What is an acceptable amount of breakage?

how much breakage is acceptable to you?

  • ABSOLUTELY NONE! are you crazy???

    Votes: 26 17.4%
  • I see a little bit every now and then.. but I'm okay with it

    Votes: 88 59.1%
  • I see a lot of breakage.. but I'm still working on my routine

    Votes: 29 19.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 4.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
D.Lisha ~ I'm going to go out on a limb here (not really because I believe what I'm about to type) that what you are showing us is more than likely a combination of shed hairs and broken hairs.

I can't speak for anyone else but my shed hairs consistently get tangled in my other hairs and that is where most of my breakage comes from.
D.Lisha ~ I'm going to go out on a limb here (not really because I believe what I'm about to type) that what you are showing us is more than likely a combination of shed hairs and broken hairs. I can't speak for anyone else but my shed hairs consistently get tangled in my other hairs and that is where most of my breakage comes from.

Bigmommah:Now THIS makes sense to me. And if that IS the case...then I don't feel so bad about that amount.
Thanks for the insight chick!
Now ladies, be 100% real with me on this:
last night was my weekly co-wash night, I decided to take pics to track how much hair I was loosing during my detangling sessions.
Attached below are pictures depicting the amount of hair I lost LAST WEEK during my weekly wash:

These are pictures of the hair I lost LAST NIGHT after detangling:

I asked my SO last night if he could tell a difference between the two pictures, this was his answer:
"It looks like the same amount of hair..just the hair in the second picture looks more 'balled up' than the first picture......":look:...like he is aboslutely NO help at all!!
So ladies now i want to ask YALL if yall can see a noticeable difference between these sets of pictures.
I don't want to feel like i'm delusional here! lol.
I get breakage all the time. I know what is too much by looking at it. There will always be some degree of breakage I don't care how well you take care of your hair.....especially those with very long length....those strands are very very old on the ends.

^^^ hi, long time lurker, recent subscriber
I'm glad you said that- all to often people act like they never get breakage. How do they know it's not breakage? Do they examine each and every strand? That's for being real, it stops people like me from being discouraged

I agree, i see a lot of people act like they never have a broken or a shed hair. Im sorry but i dont believe there is a such thing as anti-breakage hair. Yes it can be discouraging to hear it but dont get discouraged because some degree of breakage is totally normal, as long as it's not excessive. Normal breakage will not hinder your hair growth either. I have always had breakage during my journey and still retained.

I don't think anyone said that they didn't get any breakage. I just said that I don't feel that it is acceptable. Actually, I do examine quite a bit of the hairs that come off of my head, especially the shorter than normal ones. If I do think that my hair is experiencing breakage, it means that I haven't been caring for it as I should. I will try to figure out why it is weakened and try to correct the problem. Yes, breakage happens, but it can also be minimized to the point that it isn't noticed.

Actually i see people say it a lot around the boards, not just this thread and they give newbies the impression that they are not supposed to see one hair break ever. It is going to happen weather acceptable or not and i dont think its always because of neglect. Now if its excessive breakage thats a problem but dont ever expect for there to be none at all.

Thank you ladies for this dialogue. I won't respond to each of you separately but wanted to mention that as a semi-newbie, I feel that people make it seem like breakage should not occur. While most of them are probably only trying to say that breakage will occur but is unacceptable because no wants breakage, it really doesn't come across that clear. To me as a newbie, their message comes across as saying no breakage should occur. Now that I've been on the board for almost a year, I now know that some breakage will occur no matter how well you take care of your hair.
Thank you ladies for this dialogue. I won't respond to each of you separately but wanted to mention that as a semi-newbie, I feel that people make it seem like breakage should not occur. While most of them are probably only trying to say that breakage will occur but is unacceptable because no wants breakage, it really doesn't come across that clear. To me as a newbie, their message comes across as saying no breakage should occur. Now that I've been on the board for almost a year, I now know that some breakage will occur no matter how well you take care of your hair.
I also think that the thread title is a bit misleading. IMO, it dosen't really matter what is acceptable.....there are a lot of things that aren't acceptable to us as far as hair goes. My ssk's aren't acceptable at all to me but I'm still gonna get them! lol. In everyone's mind yea...breakage is unacceptable because like you said, they don't want it but it's definitely not a normal or realistic expectation.
Now ladies, be 100% real with me on this:
last night was my weekly co-wash night, I decided to take pics to track how much hair I was loosing during my detangling sessions.
Attached below are pictures depicting the amount of hair I lost LAST WEEK during my weekly wash:
View attachment 99787View attachment 99789

These are pictures of the hair I lost LAST NIGHT after detangling:
View attachment 99791View attachment 99793

I asked my SO last night if he could tell a difference between the two pictures, this was his answer:
"It looks like the same amount of hair..just the hair in the second picture looks more 'balled up' than the first picture......":look:...like he is aboslutely NO help at all!!
So ladies now i want to ask YALL if yall can see a noticeable difference between these sets of pictures.
I don't want to feel like i'm delusional here! lol.
I think they all look about the same?:perplexed I'm not too sure lol. Are you trying to find out if it's normal shedding?
I agree, i see a lot of people act like they never have a broken or a shed hair. Im sorry but i dont believe there is a such thing as anti-breakage hair. Yes it can be discouraging to hear it but dont get discouraged because some degree of breakage is totally normal, as long as it's not excessive. Normal breakage will not hinder your hair growth either. I have always had breakage during my journey and still retained.
I agree. Only when I had less than 1/2" of hair did I have no breakage, and yet, my hair still reached hip length quickly. Breakage happens.