BSL&beyond ladies who self relax...


New Member
im currently thinking about self-relaxing because at my touchup last week i had a horrible experience,in my 2years of having relaxed hair ive never ever burned but last week i went to a dominican salon and i kept telling the stylist[while trying to hold back tears] that my scalp was on fire :couchfire:but all she did was nod,spray some of that stupid olive oil sheen spray ,and went back to talking to some other chick in the room:nono:. Fortunately my hair&my scalp came out fine[i have no burns/scabs and my hair wasnt over processed] but im not trying to re-live that ever again.

I know there are a lot of threads about self-relaxing&ive been reading through them,however because my hair is almost WL i want to know if theres anything you long haired ladies do also thinking about transitioning to tex-laxed. id greatly appreciate any advice
I know some ladies do the half and half relaxer method...bumping

(ETA just to clarify I don't self-relax)
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I know some ladies do the half and half relaxer method...bumping

I wish i could help but i dont do anything out of the norm.

thankyou allicat, i was thinking about doing the half&half just really worried that because my hair is so long&thick that i may end up spending too much time in one section and over processing.

toy, do you use the half&half method to relax your hair?
No i put my hair in four ponytails working from the back first then to the front working as fast as i could to get the whole process done in 25 minutes my hair dont take well anymore with the normal process time of 18-20 mins i think thats what it is.
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Hi self relaxer checkin in,

I always protect my previously relaxed hair with oil...some women use vaseline, conditioner, etc. I use my fingers to apply the relaxer to my newgrowth that way i can feel what I'm doing and i always part m hair in four sections.
I'm glad everything turned out ok.

I've done both, relaxing in halves and relaxing the whole head in one 20 minute session. Even though relaxing in one session is hurried, I really prefer to do it this way just to get it over with. But I would recommend watching MsKibibi's self relaxing videos on youtube. She relaxes in halves and shows how she keeps the other half dry and how she applies her relaxer.
I've been self relaxing since I was 14 years old. I put coconut or olive oil on my length to protect it if some relaxer gets on it, because it usually does. Sometimes I will get my grandma to relax the back and I do the front, but if she isn't able to, I do it all myself, which takes about 35 minutes. It makes it easier and faster if I have my hair flat ironed beforehand so it's not too thick and all over the place.
I do mine in sections and base heavily. I apply oil and condish to my length before rinsing out the relaxer of each section. I neutralize for a LONG time. I texlax (mix oil into the relaxer and wash each section out after 5 mins). I also only touch up 2 or 3 times a year. I deep condition after the whole process.

I use a lye relaxer.
I apply chi silk infusion to my length and a little conditioner.

I texlax in four sections. I heavily base my scalp. I add oil and conditioner to my LYE relaxer and that helps slow the process down.

I do this 2-4 times a year. This year I'll only do it twice. :) This last texlax was my last one until December/January. (I think)