But I don't wanna go back to the salon!


Well-Known Member
Due to finances and not having endless hours to spare, I stopped going to my stylist and starting back doing my own hair.

My friend thought I should be pampered more and made four standing appointments with my old stylist to get my hair done once a week. While flattered and appreciative, my reaction inside was "Nooooooooooo!".

I explained to him that it was more than the money, it was the leaving work early each week to get my hair done and at home before dark that I didn't like. What's the use of me spending hours in the salon only to go home and sleep on it with nothing to show but clean hair the next day?

I purchased my 4 lb tub of relaxer, my DRC is arriving by UPS today (yay!), I just did my final dusting which has restored my uneven breakage back 100% and plus I LOVE washing and treating my hair twice/week.

He said he understood (but I don't think he did). Luckily, my stylist understood - she's a church sister of mine.

Whoever thought I would decline free hair styling? Now if I could roll that money over into some weekly spa treatments, we could talk!
I hear ya sis.

I don't mind being pampered every once in a while, but I love treating my own hair at home because I have all the goodies my hair loves. Now when it comes to relaxer touch ups, I definitely get mine done at the salon. Hmph. I WISH I could do my own.
I was always able to style my hair but I'm quite impressed at how I've turned my hair's health around just by reading the threads on this board.

Now I don't trust anyone... license or not to do my hair because I don't want to lose my progress. I can style better than my stylist and now I can do the same treatments as she can so why pay? She compliments me all the time on how my hair looks so it makes me even more proud of myself.
I totally agree with you. I stopped going to my stylist cold turkey after finding LHCF. I felt so confident that after lurking LHCF for a week and I do mean LURKING, I just stopped going and did my own relaxer like 2 weeks after LHCF-I had done it before. I am not planning on going back to the salon anytime soon. I'm dusting, got my carusos (in place of bi-weekly salon rollersets), and I'm gonna add a week or 2 to each relaxer to stretch. Why go back? Like you said use that $$$ for bags or shoes or better yet Spa Treatments:yep: I have no doubt I will be better at taking care of my hair than the stylist at the shop, I've already witnessed healthier hair in the last month than what I was getting there.​
ITA with you too. Aside from the time in the salon and expense of it all, I think it's more efficient to rely on your self. A couple months ago, I had no idea how to style my own hair. After some practice, though, I'm relatively decent at it already. Once in a while is ok, but you can be using that mula for something else. I definitely encourage you to stick with it!