Build Up and Conditioner Washes...


Ok ladies - help a girl out! I'm trying to cut down on the amount of actual shampoo I use so, I started doing a conditioner wash 1 or 2x during the week and then shampoo and deep condition on the weekends. The problem I have is BUILD-UP! I use a lot of natural oils on my hair so, my buildup is fierce!?!?! How do you control build-up :confused: I am already up on tea tree and clarifying shampoos- they definitely work but you have to SHAMPOO!!! They say not to use creme conditioner on your scalp because that in itself causes build up supposedly. Other frequent conditioner washers holla back........
I've found that if I do conditioner washes, I can only do them about 3 or 4 times before I have to shampoo and I have to use really light conditioners like VO5 or Suave. No oil can go on my scalp or I'll have the white stuff that you can see when you part your hair (eww) The other thing that helps is doing an ACV rinse after each conditioner wash.
I used a strong (IMO) acv rinse once a week or so. I made sure that I provided a lot of friction on my scalp when I did the conditioner washes in order to loosen the build-up/dirt. Also, I'd also use the scalp scrub recipe in the curly girl book. I did not use products on my scalp either, so that helped decrease the build-up.
If you're concerned with the build up on your scalp then I can help. What I do is a modified co-wash, I put alot of conditioners on ends only and then I shampoo my scalp only while my conditioner is still on my ends. This helps my scalp feel fresh and my ends stay moist. :)
I had this same problem after doing a few cond washes, so I stopped altogether. :(
I ALWAYS get the white build up and it is in my scalp and on my hair and won't come out unless I shampoo with a clarifying one. It may be due to the moisturizers and oils that are already in my hair. I figure my hair would have to be dry- as in maybe skipping moisturizing my hair for me to get the benefits of cw's, just so I dont get that build up.

I don't even do the real deal c-wash either, using conditioner in the scalp... I tried to concentrate just applying hair to the hair only, to no avail...
the white stuff was coming out :lol:
Alli77 said:
If you're concerned with the build up on your scalp then I can help. What I do is a modified co-wash, I put alot of conditioners on ends only and then I shampoo my scalp only while my conditioner is still on my ends. This helps my scalp feel fresh and my ends stay moist. :)

That sounds like a winner :yep:
Alli77 said:
If you're concerned with the build up on your scalp then I can help. What I do is a modified co-wash, I put alot of conditioners on ends only and then I shampoo my scalp only while my conditioner is still on my ends. This helps my scalp feel fresh and my ends stay moist. :)

Yes, I will be trying this method. Thanks for the tip!
I do CO washes 6 days a week, and haven't had any buildup on my scalp or hair. I use Nexxus Humectress and a hot oil treatment for my daily CO washes.
Thanks girls for the replies. I rotate my conditioners every time I wash but they are the basics - humecto,colesterol, hot oil, etc. I tried the shampooing the roots and scalp with conditioner on the ends. That's my normal routine but I was trying to ditch the shampoo after all the rave regarding conditioner washes - guess I learned to stick with what works. Anyway, please excuse me while I SHAMPOO the build up off my scalp.... :lachen:
I used to have that problem, i have prevented build up from co washes, by ensuring not to use any oils/silicone and i keep my product usuage down to the mimum, i only co wash daily, add surge to scalp and use a homemade mix moisturiser (just de-ionised water, vo5 conditioner, glyercin, a little coconut oil to lock in moisture).. i spray it lightly on my protective styles that's it.

Also the trick is to dilute heavy conditioners with water (distilled)or try to use light ones instead, still works the same. hths
conditioner washes seem great and all but they're just not for everyone. i tried the conditioner wash thing and before i knew it i was breaking out all over my face & back. the best thing is to do as mentioned, mixing shampoo with the conditioner if you must do it.
This really kind of trips me out reading stuff like this, cause im so heavy handed with products and i use heavy butters too, and i use natural oils and lots of whatever i do use and i also even use the creamy conditioners, and for years of doing this i have no problems with build up, not on my scalp or hair, as soon as i do a conditioner wash or two, its all clean. This is pretty much the case for my daughter too, we both only do occasional shampooing, with no problems with build daughter will usually require a shampoo beforei will. It confuses me why this works for us and not others. different hair? different scalps? i dunno, but the creamy conditoners work great for us to get our hair clean.

I learned a long time ago that the "squeaky" clean feeling was not a good thing(just means your hair is totally stripped)....i cant stand that feeling, gives me the chills just thinking about it.

Rezgirl said:
Ok ladies - help a girl out! I'm trying to cut down on the amount of actual shampoo I use so, I started doing a conditioner wash 1 or 2x during the week and then shampoo and deep condition on the weekends. The problem I have is BUILD-UP! I use a lot of natural oils on my hair so, my buildup is fierce!?!?! How do you control build-up :confused: I am already up on tea tree and clarifying shampoos- they definitely work but you have to SHAMPOO!!! They say not to use creme conditioner on your scalp because that in itself causes build up supposedly. Other frequent conditioner washers holla back........
oh and i wanted to ask if your washing your hair once a week with shampoo? how often were you doing it before the CW'ing twice a week? maybe your just really really used to having no product build up whatsoever? so now that your hair isnt stripped it feels like build up to you? i just cant see how you would get any type of harmfull build up with a weekly wash still in your regimen....

I'm thinking this build up thing might really depend on how your wearing your hair too.....for instance if your wearing it out and loose then that style requires no product build up whatsoever to look good. but if your wearing it up in a bun (for example) it really wouldnt matter as much if your hair isnt stripped of all products....maybe this is why its such a non issue for me, i dunno , just doing guess work really

Irresistible said:
This really kind of trips me out reading stuff like this, cause im so heavy handed with products and i use heavy butters too, and i use natural oils and lots of whatever i do use and i also even use the creamy conditioners, and for years of doing this i have no problems with build up, not on my scalp or hair, as soon as i do a conditioner wash or two, its all clean. This is pretty much the case for my daughter too, we both only do occasional shampooing, with no problems with build daughter will usually require a shampoo beforei will. It confuses me why this works for us and not others. different hair? different scalps? i dunno, but the creamy conditoners work great for us to get our hair clean.

I learned a long time ago that the "squeaky" clean feeling was not a good thing(just means your hair is totally stripped)....i cant stand that feeling, gives me the chills just thinking about it.
I wouldn't mix the shampoo with the conditioner...maybe put conditioner on the ends and shampoo your roots.
As far as i know, most lines that make clarifying shampoos, have clarifying conditioners. Like suave....but thats sorta hard to find. But the easiest one to get is V05 kiwi and lime conditioner....thats what i use and i havent had problems with buildup

Rezgirl said:
What's that? Never heard of it.....................
I dilute the conditioner with distilled water. Half and half. It makes the conditioner leave less residue and makes it last longer.

There are good ideas that I get sometimes I think. :)
The best thing for buildup for me is an apple cider vinegar rinse. I use 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and 4 cups of lukewarm water and pour over my scalpp after I shampoo but before I condition. Works like a charm! BTW, I conditioner wash daily and shampoo once oer week. I ususally do the ACV rinses 2 to 3 times per month. Now if I don't go product crazy, the clarifying conditoner works well in between (V05 kiwi lime squeeze) and I then do the ACV rinse 1 or 2x per month. HTH!