products for you to use. And as I said they do work.
what is your hair type and do you have any pics of your hair? it sounds really beautiful. what vitamins do you take? thanks for sharing the info.
Edie said:
It took me three years to grow my hair to butt length. I started at shoulder. I usually grow 1 to 1.5 inches per month but some months especially lately I have been getting about 1.75 to 2 inches. I have started on a lot of powdered minerals, coral calcium, cod liver oil, etc. I have also been eating only organic meats (grass fed beef, grain feed chicken, organicly grown vegetables also). My husband pointed out to me that while I was taking a lot supplements, I was not eating right and not exercising the way I should. So I found a good supplier of some very good products (vitamins and minerals) and started eating more real food. There is a company called cocoon nutrition that sells all kinds of supplements for a well body. The owner of the company Stephen Hauer said that the food that we usually buy in the supermarket is not really food (in that it supplies you with all the nutrients that your body needs). The meat is so full of chemical, hormones and other things, that your body does not get the optimum amount of nutrients that it should. He also turned me onto raw milk. Raw milk is milk that is not pasteurized (it's safe though). Pasteurization takes a lot of the good nutrients out of milk that are passed on from the cows that give it. The raw milk is so creamy and good tasting. You will not believe it till you try it. I went to Whole Foods market to get my organic meats and vegetables and have to go to a dairy farm to get the raw milk (it is not legal to sell raw milk in some states). What you do is buy a share of a cow. That's right a share. The share is usually $75.00 per person. That gets you 5 gallons of raw milk a month, plus the jars that you bring it home in. You also have to pay a boarding fee of $14.00 a month for the cow. This one cow is divided up into 5 shares, I think, and four other people besides yourself get the milk from the cow and you each pay for the share and broading fees for the cow. They take care of the cow and make sure that all vet care is provided by them (at no cost to you). The cows are only grass fed.

Now if you go this route to eat more organic food and also to do the raw milk route, I have to warn you that your grocery bill will go up about $200 per month. You can do like I do and buy mostly the organic meats (that's the real killer of our health) from places like whole foods market and only buy organically grown vegetables for salads like carrots (these are fantastic), lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. from an open air market if you have them in your area. The vegetables there are a little less expensive that whole food market and they are always fresh.

Right now my vitamins and supplements that I get from Cocoon nutrion run about $150.00 per month, but they do exactly what they say they will do. They have a product called Coral Calcium that I absolutely love. It has gotten my body's PH level to normal levels. My energy and sense of well being is fantastic. Go to the web site: http://www.cocoonnutrition.org

Read the testimonial page. I tried some of the products that other people gave testimonies on and this is the first brand that does what it is suppose to do. You can even get a phone consultation by the owner for 20 dollars for ten minutes. Just state to him the health concerns you have and he will recommend products for you to use. And as I said they do work.

Thank you for this info.! I checked out the website, the testimonials were quite impressive. Once I start working, I'm placing an order for Miracle Minerals you suggested & the Cocoon GH. I figure if I can go on ocassional shopping sprees, I can take that money to purchase quality supplements for my health.
Nova said:

Thank you for this info.! I checked out the website, the testimonials were quite impressive. Once I start working, I'm placing an order for Miracle Minerals you suggested & the Cocoon GH. I figure if I can go on ocassional shopping sprees, I can take that money to purchase quality supplements for my health.

Oh great, please let me know how you like them. You should start seeing results in about 3-4 weeks, but some people have reported seeing results in as little as two.

I love ordering from Cocoon. When I spoke with one of the customer representatives he told me that they are a hospital (probably holistic healing) that sells the products that are also used by the people they see. I really like them, though they are a bit expensive. But I have simply cut back in other areas. It is well worth it.
Congratz on reaching your length, I hope to be where you are one day. I have a question what did you do to keep your hair moisterized?

Thanks for the tips Eddie, I switched to organics 2 years ago my diet is almost all organic except for the protein bars and shakes that I use because I work out 5-6 days a week, along with drinking 1L of water a day, my hair regime, and vitamin supplements Hopefully I'll get there sooner.
Great Post Edie: I am blessed to be near vegetable and farmer's markets with honey etc. etc. I also cook with good herbs etc. I really was inspired by your post to do more in that area. I eat very healthy but I can do better...because I occasionally fall of the wagon into candy, chocolate and cookies and cake. I have no excuse. I just get a cravin' (dose dang commercials!!!)lol. But THANK YOU FOR THE GREAT POST.!!!! I am expecting good things for my hair this year. bonjour
Bmm said:
I have the same exact dryer!!!! Mine is by Pro tools though. I love it!!! Love it!!!!!!!!! lol. :grin:

LOL! I just love that dryer! I've been neglecting her for weeks so it's time to get reacquainted.
An Asian lady that works on base with me has butt length hair. She said she started at shoulder 3 years ago, and has cut it about 6 or 7 times. It is ridiculously thick, and the ends are blunt cut even, and thick. I guess it works for some people to get butt length without thin ends...but, then again, she is Asian, and not African or African-American...
It seems like sometimes hair gets to a length and the ends are a little thin at first then they sit at that length and thicken up if you keep babying the ends and trimming to stay at a certain length. Maybe it's just the 1st phase to get to a certain length?
I love Sherrylove's hair! I only hope that IF I make it to butt length that my ends stay thick...Im comfortably mid-back now and still have thick ends (I RARELY trim) So I agree with Allandra, Keep them protected, you should be fine!
Thanks to whoever bumped this old school thread up...:grin:

I have been looking for some better supplements than GNC...and I may look into this company Edie is talking about...

I am going to do something basic though...it wont be $150/month worth of vitamins...:eek:

I love LHCF on so many levels
I've been thinking about going organic for a while. I did notice a lot of the ladies with beautiful hair here have a mostly organic diet. That's inspiration enough, but I've been wanting to get serious about my health too..this thread was exactly what I needed!
Babygurl said:
I love Sherrylove's hair! I only hope that IF I make it to butt length that my ends stay thick...Im comfortably mid-back now and still have thick ends (I RARELY trim) So I agree with Allandra, Keep them protected, you should be fine!

awww, thanks, babygurl.....smile.....you are doing such a great job caring for your ends right now; so if your hair grows to butt length, i do not see any reason why they would not be still nice and thick.....
SherryLove said:
awww, thanks, babygurl.....smile.....you are doing such a great job caring for your ends right now; so if your hair grows to butt length, i do not see any reason why they would not be still nice and thick.....

Can you give us some tips on how you kee your ends so thick/pretty?
LocksOfLuV said:
Can you give us some tips on how you kee your ends so thick/pretty?

hey there, locksofluv.... i never use direct heating instruments (curling irons, blowdryer, etc.) on my hair... and i allow my ends (covered with a plastic baggy) to marinate in oil every night....and i always wear my hair in protective styles when the weather is extremely cold, humid, or windy...and i deep condition my hair, paying special attention to the ends, on a regular basis (every two weekds). i think my doing all of these things may have a lot to with why my ends do not look so bad....
sassygirl125 said:
What a shame that healthy food costs 3x as much as unhealthy food. :( I bought some range fed chicken once. :lick:

The way to think about it is this I guess:

Alot of people who DON'T eat healthy food suffer from many maladies that could have POSSIBLY been prevented with a healthy diet. Going to the doctor and paying copays, insurance deductibles and/or out-of-pocket medical expenses add up to be a LOT of money $$$$$$.

So when you think about it, maybe healthy food ISN'T as expensive.
tryn2growmyhair said:
Thanks so much for this information. I try to buy as little as possible from Whole Food because the owner is apparently pretty right wing:eek: . It just doesn't sit well with me that the company presents itself as being for a healthy lifestyle and I know a lot of liberal almost hippy type people who shop there and the owner is becoming a multimillionaire off of this image, while he is a big right-winger. I dont feel like supporting his lifestyle with my pennies. He's entitled to his views, I'm entitled to take my money elsewhere.

That said, I do agree with you that a healthy lifestyle helps with a lot of things. It has been said that a lot of food at the supermarket contains products that are carcinogenic or otherwise harmful. I find it especially frightening that one of the things that a lot of infertile couples do to conceive is simply to stop eating regular supermarket food and go organic! Something's wrong with this picture.

However, do you have any suggestions for those of us who cannot afford to spend upwards of $400 a month on vitamins and food? I am trying to eat more veggies and fish -- even though a lot of seafood is tainted from poor fish farming methods or pollution :mad: -- in an effort to be healther, but it's not easy.

Also, what type hair are you and what products did you use? A lot of people say its not what they used but how they handled their hair as well. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated.

Not to sound silly or anything, but maybe if you up your water intake, that would help? I read somewhere a looong time ago that many of the time we think we are hungry, it is actually our body telling us we are dehydrated and need hydration (water), not food. Plus, water is a decent appetite suppressant.

I try to eat more high fiber foods, too. They fill you up and keep you feeling full longer.

I say all of this to say that by doing the things above, maybe you will eat less than usual and therefore your food will last longer, making your dollar stretch further....? Just a thought....