What is your goal date for BSL?
What brings you to this challenge/whats your length story?
Full BSL is now my ultimate goal and I am really close to reaching it
Whats your current length?
I am about 0.5-1 in from BSL, about 1.5-2 inches from full BSL
Whats your reggie/What are you doing to make it to BSL? ( ie. Protective styling, low heat, stretching relaxers, vitamins, etc)
I have a pretty simple regimen, I wash/dc every 2 weeks (except for when my hair is straight). I will keep my hair braided for 2 months and redo the braids every 2 weeks, and I will flat iron every 2 months, which will be in:
What do you plan to do once you make BSL? (ie. treat urself to a flat iron or blow out and swang it til u get whiplash, wear it out more, stay disciplined and focused on MBL and WL, etc)
I will definitely wear it out more and just maintain it
I don't have a starting pic yet