Build help! Yuck!


Well-Known Member
I have build up on my scalp ladies. How do I know? Well after washing my hair I generally see a thin film of gray gunk on my scalp :perplexed I lightly scratch it up, sometimes I jump back in the shower and shampoo...but mostly I just get overwhelmed :nono:.

How do I get rid of scalp buildup?
What is it coming from? (Maybe my Mane & Tale Conditioner?)

I don't clarify in general. I usually just shampoo twice, focusing on my roots. Clarifying dries out my hair. Help guys.
I have build up on my scalp ladies. How do I know? Well after washing my hair I generally see a thin film of gray gunk on my scalp :perplexed I lightly scratch it up, sometimes I jump back in the shower and shampoo...but mostly I just get overwhelmed :nono:.

How do I get rid of scalp buildup?
What is it coming from? (Maybe my Mane & Tale Conditioner?)

I don't clarify in general. I usually just shampoo twice, focusing on my roots. Clarifying dries out my hair. Help guys.
Kenra Clarifying poo works really good for me and so does IC Fantasia's Pure Tea poo. As far as the drying out part, I usually don't experience the dryness after clarifying b/c I always follow up with my Pantene BD masque or ORS Replenishing Pak. No dryness:yep:
Okay I may give one of those a try, I will def follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. I don't want gunk on my scalp, because I want my pours to be able to breathe. Well I have to wash tonight and no time to stop by a I may pull out whatever I have in my cabinet for now. I was seriously thinking about baking soda on my scalp only just to get rid of any buildup. :rolleyes:
Baking soda works too and so does diluted ACV:yep:

I second these suggestions. When I run out of my clarifying shampoo, I take 1/4 a teaspoon of baking soda, a capful or two of my moisturizing shampoo, and put it in a water bottle with warm water, and lather once with this mixture. Then I shampoo again my moisturizing shampoo once more to make sure all the baking soda is out.

Or you can do your regular routine, but before you deep condition, pour diluted ACV in your hair a couple times. I put 1/2 cup of ACV in a gallon of distilled water. Let it sit in your hair for 5 minutes with a shower cap, rinse, and deep condition as usual.
Vatika Oil solved that problem for me. I know it sounds strange but I think it is the lemon in it. Usually, I wash and then my scalp has that scalp smell at the end of the day. Well, I let Vatika Oil sit on my hair overnight and then all I did was rinse it out and then condition and, 3 days later ... no gunk and no scalp smell. I love that stuff!!
I think it's the Mane n Tail. I had been using it for awhile and when I stopped my scalp issues went away. I used it this past weekend and the gunk was back!! Stop using it for awhile and see if it is the problem.
ITA w/ the suggestions. I too have had issues w/ Mane-n-Tale conditioner leaving build up (great conditioner though!) Be sure not to over-clarify. You might also want to try AVC an AVC rinse at the end of your wasing. I believe it can double as a pusedo clarifier (someone please correct me if I am wrong).