Bun help


New Member
This question is for you ladies who bun it.

I have been trying to use the bun method. I like it because my ends don't scratch against my clothes. However, I am finding that my ends get so dry no matter how much I moisturize it. Please give advice.

My hair is arm pit length in the back (barely), and I am trying to get the front (just touching shoulder) to catch up with the back, as well as to get over the "hump" of shoulder/arm-pit length on to BSL. I am beginning to think maybe my hair won't get that long.

Any help would be greatly appreciated ladies. I've been at this length for like 7 months!!!!
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What are you using to moisturize your ends with? Is water the first ingredient in your moisturizer? If not, then your ends are only getting lubricated (with oil) and will dry out.
Yes it is about the products you are coating your ends with. I use a good amount of scurl or gel activator along with some good oil or grease (mango butter or castor oil allways). The hair stay moisturize the allday. Sometimes if i only use oil I can see the hair breaking off right away. Last year I only used Carrot oil from ORS and it has done great. I dd not need any trim for the entire year. Check out my album.
MissBiss said:
Also how are you doing your buns?

I am moisturizing the ends, and then wrapping them around in a circle. Then I put my hairtie on my head. It seems to shrivel up my ends whenever I take it down. It may still be oily/moisturized, but it looks like I crimped the bottom of my hair. Thanks for any suggestions.

Bumping for more replies!
cocoberry10 said:
I am moisturizing the ends, and then wrapping them around in a circle. Then I put my hairtie on my head. It seems to shrivel up my ends whenever I take it down. It may still be oily/moisturized, but it looks like I crimped the bottom of my hair. Thanks for any suggestions.

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Is your hair getting enough water (if I may follow Isis' lead) and have you made sure you don't need a dusting or trim? Also, are you deep conditioning regularly?

I do know your fustration. I am just beginning to break the plateau now and I'm at the same lenth as you. I did have to trim a bit off, but in just a short time, I was back to my length before the trim and now just a tiny bit longer. I hate to trim, but it was necessary. My ends were getting crunchy.

I can't stress patience enough ( thanks to Sherrylove's advice http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=26848 ). I was stuck for a year. Yep, zero retention for 12 months. The trim was a drastic measure, but that and good moisturizing seemed to be the trick.
OnceUponAtime said:
Is your hair getting enough water (if I may follow Isis' lead) and have you made sure you don't need a dusting or trim? Also, are you deep conditioning regularly?

I do know your fustration. I am just beginning to break the plateau now and I'm at the same lenth as you. I did have to trim a bit off, but in just a short time, I was back to my length before the trim and now just a tiny bit longer. I hate to trim, but it was necessary. My ends were getting crunchy.

I can't stress patience enough ( thanks to Sherrylove's advice http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=26848 ). I was stuck for a year. Yep, zero retention for 12 months. The trim was a drastic measure, but that and good moisturizing seemed to be the trick.

Thanks :) :)