Well-Known Member
thank you! this creamy recipe you state sounds lovely!!! do tou have te measurements? or can i find it anywhere? id like to try this out.
im sorry but is shea moisture a brand? do you happen to have a link of it?
i hear so much " shea moisture " but i dont know what it is
coolsista-paris, start with:
1/2 cup of unrefined white or yellow shea butter or 100% shea butter
1/4 cup of aloe vera gel
2 tbs of coconut oil and/or olive oil depending on your preference.
Soften the shea butter by microwaving for about 30 secs or warming over a water bath. Its ok if it melts completely. Once it's soft add the aloe vera gel and coconunt oil. Mix by hand or with a hand mixer on low speed. Pour in a container with a lid and let settle. Store in a cool dry place.
Here's a link to Shea Moisture products I just love their system. Enjoy!



~Current hair length: BSL first time!! WooHoo!!
~Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Loc'd: Natural
~Goal month: Dec. 2013 for BSL, Feb-Mar. 2014 for MBL
~Post a beginning picture: Starting Dec. 1, 2013