BSL? What? Haha...

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well I DID notice the paint color was the same in the Nov pic as this one
it is and if you go to her profile and look in her album at the siggy pic up close it appears she has on a shirt and that is not "lighter" skin

i think the op is playing around with these half pics, but i dont necessarily think she is trying to get over by switching people
Great day in the morning! My vegetables aren't the only thing that are Raw today! Thanks to the lovely ladies of LHCF for my first laugh of the day.

OP: I don't see enough to help answer your question.
it is and if you go to her profile and look in her album at the siggy pic up close it appears she has on a shirt and that is not "lighter" skin

i think the op is playing around with these half pics, but i dont necessarily think she is trying to get over by switching people
maybe its an illusion but after going to her profile , she looks more slender in last pic

lol@ us dissecting pics

who knows:ohwell:

but all the walls are the same except she painted after the first pic:lachen::lachen:

ok let me stop now :lachen::lachen:
I was trying to see if the dress was the same in the closet and errythang :lachen:

the hangers do seem to be at the same level tho

welp OP if thats you gurrrrl thats some SERIOUS GROWTH from DEC till now, or maybe its how your holding your head in the first pic, but it looks longer in the NOV pic than the DEC pic

I am can someone,,,anyone go from SL to BSL and less than 30days? IDK maybe the dates on the pix are wrong
I have been reading this board longer than a minute and I am here to tell you, it is all about hair hair hair. Never heard a single unkind comment about the quality of someone's bra or back fat or rolls, pimples or anything else. Everyone zooms right into the split ends or lack thereof. Then they put on their bifocals and see if they can spy a loose product or two laying around. :grin: So if you are shy about your physique OP, worry not. Rolls are forgivable. Keeping a secret miracle growth product to yourself will get you e-banked. The hair in all of those pics is beautiful and fab. Don't get too hung up on the "official" length.
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There should not be this much drama about you posting hair pics. When things are this gray I start to get suspicious. The pics you posted look like two different people. Even between the one in your siggy and the pics you attached, the hair looks different.

I have no reason to doubt you or your progress. If you really did get growth than just post some pics where we can clearly see your hair and where you are at. You made this thread asking for opinions. If you are so self conscious about your body then you do not have to post pics at all like many people on this board...its not mandatory to have pics up. You could always join the zillions of weight loss challenges on this board at get back to us when you are ready to show your figure. Until then, I say that your pics are kinda shady and I am not going to tell you where you hair is at when I have no legit evidence.
Congrats!......but I really think you should take another photo or have someone else take it for you......for more accurate opinions.
WOAH... I ain't even lyin'... this is the weirdest hair related thread I've seen in a while!

OP: I guess if your hair hits at least the top of your bra strap then claim BSL, otherwise don't... thats all I can say :look:.
OKKKKKK? Why on earth do we always feel the need to go outing someone? :lachen:

People saying the pics looks like they are of people with diff complexions.... I dunno how the rest of YOUR cameras work, but for me, when I take pictures, my complexions depends on the lighting in the room (where is the light? is it natural or unattural? am i close to it or not? is my face toward it or is it coming from behind me?) AND the flash of the camera. I have "different" complexions in MANY a picture. I honestly don't think that means much.

Funny thing to me is some people going on about that are lighter in their avi than the siggy... Asking if she's an impostor would just be excessive, IMO. I would obviously assume it's the lighting/ a flash playing that trick, RIGHT? :lachen:

Beyond that, I dunno how many use mirrors/ trying to steady the camera and grab angles that show enough of your hair, etc. but that is HARD and my hair isn't even far past my shoulder blades yet. Not to mention I know from experience that standing at certain angles and holding the cam at certain angles can add and reduce a LOT of weight, especially if the hair is falling not in the middle, but closer to either shoulder.

Beyond that, if the wall paint is the same, and she likely seems to be wearing a shirt, AND the first picture doesn't seem "unpainted" but to be from a diff wall - no closet - WHY continue to not believe her? IMO, the evidence points in her favor, so what the heck is up with the struggle to find reasons to accuse her and what not??? Always the jump to run people off... :nono:, or heckle them, out someone, or whatever it is people imagine they are doing. :rolleyes:

IMO, in the first pic she is significantly past SL. At that angle my hair would look NL. Hers looks APL to me in that pic, even though it's impossible to tell. Again, I just don't get what's up with the immediate pouncing and badgering. Leave people alone.

It's just as hard to say she's posing as it is to say whether or not she's BSL.
I think when she said she was dark, she may have meant it would be hard to see the ends of her hair. Iono. That's the only thing I can come up with.

Either way, I think your hair looks pretty in both pics you posted Musicachic. I think you're full APL and close to BSL.
Some of you are truly a trip. There's no need to make the OP feel bad. If you couldn't honestly answer the question, there was no need to post in the thread. Keep your nasty two cents to yourself.
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