Buildup, weighed down hair follicles, hair breakage - A question/observation.


New Member
Hello LHCF.

Brands like Pantene, Tresseme, Herbal Essences, Sunsilk, Dabur, Sedal, etc are known for their potential build up and it's said that this build up weighs down the hair follicles and causes the hair to break.

I don't understand how this could be possible. The weight of a coated strand seems much lighter than the weight of thick or lengthy hair seems to be. Product buildup can't cause tension alopecia, or can it?

Perhaps it does clog the pores if the scalp is not cleansed properly, and over time coated hair prevents moisture and protein from reaching the hair's core. But this can easily be remedied by cleansing the scalp and hair thoroughly.

From what I have noticed, coated hair is best when you're styling it to prevent roughing up the cuticle.

So what is the main concern or issue with hair that is coated or weighed down?

I typically prefer my hair to be weighed down, except for the first day or few days after it's been flat ironed. Am I alone in this?

Nice to finally be able to type with you. I have been lurking for about a month and I just joined the other day.
I think it's for the sake of aesthetics. I know that when I use more leave in products (oil, leave-in condish, serum) my hair does not look as attractive as when I use less. Although my hair actually feels moister and silkier, it looks greasy and hangs kind of limp and straight. No bounce, no body, no swing, no nothing. It also lacks that subtle sheen that comes with clean and moisturized hair. For people who are doing their hair to wear it down, not having that body and stuff kind of ruins the style.

I personally prefer to have my hair feel a little bit coated, just because I very rarely wear it down, and I like to feel that bit of protection on my hair. But when I do wear my hair down, I often go extra light on the oil and serum and use lighter leave-in conditioner, so that my hair has that perfect amount of weight on it and can move properly.
I don't buy it either - I think people say a lot of things to get ppl to buy other products <shrugs> and not all of it is factual. But anyway welcome to the board.

IA with ChaosButterfly about aestetics. Mainly for me, product buildup and cones make my hair dry leading to breakage, splits and SSKs. IMO it's not a result of the product being heavy and causing the hair to break at the follicle - they cause dryness for me, which leads to the other problems.

Some products work for some, while not working for others. Certain conditioners by Herbal Essences, Pantene and Tresseme work well for many people here. They contain silicones, which can coat the hair, but if they work well in your hair will help make it shiny and manageable. IMO if the product is making your hair look and feel great, it is probably working for you...
I tried Herbal Essences Hello Hydration a few months ago for the first time and after rinsing, it left my scalp covered in a thick grayish sludge. It was disgusting. It also left my hair looking dull and ashy. I truly didn't understand product buildup until I used that product.

What was so damaging about it, was that the build up left me with an itchy scalp. All that scratching irritated my scalp and probably did some surface damage to the cuticles of my hair strands. But mostly I hated the ashy looking hair. I threw that bottle right in the garbage.
I think that some products offer temporary coating to protect hair strands. This is ok providing you clarify your hair to avoid product build-up. The longer a product is left on the hair without being removed through washing or clarifying, then the product build-up causes problems or even permanent damage because it does not allow the scalp or hair to breathe. The effects of products are temporary between washes and if used properly offer good protection and improve hair health.
I think it's for the sake of aesthetics. I know that when I use more leave in products (oil, leave-in condish, serum) my hair does not look as attractive as when I use less. Although my hair actually feels moister and silkier, it looks greasy and hangs kind of limp and straight. No bounce, no body, no swing, no nothing. It also lacks that subtle sheen that comes with clean and moisturized hair. For people who are doing their hair to wear it down, not having that body and stuff kind of ruins the style.

I personally prefer to have my hair feel a little bit coated, just because I very rarely wear it down, and I like to feel that bit of protection on my hair. But when I do wear my hair down, I often go extra light on the oil and serum and use lighter leave-in conditioner, so that my hair has that perfect amount of weight on it and can move properly.

ITA with this. Very well explained.
Chaos butterfly thank you so much for your input. I feel the same way. I think it's mainly for looks or for touchable hair with bounce and swing.

I prefer my hair moisturized and oiled up to the point where it's almost juicy but that's not the best if I'm going to a party or gonna be somewhere around a lot of people lol.

Makes me think of that scene in coming to America cuz I like my hair juicy.

Is that gunk on the scalp build up, scalp sebum, dandruff, or dead skin? Or a mixture of all?