Broken Hairs (what’s An “acceptable” Amount?)


Well-Known Member
This is more of a share your thoughts/opinions.

Of course the answer we all want and would most likely reply: None. Zero. Nada.

However broken hairs....happen. Sometimes regardless of how gentle you are, and sometimes due to us not being gentle enough. Sometimes due to protein or moisture overload, and sometimes to health reasons or the weather.

But let’s assume (which I’m sure we all are anyways) that we are all on top of our regimens, or working towards revising or getting back on track with our regimens.

What’s an acceptable amount of broken hairs, per day, per week, and even per month if you’re being mindful?

Note: when I say acceptable, I mean broken hairs that would not otherwise interfere with length retention, or to where it’s not noticeable.

Second Note: Everyone’s opinions are valid, and be sure to be kind and considerate to one another. Pleeeeaaaassseeeee.

Share your thoughts and opinions!

For me, I find 1-5 broken hairs a week to be an acceptable amount. And 10+ broken hairs a week to be a red flag. Be it from whatever I mentioned above or something not yet mentioned.
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Hair is going to break every time you thoroughly comb it. Its inevitable. The size of the combs you use, and how often you comb your hair will determine how much is going to break each week. If a person using a wide tooth comb might only see a few broken hairs and shed hairs.... but if she were to thoroughly comb through the hair with a smaller tooth comb she would see much more shed and broken hairs because the smaller comb will catch each strand.
Hair is going to break every time you thoroughly comb it. Its inevitable. The size of the combs you use, and how often you comb your hair will determine how much is going to break each week. If a person using a wide tooth comb might only see a few broken hairs and shed hairs.... but if she were to thoroughly comb through the hair with a smaller tooth comb she would see much more shed and broken hairs because the smaller comb will catch each strand.

Yes I understand that.

I’m just asking what other ladies think is an acceptable amount from their own personal experiences.
I'd say around 1-5 is about right per wk. I only detangle on wash day which is once a wk and I notice that many through the whole process including styling. I'd rather have none though and have been working towards lowering that number.
My hair is in twist most of the time. I normally take my twist down after about 12 or so days of being in twist. When I take it down, I may see anywhere from 5-10 broken hairs and another 10+ on wash day. It's a little hard to determine whats broken hairs and whats shedded hair on wash, I could be off on that number. Honestly, unless I noticed excessive shedding or breaking I don't really pay any attention. Excessive to me is little broken pieces of hair all over the place along with noticeable thinning ends etc. As a stylist when I was working in the salon doing ALL hair types I would say on the average healthy head regardless of hair type, there would be anywhere from 10-20 broken hairs, probably a little more because it's impossible to catch them all...and this would be for a service that would include wash, blow dry...complete detangling. I feel that a lot of us do not completely detanging our hair often enough to get a true number.
Im terrible I guess. I dont inspect to see if its broken or shed. Im sure I break way more hairs attempting to finger comb than using my shower comb.