Bulk Braiding Hair for Crochets


Well-Known Member
Hi, everyone!
I'm new here - just joined today, but I have a question I have been wanting to ask for quite some time.
My hair is currently in Senegalese twists but I want to try crocheting my hair after I take the twists out. I have been watching multiple videos on Youtube and think I am ready to try it out.
My question is, and I hope no one thinks I'm really dumb for asking, I don't understand the lengths of hair. I don't know much about weaving/braiding hair since this is only my second time wearing it.
I noticed that people on Youtube tend to get 22" or 24" for crochets and then cut them in half and then install them. My question is, if you cut the 24" hair in half and then install the crochets, which requires you to fold it in half again, are you only left with 6" of hair? I'm just really confused because the people who cut it in half came out with about shoulder-length hair, but the people who didn't cut in half had like waist-length hair and I don't understand that huge difference.
I am really looking to have a length that is in between the two, as I want longer than shoulder-length but definitely shorter than waist-length.
The hair I have is 24" so I was wondering if instead of cutting it in half, I could instead cut off a fourth of the hair and be left with 18", which I am assuming would result in 9" of length? I'm really confused... sorry! I hope that wasn't too complicated... I'm really lost...
I appreciate any input!
I never had crochet braids but I think you can do that but you will need to buy more packs of hair b/c of that. If the hair is 24 inches & you cut to 18 inches you will have left over 6 inches of wasted hair. So instead of buying 3 packs you will need to buy 6 or more depending on head size or fullness but the hair usually doesn't cost so much so I guess it wouldn't be much of a problem execpt those extra pieces of hair. Hth
Thank you so much for clearing that up. I assumed that would be the case (most people who cut it in half used 1.5 bags, so I bought 4 - I have a pretty small head and thinner hair), but I just wanted to be sure since the differences in length seemed so drastic so I thought I was interpreting that wrong. I just wanted to make sure I got it right before I cut that fourth off and was looking crazy.
Thank you!