BSL+ ladies: A few questions


Well-Known Member
Firstly, I apologize in advance if this has been asked before. If there is a similar thread, please post the link.

Anyhoo, for those of you that are BSL, Midback, WL, etc:

1) What was your starting length?

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal?

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal?

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?

Thank you in advance :).
Not sure if you want to hear from me. I grew my hair out over several years as a natural and relaxed in September 2004.l
1) What was your starting length? at the time I was relaxed I had midback length. I lost a lot of length due to using pantene, cantu products, my lack of knowledge/patience, scissor happy stylist and trying to grow out no lye ends after switching to lye relaxers in 2005.

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? I don't really have a set goal, just to at least get back to midback. I trimmed every/every other relaxer until this past July. I am now trimming as needed. My last trim was after 3 months in September and I only needed to get 1/4 inch cut.

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal?n/a, but I will trim when I need it. Healthy ends are a must.

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?
My hair was healthy, but dry from no lye relaxers
1) What was your starting length? I started just above BSL

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? I get trims regularly, I would say every 3 or 4 months.

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal?
I trim away split ends as needed, not done to reach goals but to keep hair healthy.

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started? inbetween. I saw immediate results when I stopped blow drying and flat ironing weekly. Biotin was the major contributor to my growth from BSL to MBL, I was stuck at MBL for almost a year until I finally decided to get serious about growing it long.
1) What was your starting length? I was a little past SL when I started in October 2006.

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? Yes, I did. I got my hair trimmed every 3 to 4 months or so.

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal? About 3.

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?
My hair was pretty healthy when I started but, it was just a little dry from the color I had in it.
1) What was your starting length? I was at BSL 2 years ago because I cut off 8-10 inches.

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? Nope. Only the occasional dusting or search and destroy.

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal?

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started? At BSL it wasn't horribly damaged, just dry from color.
Firstly, I apologize in advance if this has been asked before. If there is a similar thread, please post the link.

Anyhoo, for those of you that are BSL, Midback, WL, etc:

1) What was your starting length? APL

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? I had one trim prior to joining LHCF.

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal? 1 inch but afterwards I have not cut or trimmed my hair since 06

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started? My hair was realatively healthy

Thank you in advance :).

I am not at my goal but very close.

Anyhoo, for those of you that are BSL, Midback, WL, etc:

1) What was your starting length? After the big chop, my hair was above shoulder length.

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? After I cut all the relaxed ends/damage, I did not trim or cut anymore. It's been over two years now. I have done S&D, but rarely find any splits.

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal? N/A

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?
Well, I cut off all of the processed ends and damage, so it was healthy at that point.
Thank you soo much for responding ladies. More responses are definitely welcome. Please keep 'em coming:grin:!
Firstly, I apologize in advance if this has been asked before. If there is a similar thread, please post the link.

Anyhoo, for those of you that are BSL, Midback, WL, etc:

1) What was your starting length? Just above bra strap

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? Yes, in the last year I have trimmed probably about 3"

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal?

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?
My hair wasn't as healthy due to all the coloring and blowdrying that I'd been doing.

Thank you in advance :).

Reaching my hair goal hasn't been hard. It just took consistency and patience.
Anyhoo, for those of you that are BSL, Midback, WL, etc:

1) What was your starting length? Just below SL

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? Yes.

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal? I got one trim in November 2006, and may not trim again until I reach my final goal of HBL, one year from now. I'll see...

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started? My hair was damaged (overprocessed) when I first started, hence the trim in November.
1) What was your starting length? I started out with SL relaxed hair and gradually cut it until I was completely natural.

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? Yes, I cut a substantial amount of hair throughout my transition and after I was natural.

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal? Well, I had to to first trim off all the relaxed hair...which was about 12 inches or so. After I was 100% natural I had about four 1"to 1.5" trims before I hit BSL. I've only trimmed once since hitting BSL.

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?
My hair was damaged when it was relaxed. But for the most part it was healthy once I became natural and got all the dead hair cut off.
1) What was your starting length? I was about 3" above BSL.

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? Not really. I trimmed about an inch off once, but other than that, I was dusting every 10 weeks or so. I can't remember the last time I had a trim though...I'm planning to do an aggressive trim in December.

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal? Just one. See above.

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?
I'd say it was in between. It wasn't the healthiest hair in the world, but it certainly wasn't breaking or damaged. A few tweaks to my regimen quickly turned my hair into the head of hair I had always wanted.

Good luck to you! :)
1) What was your starting length?
Just touching my shoulders

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? Yes

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal? Maybe 2-3 a year. I had one big trim last year. I wanted one those blunt cuts from the Egyptian paintings, but with swoop bangs. Recently I chopped off about 3-4" because they were too thin at the ends.

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?
When I started I had just been relaxed for 2yrs and had dark blonde-tawny highlights through most of my hair. I flat ironed every weekend or blow dried. I didn't realize how much damage I was doing. My hair had just begun to show the breakage from the heat/bleach combo when I started on this site.
1) What was your starting length? SL or slightly above in September 2006

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? Yes

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal? I did the 365 day challenge first so I did not trim at all but once that was over I trimmed about 3 or 4 times since then

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?It was healthy because I had just had a blunt cut done before I found the hair boards so all the damaged hair was gone.
1) What was your starting length?Between SL and APL
2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal? I got a big cut in November 07' to even things up a bit, but haven't gotten one since.
3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal? When i got my trim in November it was between sl and apl and i just let it grow from there
4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started? I'd say it was in pretty good shape. Not the healthiest hair but it wasn't exactly breaking off in clumps either. I believe reducing my trimmings was one of the big contributors to my growth.
1) What was your starting length?
Shoulder Lengt

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal?
Yeah twice

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal?

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?
In Between
1) What was your starting length?

I started in March 2006 at APL, however my hair was so messed up and after a couple months of trying to salvage it, I cut it to SL in May 2006.

2) Did you trim or cut prior to reaching your goal?

Yes, I have had 2 big chops. May 2006 & December 2007

May 2006- Was cause my hair was broken & dead
Dec 2007- Because I wanted a blunt/even cut, I wanted to get rid of my "V"

3) If yes to #2, approx how many cuts or trims did it take to get to your goal?

I dont trim. I did in 2006, but not since then.

4)Was your hair healthy, damaged or in between when you started?

Badly damaged! Heat abuse. lol