Well-Known Member
Thanks to my consistent moisturizing and sealing, my hair was was ridiculously moisturized. Like... It has never felt so soft yet strong during a wash day so I decided to flat iron my hair for the date. Andddd it was totally worth it. Putting extra moisturizer and a heavy oil on my hair the night before helped A LOT.
I felt sexy and I could tell it definitely boosted my confidence and flirtiness. I'm still looking forward to getting a trim on Friday.
@Jace032000 the date went extremely well! He took me to a really nice sushi restaurant and ordered SO MUCH FOOD--I guess he was trying to impress me. Afterwards we played pool (my suggestion) and we shared a steamy goodnight kissHe already asked me out ago for next Monday (it's his day off). Woohoo!

Gurrrllll I see you posted this at 0330 AM! LOL! Must've been a really good night. I'm so glad you had a really good time--and a follow-up date!!