BSL and Longer Ladies: May I Please Feature You?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I'm looking to feature long haired ladies (whether relaxed or natural) on my blog.
If you're interested either respond here and I'll PM you the questions and the email address to submit your pics to, or you can PM me.

Looking forward to featuring your lovely heads of hair!



Hey girls. For all interested please send the answers to these questions as well as 3-5 pics of your hair to me at [email protected]

Tell us a bit about you: (this can be name/age/location/occupation/u can even shout out ur business or blog if you have one etc...)

What's your current hair status: (length, relaxed/natural etc)

What is your current regimen?

How long have you be on your healthy hair journey?

What is your hair goal?

What are your favorite products and why?

What one product/technique/tip has turned your hair around? (if any)

What is your #1 tip for growing long healthy hair?

Thanks so much for participating!
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Awh... I would have loved to do it. I got a hair cut back in January 1 to just grazing BSL. I should be full BSL now, but I don't have any recent length check pics and I'm also currently weaved up :(
I'm hoping to finally be BSL In Julyish also. Hopefully sooner as I just got a sew in.
Sounds cool!
Hey girls. For all interested please send the answers to these questions as well as 3-5 pics of your hair to me at [email protected]

Tell us a bit about you: (this can be name/age/location/occupation/u can even shout out ur business or blog if you have one etc...)

What's your current hair status: (length, relaxed/natural etc)

What is your current regimen?

How long have you be on your healthy hair journey?

What is your hair goal?

What are your favorite products and why?

What one product/technique/tip has turned your hair around? (if any)

What is your #1 tip for growing long healthy hair?

Thanks so much for participating!